Making the second male lead fall in love with me, the villainess

Chapter 345 - 342

Chapter 345 - 342: Movements III

Chapter 345 - 342: Movements III

"Don't worry too much, Georgina, everything will be fine." Grand duke Charles tried to calm his wife who was filled with worry.

Georgina nodded her head. Yesterday evening, she tried to visit the palace to meet with her brother, but she has been told that the king was not accepting visits from anyone. Thus, in the end, she had to return home. She was filled with worry.

Charlton looked at his parents. Then, he looked at the sky which was gray-white and sunless. It seems like it's going to rain later. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. Why was this sequence of event happening now? Couldn't it have a better timing?

"Let's go." His father announced.

"Yes, father." Charlton answered.

The two of them entered the same car. Their ride was shared in silence.


Upon arrival at the gates of the palace, Charlton and his father alighted from their car to walk towards the house of lords. Other peers were already present in the palace grounds. Some greeted them like nothing was wrong, while some dared not approach.

After a while, everyone started taking their position in the lines. Charlton took his and soon after, Leonard arrived to take his in front of him.

"Leonard." He called.

Leonard glared but chose to ignore him. It would not do to commit murder in the palace grounds.

"Listen." Charlton said as he moved a little closer. "I don't know if you've noticed but I'm worried about Serena… she's been strange these days. I am not sure but someone in your house might be…"

Leonard clenched his fist to control his temper. After this asshole played with his sister's heart, he's now trying to put the blame in his house. He wanted nothing more than to…

Thankfully, the gong was hit thrice. The doors to the house of lords were opened and in two lines, everyone began to enter.


When the king entered, a dozen of palace guards came in with him. After he sat on his throne, the guards walked towards the grand duke of Suffox. The head palace guard opened a roll of parchment.

"Grand duke Charles Daniel of Suffox, you have been accused of the crime treason on the grounds of colluding with the rebels and we have received sufficient evidence to merit a trial. In this regard, we request that you stand behind the dock for the proceedings." The head guard read in a loud booming voice. Then, two guards walked forward as if to restrain the grand duke.

"I can walk myself." Charles said as he walked towards the dock.

Charlton can feel his heart booming in his chest and his stomach turned. It is as they feared.

Since Charles was the grand duke, the juries of the case would be the dukes and royal dukes. The king on the other hand was the one to pass the final judgement. The 7 dukes, and 7 royal dukes stood behind their seats at the long table while, the minister of Justice, royal duke Stephan William, had to take the seat on the other end which was right below the king's throne. He was the one to interrogate, and cross examine.

Anyway, the vice minister of justice, Christopher Cross, stood from his seat. He was to act as the bailiff. The house speaker moved and let him stand on the platform.

"Vice minister Cross, please swear the jury." Stephan instructed as the presiding judge.

"Please raise your right hand. Do you solemnly swear that you will truly listen to this case and render true verdict as to this defendant?" Christopher said.

The duke and royal dukes followed and said, 'yes, I swear.'

With that, each of them started to take their seats.

"Please swear in the defendant." Stephan instructed.

"Grand duke of Suffox, please raise your right hand." Christopher said this time.

Charles raised his right hand.

"Do you swear to tell the truth, the whole truth, and nothing but the truth?"

"I swear." Charles answered.

"Then, we can now start the prosecution." Stephan said.

Since Grand duke Charles was accused with a capital offense, there was no need to present witnesses. The Juror had to ask questions based on evidence.

Now, one thing to note was that, in cases during this time, there was no presumption of innocence and no right to remain silent. Defendants, who in this case was Charles, were expected to disprove evidence presented against them and establish their innocence.

The initial questions thrown to Charles were mostly inquisitive in nature. He was able to answer everything quickly.

Charlton felt that everything was going well. Until a piece of document was presented, and he saw the miniscule change in his father's expression.

"Do you recognize this document?" Stephan asked.

"I have not seen its content thus I cannot say." Charles answered.

"Then, please see it for closer inspection." Stephan said as he passed the document to one of the aids and it was given to Charles.

Charles received it and sifted through the document which contained names and signatures. He took a deep breath. He tried hard not to look at Charlton's direction.

"The people in Grindel at that time were only suspected rebels and were thus, still law-abiding citizens of our kingdom. On the account of radicals planning to rebel, there have been no civil war during that time. Although I admit that I did not follow order, there's no ground to use this against me and say that this was treason." Charles defended.

However, his defense fell on deaf ears. Everyone knew that while treason was technically plotting the death of the king, plotting to reform their government through forceful means was also akin to that. It metonymically implies threatening the king as the figure for the government as a whole.

"Thus, you are saying that the document is true?" Stephan asked.

"Yes." Charles answered.

"Then, if so, you have lied, forged a document submitted on that year regarding the supplies?"


"In line with this, then, let me ask, did you know the people behind the radical faction?"

"Only Marquess Yvonne Libertine who has already passed two decades ago."

The king scoffed. Obviously knowing that him only knowing Libertine was a lie.

"Then, that is all. Members of the jury, you have heard all the facts of this trial. Please use the piece of paper in front of you to write your verdict. Let me remind you that as jurors, you can not be swayed by your sympathy."

Charlton felt his hand shaking. It was clear as day that the outcome was in the negative.

After a while, the papers were handed to minister, and he looked through each and every one. He tallied it and after he began to speak. As expected, the grand duke, with a vote count of 10-4, was found guilty.

Now, it was the turn of the king to pass judgement. josei

Everyone in the room was tense and waiting.

Charlton could not keep himself seated. He would never let his father he judged this way. Not before his very eyes. "Your Majesty, please grant mercy."


On one side, the Marquess smirked. Everything was going according to plan.



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