Manaless Mage

Chapter 54 Skill Level Too Low…

Chapter 54 Skill Level Too Low…

'I need to be more careful…' Harry thought. 'Being reckless would bring nothing more then trouble for me.'

Unlike other people, he didn't use mana, neither did he use spells. He was anything but normal.

Though he had a skill that created an illusion of mana flowing within him, it didn't change the fact that he still didn't use mana.

He was currently too weak and acting recklessly could land him in a pile of trouble.

If the world discovered that he could actually cast 'spells' without the use of mana, they could experiment on him or even worse, consider him as a threat or a different race and try to eliminate him—with how weak he was currently, they would probably succeed.

"That's impressive… I've never seen someone channel mana so fast." The instructor said to Harry with a gentle smile on his face.

He had completely forgotten about what happened barely a minute ago and was more impressed about Harry's talent. It was just that astonishing. "However, you still have to practice more, although, you could channel mana fast, there are still some areas you need to improve." He said.

Harry heard the instructor's words, however, he wasn't really listening to it. He was more distracted by his conversation with the other voice.

Though he was still slightly mad at the other voice for withdrawing such information and waiting until that crucial moment before telling him, there wasn't really anything he could do. Besides, arguing with the other voice was points.

'If channeling my energy into the crystal would make it crumble, then how am I supposed to pass this class?' Harry asked the other voice.

[I never said you can't channel your energy into the crystal. The crystal rank is too low so that amount of energy was enough to make it crumble]

'So if i channel… a lower amount of energy, it won't crumble?' Harry asked in slight confusion.

He didn't understand how he could possible channel something smaller than a thin line of energy out of his body.

However, he knew it wouldn't be impossible as it was suggested by the other voice.

[Yes. It all depends on the artefact, this artefact is very weak so it can barely hold your energy. A stronger artefact would be able to hold your energy.]

'So i have to be careful when using low rank artefacts, or else they could crumble…' Harry mumbled inwardly. According to the other voice, rank one artefacts couldn't hold his energy well and he had to be careful with them.

Every artefacts were rank based on its durability and output power, the lowest rank was one and the highest was seven.

[The only thing you could do is channel a very little amount of energy into it. It would be difficult but it's not impossible.]

Harry simply nodded his head slightly with a complicated expression on his face.

It was a weird situation, elementalists often focused on learning how to channel more mana into the crystal, however, he had to do the opposite.


Harry sighed as he slowly opened his eyes. He stared at the crystal in his hand that was glowing with a bright yellow colour.

The bright light slowly dimmed until the crystal reverted to its colourless state. Unlike, the last time, the crystal didn't crack or crumble.josei

He followed the other voice's advice and only channeled a very minuscule amount of energy into the energy. This time, he didn't use five energy points but only two.

It was very difficult at first as it was like trying to see the world through a small needle hole. However, Harry got the hang of it at the end.

It wasn't like he had any choice, if the crystal had crumbled again, the instructor wouldn't be so dumb as to believe it was a coincidence.

The instructor stared at Harry with a gentle smile on his face. Just as he expected, Harry had already learnt everything to learn in this class.

All Harry had to do in order to get to the next class was to pass the promotional examination.

The examination wasn't even difficult as the said student only had to prove that he could draw mana out of his/her body and channel it into the crystal. The only difference was that there would be a time limit, however, the man was sure that Harry would pass the exam.

Though he felt slightly bad that he wouldn't have the chance to watch and tutor such a talented student, he was still happy for Harry.

Meanwhile, Harry was distracted by another thing. He had already completed his elemental classes in the Lightning hall for today and he could take the promotional examination.



—Level 1

Scan a probe an object or a living thing to find out more information.


The skill was basically an inspect skill, however, Harry was curious about the"more information" he could find out by using the skill.

He stared at the crystal in his hand for a few seconds before muttering, "Activate probe."

Immediately he muttered those words, a system panel appeared in front of him.


Rank one Artefact

Name: Dan's Crystal

Durability: 89%

Power: 0

Defence: 15


A slight smile appeared on Harry's face as he read through the system information flashing across his eyes.

Every information his "Probe" skill brought out was correct.

The artefact name "Dan's Crystal" was coined from the name Dan wright. Dan wright was a popular rune master in today's world, he formulated a lot of theories that assisted in the creation and development of more advanced artefacts.

Although he was late, his name and legacies still lived on. Every Elementalist knew the name 'Dan Wright' as his history was taught in magical academies around the globe.

The skill was even able to determine the artefact durability, this alone was astonishing.

Harry wasn't surprised by the zero power and low defence of the crystal, it didn't have any battle qualities and was only used to train an Elementalist's mana control.

Harry took his gaze away from the crystal and then focused it on the instructor.

He was curious to see what information the skill would bring out if he used it on an Elementalist.

'Probe…' He mumbled inwardly.

[Skill Activation Failed!]

[Skill Level too low!]

[Host should level up the skill to scan more powerful objects and people]

A low tsk left Harry's lips as he read the notification in front of him.

He had already expected that the skill levels would be too low to scan someone on the level of an Instructor, however, he still found it quite disappointing.


Hey guys! I'm sorry for not updating for the last five days.

I hope you all haven't forgotten about this wonderful novel(at least, I hope you found it wonderful)

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