
Chapter 180

Chapter 180: Let's Go Shopping

「Dear (Heart Mark).」


The two were lovey dovey. The impression they gave with their appearance was a grandchild cuddling with her grandpa, but a closer look at the strangely seductive placement of their hands changed the grandpa into a lolicon grandpa and upgraded the loli into a lewd loli. Although with an even closer look, it would be understood that the loli was a loli grandma type, and the final answer would settle on them being a couple with a loli preferring grandpa and a loli grandma.

However, for the straight-laced Jinrai, that situation might be fine when it was just the two of them, but he was reluctant when they were in front of other people. Awfully reluctant.

「Ah, they're enjoying themselves over there, so don't worry about it.」

That was referring to Kazane, who was fully enjoying her time of supreme bliss as she clung to the Black Diamond nicknamed Maberit.

「Hasn't your Magic Power already recovered?」

「No. There's still much more to replenish. It feels inevitable that I'll soon start kissing these muscles.」

「As you might expect, if you do that to me I'll peel you off.」

「Roger. I'll endure with only rubbing against them.」

Being peeled off couldn't come true. It had to be replenished.

「Fufufu, Kazane-san is an interesting girl.」


The loli grandma plopped onto Jinrai's knee and snuggled into him, and Kazane clung to the Black Diamond nicknamed Dark Elf Maberit's waist and rubbed her cheek against her. It was a chaotic situation as both did their utmost to satisfy their preferences.

After noon, Yumika had shown up accompanied by Cindy, and the two couples had been like that since then. As might be expected, since Jinrai had just been released from the hospital, he was taking a break, and the training of Naoki and the others was left to Yumika and Jiraid.

Agonized cries had been coming from the center of the Fifth Lot since some time ago, but if this continued every day, Naoki and the others should get used to it and become more powerful. As long as they endured their injuries.

「Well, if they keep doing this, will Emily also become a little stronger?」

Marberit said. She felt a little ashamed because she thought her disciple was the least capable among the members. Mainly because she was in front of Cindy, who had recommended her to Emily.

「Let nature take its course, Maberit-san. Besides, she'll be with this man. He'll surely properly raise Emily, right dear?」


Although he was only answering mm, Jinrai was flirting with Cindy in his own way.

「Even though she's my grandchild, she's a dreadful girl, isn't she.」

『That's the only way a grandchild of yours could be.』

Louise was laughing「Ufufufu」while watching that situation and carrying Mefirus in her arms. Although those two couples were also strange, the indulging in mistresses Mefirus and indulging in being a mistress Louise were very far from normal with their views on love. She had shown some attachment to Jinrai, but it's fine if three people can enjoy themselves... she gave that sort of impression. Even if she had slept with her grandchild's spouse, she wasn't like Cindy, who displayed an abnormal degree of attachment to Jinrai only.

「It's fine, isn't it, grandmother. This person will be leaving again the day after tomorrow, so I have to be spoiled by him now.」

So saying, Cindy nestled into Jinrai. Jinrai still only said「Mm.」By the way, Tiara was in the middle of combat training with Naoki and the others. It seemed she had to train. Immediately.

Also, Kazane had already finished with her Cottage enhancement task.

Her original purpose was to borrow the wisdom of the university architects to alleviate the bad cost performance of the Cottage, since she had added various things along the way. But now that she had the『Space Expansion』Skill, that was no longer necessary.

For that reason, she only looked over the patent documents when she went to the university the next day, and since she had free time, Kazane decided to go shopping by herself.

◎ Capital City Deer South, Commerce District

Now was shopping.

As Hyvern's capital and also the most prosperous city in the country, various weapons and tools were available. But what Kazane was aiming for was already decided this time, so she thought she should promptly go and make her purchase before she got distracted.

「Umm. It's attack power being low is fine, but can you show me some high loading capacity spell daggers?」

Unlike in Wombard, what Kazane needed was clear, so she informed the store clerk about what she desired without hesitation. This time she also quickly presented her guild card.

「Rank C, huh. Even though you're small, it seems you're capable.」

It seemed the clerk didn't know the appearance and name of the Ogre Killing Princess, but he understood that since she was rank C she would generally fight against monsters. Even though she looked like a child, he didn't look down on her, and saying「Here they are」he guided Kazane.

「So are the spell daggers mainly for close combat?」

Kazane shook her head after the clerk spoke.

「No, they're not necessarily for directly attacking.」

As a general rule,『spell swords』referred to weapons containing Magic Steel, which was made out of ore that could act as a container for Magic Power.

Swords containing Magic Steel were fundamentally more fragile than ordinary weapons, but their special characteristic was that their strength increased when loaded with the user's Magic Power. In other words, the more Magic Power put in, the stronger the sword. Although the fuel efficiency was poor, there was merit to a weapon that could be『strengthened』to the utmost based on the ability of the user.

Spells swords could also contain spells. It wasn't storage, only containing; the spell only persisted while the user was continually passing through their Magic Power. The contained spell would disappear if the magician's Magic Power stopped streaming in.

This was called『loading』, and the advantages were that the chanting time would be eliminated, allowing the spell to be released instantly, and directionality was added, so the power would increase. On the other hand, because the range was reduced, it could only be used in close to mid ranged combat, so it was difficult to handle for long range specialized magicians.

Magic swordsmen were swordsmen who mainly fought using『strengthening』and『loading』, and it was a job that only people with high Magic Power could handle. But Kazane's request was a spell dagger, so short blade length, possibly for close combat, or she could be intending to load it with a spell for a specific purpose.

「These have a somewhat higher loading capacity due to an increased proportion of Magic Steel in the interior of the sword, but they're quite fragile even if they're『strengthened』」

「Yeah, understood.」

Kazane nodded and watched the clerk line up the daggers.

「Also, only showing ones that can be loaded with Grimoire 「I see. Then I'll exclude these? What is your budget?」

The clerk asked while removing some of the displayed daggers.

「I have a lot of money, so I'm not particularly thinking about that? If I find something good I'm planning to buy it.」

After those words, the clerk turned to a deeper shelf while saying「If that's the case, should I show you this as well?」Kazane's financial condition had once zeroed out with the request for Naoki and the others' equipment in Resurrect City, but the Grand Tournament championship prize, Earth Dragon material sales, Crystal Dragon subjugation reward and material sales, and Blue Rifon Fort request completion reward and material sales meant she had received a correspondingly large amount of money. By the way, according to the party rules, the reward was equally divided among the members who received the request.

「Although this is something a Rank C customer generally wouldn't be able to purchase, how about this?」

So saying, he showed her a black dagger that looked like it was inset with four iron plates.

「Heeh, it isn't an alloy with Magic Steel, but has Magic Steel placed inside the frame of the sword?」

「That's right. If『strengthening』isn't a consideration, there are also ones like this. Because the Magic Steel part and blade part are completely separated, it can't be strengthened, but the divided Magic Steel means it can be loaded with 4 spells. The blade is black iron, so it's also pretty robust. Well, it's safest not to use it for direct combat, though.」

「Hmm. I see.」

This was an item that suited Kazane's intended battle style.

「Is there another one?」

「There are three more. They were made at a Dolmu craftsman's workshop. They aren't my own work, but are they worth the price?」

The clerk said, and with a complacent smile Kazane held up two figures and spoke.

「Life is the most important. Please give me two.」

Afterward, Kazane bought weapons she thought Tiara could use, then found mana potions at a secondhand shop and bought two of them.

She had received a valuable mana potion from Master before, but it seemed the manufacturing technology had been lost. Therefore, the price was certainly appropriate for rare items that could only circulate after being found inside a dungeon's hidden room.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Magic Swordswoman

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword『Black Fang』, Adhesion Sword『Gum』, Spell Dagger, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Ogre Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator

Level : 31

Health: 114

Magic Power: 205+420

Strength: 55+10

Agility: 48+4

Endurance: 31

Wisdom : 62

Dexterity : 39

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』

Skill : 『Warrior's Memory』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog’s Sense of Smell』『Golem Maker: Lv3』『Rush』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield』『Information Link』『Optical Camouflage』『Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Placement』『Thunder Chariot』『Sturdier Teeth「Dragon」』『Crystallization「Dragon」』『Fabricated Coercion』『Stone Minotaur』『Mega Beam』『Space Expansion』

Kazane: 「With this, my battle style will completely change. Though it will still be mobility based.」

Yumika: 「Even so, your money is disappearing like popping soap bubbles.」

Kazane: 「But I think it's better than hoarding it like Yumika.」

Yumika: 「I certainly have way more than is necessary for normal living. Well, I'm still thinking about how to use it, though.」

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