Manaless Mage

Chapter 46 Huge Increase!

Chapter 46 Huge Increase!

He had gotten a new skill. He wasn't really expecting to learn a new skill but there was no way he would complain about it.

This was a new discovery for him, it seemed he didn't just have to wait for the system to unlock or grant skills to him but he could also unlock new skills through his own actions.


Energy Control

—Level 1

—Control your energy.

[The skill level is too low. The host is advised to upgrade and level up the skill.]


Harry wasn't surprised by the system's vague description. Besides he already understood the skill even as it was self-explanatory.

Harry didn't activate the skill immediately though, he cut off all his thoughts and all form of distraction and focused on the white flame.

It was a lot easier this time as it didn't take long for him to feel the familiar sensation of his heart beat slowing and all other sound becoming s.

'Activate Energy control…' Harry mumbled inwardly. The moment he activated the skill, he felt more in tune with the flame. Unlike the last time, maintaining the connection was very easy as the skill simply did the difficult parts for him.

Harry first stirred the flame slowly before moving a small part of it to his left hand.

He could feel a familiar prickling and refreshing sensation spreading around his left hand, he was barely holding back the urge to moan. It felt even more concentrated than when he was evolving.

He could also feel the strength in his left hand slightly increase as his arm thickened a bit. The increase wasn't too much but Harry was still happy about it.

Just like combat mages actively used mana to boost their strength, it meant he could also boost his strength with his energy.

He could even increase his speed. If he moved the flame to his legs, his speed would definitely increase as he would be able to shoot out with more power.

He planned on testing out his strength limit at the training centre after he was done at the Lightning hall. He couldn't showcase his 'spells' to the academy yet but he could still test his strength.

Although, controlling his energy did became a lot more easier due to the skill 'energy control', there were still a few things that were quite difficult for him to do with it.

While he could easily move the energy around his chest and his arms, it was a lot harder to move it to his legs and fingertips.

He wasn't really worried about this as he knew it was simply because 'energy control' was still a level one skill, his control over his energy would definitely improve as the skill levelled up.josei

Besides, he could simply level it up manually by practicing and learning more about his energy.

Meanwhile the instructress kept staring at him. Out of all the students in the hall, her attention was mainly focused on Harry.

The speed at which Harry was drawing mana was just too fast, it was as if all the mana in the air were rushing towards him. Even his foundation was developing at a pace that could be considered too rapid.

'At this rate, he would probably breakthrough to the first mana core stage in… weeks.' She mumbled inwardly. Even the thought of it seemed astonishing. If someone had told her someone could ever have that amount of talent, she would have never believed.

Harry then canceled Energy Control. His chest rose slightly as low pants left his lips.

Although controlling his energy didn't require any physical strain, it did put some mental strain on his mind.

Fortunately, his mental stat was quite high so it didn't really affect him.


Harry was currently in the training hall, the academy activities were finally over and he now had the time to try out his strength.

Due to his current status in the academy as an Elementalist, he was a lot busier than usual.

His day was also quite boring because most of the time, he was simply seated in the Lightning hall 'drawing' mana.

However, something good did happen today—his energy control levelled up!

While the other Elementalists were busy drawing mana and strengthening their foundation, he was channeling his energy.

Using energy control didn't take any energy points. It was different from his skills where he had to actually expend energy.

Since he was only channeling his energy within his body, his energy points didn't reduce.

It was just like shaking a bottle filled with water without actually pouring the water or opening the bottle, the water would definitely not decrease.

Unlike the last time when he simply came to the centre to complete his quests, this time he wanted to actually test out his strength. In a way, he was here to train.

Luckily, the training room he was currently in was empty. The devices and equipments in this room were used by combat mages to calculate their strength and power output.

Combat mages spent more time in the combat mage hall than both Elementalists and regular students—they always finished their academic activities a lot later.

So Harry made sure he arrived at the room early so he could so what he wanted to do without distractions.

He was standing in front of a punching bag that was positioned on the ground. On top of the bag was a small digital device.

He stared at the long cylindrical black object for a few seconds before finally taking a simple stance.

He placed all his power in his right hand and then punched the punching bag with all his strength.


A loud sound rang out as Harry's fist collided with the bag. The punching bag kept moving for a few seconds due to the force behind the punch.

Harry ignored the black bag and was only focused on the digital device above it that was counting.






The device kept counting until it finally reached 7000!

Harry was quite surprised by the number on the device.

'Wow… I wasn't expecting it to be that high.' Harry thought. Ever since he absorbed the beast core, he had never tested his strength or used his full strength.

His expectation was that it would be about 5000, not 7000. This discovery naturally made him happy.

'Activate Energy control.' He said inwardly. His eyes were open this time, he found no reason to close them as he could simply control his energy through the skill.

Since 'Energy control' only made him control his energy, it wouldn't be the same as when he meditated. He wouldn't be able to 'see' the white flame burning brightly inside him but would only feel it and be in tune with it.

Harry closed his eyes as he moved a part of his energy to his right hand. He tried his best to hold back the urge to moan as he focused on maintaining the flow of the energy in his arm.

He wanted to see the difference between his normal strength and when he boosted it with his energy.

He took the same stance as before and then threw a punch towards the punching bag with all his strength.


A sound a lot louder than before rang out as Harry's fist collided with the bag.

The bag moved backwards before bouncing back forward. It kept rocking back and forth for a few seconds before stopping.

Harry's eyes gleamed with excitement as he watched the numbers on the digital device rise.






It finally stopped at 9500.

'9500… that's definitely a huge increase from 7000.' Harry mumbled inwardly as his mouth slowly curved into a grin.


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