
Chapter 177

Chapter 177: Let's Transfer Dragon Spirit

◎ Capital City Deer South, Barnes Dojo, Inner Room

「Like this, I think?」

Kazane fiddled with the parameters on her opened Window.

She dragged and dropped from the displayed Magic Power: 608/625 to the Dragon Spirit: 0/87, which opened a transfer meter, and she maxed it out before pressing the OK button. Then the displayed Status was Magic Power: 521/625 and Dragon Spirit: 87/87. Kazane judged that the transfer was successful and closed the window.josei

「I did it.」

So saying, Kazane threw the black bangle to Yumika. Yumika caught it.

「Thank you.」

Yumika looked at the Dragon Contract Bangle, and she could certainly sense that it now also contained a chilling, yet sublime Dragon Spirit inside instead of just containing the small quantity of crystallized Dragon Spirit it had had before. And with all the students that were at the entrance some time ago watching attentively, Yumika put on the bangle and immediately used Dragonoidization.


And voices of admiration leaked from everyone there.

There were many active duty Dragon Knights among those who went to the dojo, like the instructor Jiraid and the one called the strongest youngster, Dork. But that emphasized how surprised they were at the beauty of her transformation, since they should have been familiar with the appearance changes of Dragonoidization.

Her nails lengthened. Fangs grew. That much was the same as normal Dragonoidization. But unlike the time she used Fornesia's Dragon Spirit, Yumika's hair was a cold blue, as if it was frozen. The same phenomenon occurred to any Dragon Knight who used Dragonoidization while contracted with a blue dragon, so that alone didn't merit their degree of surprise. They were shocked because her entire body was glittering with rainbow light.

「……It's beautiful.」

Dork unintentionally said. Basically, a woman using Dragonoidization was said to exude wild beauty. That was the case for Dork's sister Neibel, and it was the same for Yumika when she transformed with Fornesia's Dragon Spirit. But this transformation was different. Yumika's appearance with her entire body covered with glittering rainbow Dragon Spirit had a sublime, frozen beauty. Kazane felt that it resembled the radiance of a Rainbow Heart. And then she remembered something.

「Ahーbelow changed color before, so I wonder if it has turned blue?」

Those words weren't intended for anyone. She simply blurted out what she was thinking.

But the gazes of the men concentrated on Yumika's crotch.

「Don't, don't loooooook!!!!」

Yumika turned red while covered in blue Dragon Spirit. She would look purple if she was observed from far away. Then Yumika bellowed at Kazane, who started saying「Sorry, sorry,」and one of the men there was stunned for a completely different reason as he watched that cozy (?) scene.

「She's wearing Rainbow...?」

Those were the words of Flashing Radiance Dragon Godo, who was present in his Humanized form. Godo was staring in wonder at the unexpected state of affairs.

As a matter of fact, Godo came to see Kazane, since he heard she could generate Dragon Spirit, and not Yumika's Dragonoidization, but the scene in front of him was unbelievable. He wasn't stunned because Kazane could generate Dragon Spirit. It was because Kazane's Dragon Spirit possessed the『Rainbow Element』.

(The Rainbow element that contains all seven elements except for Darkness. Why did THAT appear when only the Crystal Dragon family can manifest it?)

It was something that usually couldn't be seen. If things go badly... Godo thought, and he came up with an idea.

It was generally thought that since dragons were born from eggs, they couldn't have children with people, but it was actually possible for a dragon to make a child in their Humanized state. Dragons weren't sexually interested in human beings, so it was limited to cases where it was requested by a partner, but there was a race that was in practice human but had dragon blood called Dragonoids. And they were a race that could generate Dragon Spirit like Kazane.

So Godo suspected that Kazane was one of those Dragonoids.

Alternatively, someone who ate dragon meat could sometimes generate Dragon Spirit, but since a Crystal Dragon was made of minerals, it couldn't be eaten by a human. Since that was the case, Rainbow Dragon Spirit could only be generated by a Dragonoid or a Humanized dragon, but the dragon Godo knew that Kazane wasn't a dragon because he couldn't sense those indications, so there was only one answer.

But that caused a different problem. In short: who Kazane was descended from.

It was inherently difficult for Crystal Dragons as a species to possess intellect. They were born from corpses, and they were almost always exterminated quickly due to their scarcity and violent nature, so they didn't have time to acquire intelligence.

At least, as far as Godo knew, there was only one example of a type of Crystal Dragon obtaining intelligence and learning Humanization.

That was God Dragon Emperor Naga. That person (dragon) was the head of the East Dragon Village Zegan.

(No way, does that mean she could be called Naga-sama's lost offspring?)

Godo was astonished by his own thought. But there were merits to that idea. Godo had heard anecdotes about the Ogre Killing Princess. Since she was connected to Jinrai, he often heard things from Cindy, but those girls' achievements so far seemed completely unthinkable for ordinary human beings. But if they also had a dragon's power, he could understand.

And their quest. The details were being concealed, so Godo didn't know their purpose, but he had heard they would be going to the East Dragon Village. Perhaps it was a homecoming hidden as a quest? So Godo guessed. In that manner, Godo one by one filled in the pieces.

(Then, that is to say that the Ogre Killing Princess was really a princess? And a dragon princess at that. Hiding the truth in plain sight?)

And after coming to his own conclusions, Godo looked at Kazane with affectionate eyes.

「Princess, you did your best.」

「Eh? Ok? Thanks?」

Although Kazane's head was filled with question marks at the abrupt remark, she managed to say thanks.

If she was Naga's daughter, then she was the daughter of Godo's king, which made her someone he should also serve. In the first place, the reason Hyvern called itself a dukedom with an archduke as the ruler was because above that ruler was the dragon's king Naga. In that case, Gordo thought Kazane might also be considered above the current archduke.

Although Kazane didn't consider the possibility of such an outrageous misunderstanding and thought he had probably called her Princess because she was called the Ogre Killing Princess.

And without that misunderstanding being solved, Kazane holding Mefirus met up with Emily. She looked like a child holding a stuffed toy while accompanied by her older sister. Even though they were the same age.

◎ Capital Deer South, 13th Street

「Umm, please take care of me. Gramps?」

『Yes. You can rely on me.』

Emily greeted Mefirus along the way. As a matter of fact, it was the first time Emily had directly spoken to Mefirus. Emily was aware that Mefirus wasn't a normal summoned beast, but she still didn't know his true identity. Furthermore, the timing of revealing that identity was currently under discussion.

「Umm, this road is fine, isn't it?」

A somewhat distant large building could be seen ahead of where Kazane was pointing.

『Yes. In my youth I also went to the university using this road.』

「You went there?」

『Well, in those days I was based in Deer South and thought I should acquire as much knowledge as possible. This city is also where I met Jinrai and Louise.』

「Is that so.」

Jinrai was from this country, and it seemed Louise was the former king's mistress, so Mefirus' words led to an aha moment.

『And I went to this university at the same time as the person we're about to meet, Maberit.』

Emily stared in wonder after Mefirus' words.

「Eh, you and Kazane have business with Master Maberit?」

This time, Kazane was surprised at Emily's reaction, but from the word『master』in the conversation, she immediately understood why Emily had stared in wonder.

「This is the first time I've heard the name, but since you said master, is Maberit-san Emily's magic archery teacher?」

Emily nodded after Kazane's question.

「Yeah. But if I remember right, master is also a court architect... ah, is that so? By any chance, the Golem Cottage?」

「That's right... I didn't mention that?」

Kazane tilted her head, but at least in Emily's memory she had only heard that Kazane had business at the university.

『Well, you talked about the university before we arrived at Shirodieh.』

After Mefirus' words, Kazane replied「Now that you mention it, that's right.」Actually, she had talked about adjusting the Cottage in the hospital room yesterday, but Golem talk went in one ear and out the other for Emily.

「Nn, but Gramps should have noticed it was Maberit-san?」

『There aren't many architects that are also magic bow users.』

「Even so.....Nn?」

Kazane started to say something, but she suddenly turned to the side. Mefirus and Emily were confused when they saw the sense of urgency in her expression, and immediately afterwards, the sound of something crashing resounded.

The surrounding people walking along the road were also surprised and looked in the same direction as Kazane. It seemed that something had happened on the neighboring road behind the building that was blocking their vision.


Emily said with a surprised expression, and with the short phrase「I smell blood」Kazane ran toward the sound. Emily reacted late, but she followed Kazane.

And when Kazane and the others reached the scene, an iron plated carriage and horse that appeared to be for transfer use had crashed into a residence and fallen over.

『They're from Hyvern Dukedom's army.』

Mefirus said as he looked at the fallen soldiers.

After checking, the two soldiers who had been guarding the carriage had their throats bitten through and were dead, but the soldier acting as coachman had apparently only been hit in the head, so he was fine. Then that soldier woke up, and he jumped to his feet and shouted「What about that bastard? Where is Ijika?」as he surveyed the surroundings, but it was too late. Everything was over.

Kazane and the others didn't know the name Assassin's Blade Ijika at this point, but it was the name of the man Yumika defeated. It seemed that man had successfully escaped from that place.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword『Black Fang』, Adhesion Sword『Gum』, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 31

Health: 114

Magic Power: 205+420

Strength: 55+10

Agility: 48+4

Endurance: 31

Wisdom : 62

Dexterity : 39

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』

Skill : 『Warrior's Memory』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog’s Sense of Smell』『Golem Maker: Lv3』『Rush』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield』『Information Link』『Optical Camouflage』『Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Placement』『Thunder Chariot』『Sturdier Teeth「Dragon」』『Crystallization「Dragon」』『Fabricated Coercion』『Stone Minotaur』『Mega Beam』『Space Expansion』

Yumika: 「Even though I arrested him at great pains, he was able to escape?」

Kazane: 「Hmm. Hopefully he won't come after Yumika, but...」

Yumika: 「Stop! No more!」

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