
Chapter 302

Chapter 302: Let's Fight the Devil King

The giant black armor was shrouded in an aurora, covered with a full length fire cloak, was floating in the air with black wings spread, and each of its six arms were holding odachis. It was exactly like the imposing appearance of a last boss. It felt like majestic pipe-organ BGM would fade in at any time.

『Children of men. So easily frightened.』

Devil King Asura Kazanerian said while looking down on them.

Except for Jinrai, who had Mental Resistance thanks to the Circlet of Wisdom, and South Red Season Suza, who was a sturdy existence from the beginning as a dragon, almost everyone's bodies had frozen, and their faces were stiff. Yumika was somehow able to move, but her expression was still stiff.

『Mother is cool!』

However, for Tatsuo, whose faith value toward his mother was max, it seemed it had no effect at all, and he was as usual. The Devil King also inadvertently waved. Even though she had lost her sanity, Kazane had waved due to her conditioned reflex as a mother. It was a moving story. However, that phenomenon wasn't something to smile about for the side that was suffering in reality.

「It isn't working on Tatsuo?」

That fact couldn't be overlooked. When Yumika saw that situation, she said「Ah, is that so?!」as an idea flashed into her mind, and she opened her mouth while looking at the surrounding people.

「Everyone, don't be deceived by the figure before your eyes. Inside is a mere shorty curled up holding her knees. You don't have to be afraid!」

Yumika's words reached everyone in that place. And a relieved feeling was born in the hearts of the White Party.

The『Devil King's Intimidation』and『Fear Voice』Skills that Kazane were using affected the mind, but by nature, the effectiveness of such Skills was influenced by the feelings of the people themselves. If they saw the opponent as a target of absolute fear, they might even die instantly due to the loop of negative feelings, but if they could accurately recognize that inside the armor, the small breasted shorty who was always mumbling stupid things was holding her knees while curled up, the effect would weaken. Like Tatsuo, it should be possible to override the effects of the Skills.

Understanding the intention of Yumika's words, Louise opened up her mouth as if she was shaking off the heavy pressure bearing down on her.

「That's right. It looks grim, but inside is Kazane. When I remember the figure of Kazane rubbing herself in the middle of the night while saying「Become biggg, become biggg,」I feel like I can endure.」

Naoki suddenly and forcefully stood up after Louise's words. He was an idiot. On the other hand, the Devil King was almost dead. Mentally. Hang in there.

「Also, after she explored the Dragon Boat by herself, she washed her underpants. That means...」

『Ka, Kazane and Devil King Asura Kazanerian are different people. They're different!!!』

However, the Devil King shouted to cut off Yumika's words. She didn't leak. She should have been safe. And the Devil King was eager to prevent her from speaking any more.

「Uooo, Anekiiii! Wake upppp!!」

For some reason, Naoki had regained his energy, and he rushed towards the Devil King. Due to Naoki's older sister love, the effect was probably weak from the start. Dragon flame magic sword『Fang Blaze』was in one hand, the Crystal Dragon magic sword『Rainbow Horn』was in the other, and they both had magical power blades extending out.

(I will pull Aneki out. I will take that role!!)

He shouted in his heart and charged. But his thinking was too naive.



With only one roar, Naoki was blown away without reaching the Devil King, and he tumbled over to near Jinria's group.

「Material Shield? Troublesome.」

Watching that situation, Jinrai recalled their confrontation against the Minotaurs in Rock Hold Cave.

「Physical attacks seem pretty difficult.」

Yumika talked to Jinrai while assuming a stance with her spear. Now, they were the ones who had started the fight, but the Devil King still hadn't moved.

「And that's not all. As long as she's surrounded by the Rainbow Curtain, spells are also practically useless.」

Suza supplemented Yumika's words.

「Ah, that was so. Kazane also has Mirror Shield and Aegis Shield, so I'm guessing no type of magical attack will work?」

Having said that, they had already seen the problem with physical attacks. The Devil King glared at Naoki lying on the ground and opened her mouth.

『Judgement for the criminal who stole my favorite blue stripe!』

「Ku, for a prank!?」

Naoki reflexively replied. The one Naoki possessed had a ribbon stitched onto it and a bear face. So the Devil King's words were technically a false accusation. However, while that may be true, Naoki was a strange person for brazenly objecting.

「Wait a second, Kazane. That's enough. Stop with the horseplay. Your head is a little strange right now.」

Yumika persuaded. The Devil King was still emitting heavy pressure, but like she herself said earlier, when she thought about how the huge thing in front of her was Kazane, it distracted her enough to recover.

『That little boy is the one who picked a fight.』

(You are quite right!?)

Yumika suppressed her desire to cry「Naokiiiii!!」and only ground her teeth.

「Ku, I'll subdue her! Everyone, please step back!」

Suza jumped out to stop the Devil King, who was about to start attacking. Then, with fire blowing out of his entire body, Suza transformed into a red dragon with a total length of 15 meters. That was Suza's true form.

『It was written that the mask and Devil King equipment affect the user when worn. In that case, if I take her out of the armor!』

Suza had reached the domain of a God Dragon. Even if the armor's powers were strengthened in various ways, Suza himself was the creator, so he understood it in detail, and Suza thought it wouldn't be able to resist his power. And that perception was correct.

『Foolish. Truly foolish.』

While he was correct, Suza was forgetting. Still forgetting, he jumped out to oppose the Devil King. And without showing any signs of panic, the Devil King leisurely thrust out her zanbato,

『Skill: Dragon Pheromone』

And activated the Skill that was the natural enemy of dragons.

『Ha, Kazane-samaaaaa!』

His eyes suddenly became heart marks, and Suza collapsed, tumbled past the Devil King, and remained writhing on the ground as he was. In his condition, it didn't seem like he would be able to attack at all.

『Be aware: defeating me is an impossible dream for a dragon.』

A Dragon Eater's scent stole away the reasoning power of the dragon races. Therefore, Dragon Eaters were the natural enemies of dragons. The Devil King, who could emit the same scent, was also the natural enemy of dragons. To say nothing of the fact that Suza respected Kazane, who was inside the Devil King. He adored Kazane, who saved Naga many times. Therefore, his resistance was weak, and his eyes suddenly became heart marks.

「In that case!」

There was a shout over the Devil King's head.

It was Yumika, who was sparkling silver after using her God Wolf Transformation. As a result of eating dragon steak, Yumika became able to generate Dragon Spirit, so Dragon Pheromone also affected her. But if she transformed, she could defend against that.

「That means we're fine to stop you, right, Kazane!!」

『Certainly, Dragon Pheromone won't work if you use your God Wolf Transformation.』


The Devil King's body glowed, and Yumika was repelled. That was Material Shield's omnidirectional emission.


「Got it!」

However, at the same time, Jinrai also charged. Time-staggered attacks were a common method for attacking Minotaurs. The master and student duo diligently executed it.

『In that case, shall I use you to check the performance of this body?』

However, the Devil King still wasn't flustered. Then the Devil King jumped towards Jinrai. With the acceleration from her Skill『Boost』, she instantly closed the gap with Jinrai.


Jinrai was flustered by the 3.5 meter giant that instantly appeared in front of him. No matter how excellent a spearman Jinrai was, simultaneously defending against six blades was impossible. Not to mention the fact that the opponent was easily wielding 3 meter and 1.5 meter swords. However, in reality, there were slight disparities in those movements. With Jinrai's spear handling, it wasn't impossible for him to strike at those slight variations.

(But, heavy!?)josei

Yes, he was able to deal with it. However, the opponent wasn't the same size as an Adamant Skull Ashura. Every blow was too heavy. With Rokuten-kun's own weight, the weight of the giant swords, the strength of Muscle Clay, and the even further increased power from『Monkey's Strong Arm』all added together, it was like every slash had the power of a giant excavator. Every single blow could cause instant death, and Jinrai was incessantly attacked by them. No one but Jinrai would have been able to defend against those blows, which had power that would probably turn him into mincemeat with a single blow. Rather, it was difficult to understand why Jinrai was able to endure.

However, if it continued as it was, the situation would gradually worsen. Even Jinrai's defense would be broken through within a few seconds.

If Jinrai were alone... but.

Naturally, sparkling silver approached the Devil King.


As might be expected, she couldn't put out Material Shield in the middle of this offense and defense. The Devil King had to deal with Yumika's attacks from behind, so she used the four arms on her back to defend.

「Master, we'll stop her with our combination!!」

「Even with this, you still have two more arms than we do. Don't think badly of us.」

This time, the Devil King was cornered by the master and pupil combination attacks.

With Yumika attacking from the back and Jinrai attacking from the front, the Devil King, whose weapon handling skill came solely from her Six-sword Style Skill, didn't have the ability to deal with them.

『Not good.』

The Devil King was visibly a little flustered as she released an omnidirectional Material Shield along with that voice. The Devil King thought she would temporarily gain distance and fix her posture, but,

「I won't let you!」

Yumika took careful aim and fired. It was the Barnes style spear technique『Reflect Mirror』. The invisible Material Shield came into contact with Yumika's fired impact-reflecting technique and disappeared.


The Devil King couldn't hide her surprise. But since Yumika had protected against the Material Shield, Jinrai had already closed the distance to the Devil King.

「Eat this!」

Jinrai put all the power of his body into a thrust and strongly stepped forward. However, he stopped. His survival instinct was giving a terrifying warning.

And the tremendous momentum of THAT spouted flames as it gouged, destroyed, and created cracks in the ground in front of Jinrai.


Jinrai crossed his arms to endure the wind pressure.

He should have noticed. The Devil King was flying in the sky. And the Devil King's specialized weapons weren't limited to those six arms. Rather, the real power of Kazane inside should be in a different place.

『My legs aren't just a decoration. A big shot would have known that!』

The Devil King said with a smug expression. By how satisfied she seemed as she said that, she surely had immensely desired to say those lines.

Then Jinrai noticed that the legs were equipped with the Dragonhorn Tonfas that Kazane usually had equipped. As if they were made to order, the Black Rock Dragon horns and the parts made of Holy Clay had been modified and attached like bird talons.

「Was that Killing Leg just now?!」

Jinrai was in a cold sweat. That was a『Killing Leg』that was also combined with the loaded spell Fire Boost. The『Dragon Eating Ogre King's Greaves』made from the Berserk Ogre's horn was currently inside the chest part with Kazane, so the power of the Killing Leg wasn't enhanced by it. However, instead of the lightweight Kazane, that Fire Boost enhanced Killing Leg was unleashed by a leg the same size as an Ogre's. Its power was easily imaginable.

Yes, the Devil King's true trump card was her legs. And the Devil King had an incredibly smug expression.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Summoning Fighter

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword『Black Fang』, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Eating Ogre King's Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 36

Health: 145

Magic Power: 304+420

Strength: 67+20

Agility: 71+14

Endurance: 38

Wisdom : 72

Dexterity : 47

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Warrior's Memory: Lv2』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog's Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv3』『Aegis Shield』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link: Lv2』『Optical Camouflage』『High Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Hand Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『Sturdier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Devil King's Intimidation』『Stone Minotaur: Lv2』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『Space Expansion』『Pseudo-Silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』『Ingredient Connoisseur』『Dragon Pheromone「Dragon」』『Boost』『Monkey's Strong Arm』『Two-sword Style』『Boobies Plus』『Living Armor』『Alarm』『Six-sword Style』

Yumika: 「First of all, after this, Naoki's getting disciplined for acting of his own accord.」

Kazane: 「Kukuku, foolish little boy.」

Yumika: 「No, that's the same for you, so you've no room to talk.」

Kazane: 「Fua!?」

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