Maiden Of The Splitting Moon

Chapter 341 - Under The Glaring Moonlight

Chapter 341 - Under The Glaring Moonlight

"Why not just fight?" 

Ming Yue looked at Ling Xue, curiously.

With how she had reacted to Mu Jing, Ming Yue had beleived that Ling Xue would've fought to kill them. 

"Like me, Mu Jing is also a princess but of the Mu Clan. Unlike me, she has been pampered all her life. As annoying as she is, killing her outright would start a bloody war between the two clans. For now, we're only skirmishing with each other and the main goal is the secret realm. After all, an all out battle would incur severe losses to both clans and that is something neither sides want."

"So an ambush like before would have worked?" Ming Yue spoke with doubt.

Such an underhanded method would suffice but killing them right now would start a battle? She found it rather silly. 

"You don't understand. If I died in that ambush, I would only be considered lost or missing and the Yao Clan would not move without concrete evidence", said Ling Xue, "Furthermore, are you confident that we can kill them and leave no witnesses? This place is under surveillance by both clans, attacking here is akin to foolishness."

Ming Yue went silent, contemplating the situation. With every passing second, things became more and more complicated as she went deeper into the affairs of these two clans. 

"Ah, I should stop. I'm not here to interfere with the two clans. The Tao Feng is the goal" she thought. 

Looking at the swirling pool of energy in front of her, she watched as Ling Xue stepped in calmly. 

"Do not be afraid but be prepared, the realm will test you as soon as you step in", she said, entering the portal. 

Ming Yue looked and walked in as well. 

Her sight was covered, surrounded by darkness and for a few moments, there was silence. Then, she was blown back a rush of crimson light as a wild, demonic energy flowed out. She raised her hands up, covering her face as she stood upon an empty plain from which a bright ruby-colored eye rose up from the void. 

Its light showering her and then the test began. In that moment, Ming Yue clutched her head tightly as her own voice began to shout inside her mind. It was vicious and wild as this other voice of hers shouted madly, it shouted to kill. 

"Kill! Kill them! Kill them all! None of them deserve to live! Their lives are meaningless! Kill everyone! Kill everything! Kill! Crush! Break! Shatter! Destroy!"

She felt a splitting headache, groaning from the pain.

"Urgh. Resist it! Don't let it... take over your mind!"

Xue Yue struggled to speak as she too felt that same pain. After all, she was a part of Ming Yue's consciousness. There was no doubt that she too would be affected. 

"Fight back that urge. That desire to kill will mean your death!" she continued. 

Despite her talks of battle and killing others, that was different compared to what was currently happening. Xue Yue would not agree with any of it. 

This was Ming Yue's pure desire to kill. It was utterly mindless as there was only the thought of murdering. It was different to Xue Yue, born from the desire to survive even if it meant to kill. 

Even with her words of encouragement, Ming Yue found it hard to contain it. The sheer scale and chaos of this murderous hunger took her by surprise as was the sudden eruption of it. 

"Kill them! None of them should live! I must kill them! I must! I must!"

She groaned and twisted under the pressure of it all. With every passing moment, it only grew harder and harder to resist.

"Agh, no!"

Ming Yue shouted out as she looked at and stared at the massive eye above her. Its gaze drilling into her very core. 

"I do not kill for sport! I do not kill without reason! This is not me!"

The shouting voice within her faltered as she pushed back, focusing on herself. As this happened, she continued to face the eye-shaped moon, standing tall and not faltering. Then she saw it. 

Through the wild energy the moon gave off, she found a place of peace within it, stillness. Through all of that murderous intent, she discovered the calmness within herself, within her heart and mind, within her very soul. She found that small spot of serenity. 

The voice suddenly stopped as the ruby-colored eye flashed with a bright light. 

And then it turned silent as Ming Yue found herself standing next to Ling Xue, who just turned around. Looking into her eyes, Ling Xue gave a small smile. 

"Good, you passed the test."

Ming Yue looked at her before looking down, seeing Hei Yue and Xiao Yin look at her slightly confused. She then looked around, seeing the same view as before as well as that very ruby-colored eye looking down from above. 

She looked at it, finding it eerie. In fact, being here felt very strange to her, as if there was a slight tingling in her body. 

"That test, it was quite terrifying", she said.

"Indeed, that was what the other three said as well. Although compared to them, you're not exactly drenched in sweat", Ling Xue replied and began to walk. 

"What was the purpose of that test? Why does it test only outsiders?" Ming Yue asked. 

"It is a method of making sure that these outsiders are able to endure the environment of this realm. After all, the Realm of the Red Eyed Moon is fit for only the Mu and Yao Clans. As for the test, I do not have the specifics but it tests your bloodthirstiness and whether you can control yourself", Ling Xue explained. 

"Is that so..."

Ming Yue thought back to the test, finding it both terrifying but enlightening. She could control herself, her mental state was strong enough. Knowing that made her feel a bit of glee. 

"Let's go. The third key is over there."

Ling Xue pointed in front of them where a mountain stood. On its peak, was a shining white light as it could only be the third key of the Heaven Slayer.

As they made their way towards it, Mu Jing and her guards entered as well. She saw Ling Xue's group walking towards the mountain. 

"Hmph, so she's going for the third key again. I'd like to see her try this time. Protectors, send a message to Tie Ja, he may find interest in killing them", she ordered. 

They looked at each other before looking at her. 

"Princess, are you sure? This is Tie Ja, one of the Three Kings of Kong Zhi's army, Ironclad Tie Ja", they asked. 

"Just do it! Even if her face is ugly, her body isn't. I'm sure he will be interested in it. Not to mention, that girl she was with too. I'm sure, these two would be enough to tempt him. I'm tired of Ling Xue stifling me like this. How dare her come out of the woodworks and call herself a princess! I am the only princess here!"

She laughed wickedly, as her protectors carried out her orders. 

Off into a distance was a thin but muscular demon leading a small group of other demons. He looked at them before looking at the mountain in front of him. A tall and imposing peak that which had a single pair of stairs narrow enough for only one person to step on. 

"So the third key to controlling this place is up there. Damn it, this is too annoying to deal with."

He grunted before turning to his men. josei

"Alright you fucking weaklings, we're going to climb this stupid mountain and get the key. Once we do it, we're getting out of this place."

His word was of a lazy tone, full of annoyance for having to do this much. 

"Ugh, I wish I could raid a village or one of the forts instead of this", he muttered. 

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