
Chapter 322

Chapter 322: Let's Come to an Agreement

「There's no way I'll give them to you!」

Kazane said with puffed cheeks. Her important younger brother, her brother's friend, and Jinrai-san. Kazane didn't possess the funky thinking needed to give her companions to an incomprehensible Okama.

「Miser. It's unfair that only you get to be surrounded by handsome guys!」

Margo was angy. It was completely inexcusable for her to have everything. Even though he expressly compromised and said he would give her the female trash, why did she brush aside his demand? Women truly are irredeemable... he thought.

「In that case, let me sample them a little. Let me lick them! Let me lick them!」

「Shut up! Don't approach my younger brother!!」

And Kazane's refusal was mainly for her younger brother's sake.

Even though Kazane usually treated her younger brother really harshly, that treatment could be called the flip side of her affection. Well, it was true that she thought he was revolting, and it was also true that she would likely treat him like mere garbage if he wasn't her younger brother, but it wasn't a lie that she held her brother dear.

However, Margo judged from Kazane's state that there was room for negotiation.

「Oh my. I suppose that black-haired child is your younger brother?」

Kazane silently assumed a stance at Margo's gaze. And she recalled Archduke Rynox. She didn't want her younger brother to suffer such a tragedy. She had just seen the butt spring onions, so they were her first association. She didn't want him to be burdened with such a sorrowful fate, so she glared for Naoki's sake.

「Well, he looks the most delicious of the bunch, but it can't be helped. Then I'll return your younger brother.」

Margo perceived Kazane's drive and stated his maximum concession.

「I'll take Lyle-kun and that Jinrai-like person.」

But that was also unacceptable to Kazane.

「Lyle is also no good. He's my brother's friend. Also, that is Jinrai-san.」

「Jinrai-san? I heard he was rejuvenated, but I never expected it would be so far.」

Margo scrutinized the rejuvenated Jinrai. He should have been around 50 when they met before, but now he looked around 30? He never expected Jinrai would return to being in season. Margo could only think that the heavens were surely on his side. In that case, even if he returned Lyle, wouldn't he have more than enough? Margo thought so.

(Well, he's had night practice so many times... he's thoroughly done.)

The memories of Jinrai's past revived one after another in Kazane's mind. And Kazane concluded that adding one more sexual propensity at this point would be no problem.

「Ah, if it's just to a sampling degree, then it's fine.」

「That's not fine!!」

Jinrai's consciousness rapidly revived when he heard Kazane's maximum concession.

「Huh? Jinrai-san?」

「No way!」

Kazane and Margo were surprised. As a matter of fact, even though Kazane had noticed Margo was approaching at full speed, she had used her Skills to hide before she gave anyone the Circlet of Wisdom. Then her surprise attack failed, but let's set that aside for now.

Anyway, that meant he had recovered due to his own effort. And as a rank S, Margo was purely astonished that his technique had been broken.

「Uhh, Jinrai-san. Did you really just dispel my technique? How?」

Without changing his surprised expression, Margo asked that.

Jinrai grinned and said「That's a secret.」Whereas Kazane observed Jinrai glancing at the prosthetic arm and guessed to a certain extent how he had dispelled the technique.

「Also, Margo. You're getting too carried away. It looks like Kazane didn't consider it a joke.」


Kazane was surprised by Jinrai's words and looked at Margo. Margo seemed as surprised as Kazane, but he cleared his throat and nodded.

「Oh dear. As expected of Jiraid-kun's father. You've seen through everything?」

When she saw Margo shrug his shoulders and say「Dear me, I'm no match for you,」Kazane was remorseful. Kazane had thought Margo was seriously going to do what was depicted in the doujinshi Tatsuyoshi's friend JINJIN possessed that had a suntanned young boy and man embracing each other on the cover, which had made her anxious. Kazane had apparently misunderstood and taken the joke of the Okama before her eyes seriously.

「Is that so? It was a joke. I'm sorry, Margo-san. I took it seriously.」

「No. If you understand, it's fine. I'm also sorry for doing such immature behavior.」

Kazane didn't realize that Margo was stamping his feet in his mind and obediently apologized. Thinking about it carefully, Margo was the one who had started it and blurted out outrageous things. Kazane hadn't done a single thing wrong. However, after the blunder with Rokuten-kun, it seemed Kazane had gained a subtle apologizing habit.

On the other hand, Margo was full of feelings like「Wait a second. Even though you just said it was ok, are you serious? Eh, it's no good to do it now? Can we start over?」but since it had settled on being a misunderstanding, he was forced to frantically appease his heart. His conscience revived. Loveless night practice was an evil path. Margo finally remembered that.

「More importantly, promptly wake everyone up, Margo. I also want to hear the reason why you did this.」

Saying「Hiii」at Jinrai's sharp gaze, Margo went to release the technique that was making Lyle and the others lose their minds.

「Even so, Jinrai-san, you did well to dispel it with your own effort.」

While Margo was releasing the technique, Kazane secretly talked to Jinrai. And Jinrai quietly showed his prosthetic arm.

「It's thanks to this.」

Apparently, as Kazane expected, it was some kind of effect from the prosthetic arm.

「It was only slight, but I felt a discrepancy between my movements in the hallucination and the movement of the prosthetic arm. The prosthetic arm wasn't affected by the technique, and since it's connected to my consciousness, it likely created that sense of discomfort.」

However, the final deciding factor was the sampling permission, but Jinrai said nothing about that. He considered Kazane like a grandchild, and he was sad to hear such words from her, but it wasn't that unusual.

She had the excuse of his many past night practice stories, so Jinrai thought she didn't try to stop it because she probably didn't consider adding one man to the tally would be a problem. Jinrai wasn't, but there was a not negligible amount of warriors who were bisexual or gay. There was groundwork to invite a misunderstanding.

(Ah, I want to play with Yuuko-nee)

As Jinrai so escaped from reality, their companions got up in succession.

◎ Abandoned Capital Muruage, Feudal Lord's Mansion

「Hi, everyone. Long time no see.」

Kazane and the others were guided to the feudal lord's mansion by Margo, and the skeleton Ghost King Yohan Simpson greeted them when they arrived.josei

「Yo, Yohan-san. It's been a while.」

After Kazane, everyone else in the White Party also exchanged greetings.

Emily's smile was a little cramped, but Lyle routinely had special training with the skeleton Jin Bahar, so it seemed he wasn't particularly frightened.

「It looks much cleaner than before.」

Kazane had examined the outside, then the inside of the mansion after they entered, and she so started the conversation with Yohan.

「It seems the purification staff you gave me last time has immensely good affinity with me. After the city's purification settled down, I had a lot of free time, so I had the Skeletons start to clean it.」

After Yohan said that, a Skeleton soldier walked forward, its bones rattling.

Necromancers almost always placed enslaved ghosts inside such things, but that wasn't mandatory. As a matter of fact, the operation of Skeletons and Zombies was similar to Golem techniques. Putting a ghost inside added a pilot and a fuel tank, but like Kazane's Golems, Yohan moved them by incorporating a control program with a Spell Formula, so his Skeleton soldiers didn't have any particular grudge against humans.

「Ah, that's right. The entire city is startlingly serene. Did Yohan do this?」

Louise asked Yohan. The grudge-filled destroyed city had become pure ruins. From Louise's point of view, it was an incredibly surprising situation.

「Yes. I realize I'm saying this myself, but my Holy magic is more powerful than I imagined. Well, that's the reason Margo-san is guarding me.」

Yohan laughed despondently. Then Yohan started explaining the current situation.

The origin was the『East Dragon Village Assault』in Hyvern Dukedom.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Summoning Fighter

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword『Black Fang』, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragonscale Breastplate, Drake Gauntlets, Silver Sheep Clothes, Sylphyn Skirt, Plasma Pants, Dragon Eating Ogre King's Greaves, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 36

Health: 145

Magic Power: 304+420

Strength: 67+20

Agility: 71+14

Endurance: 38

Wisdom : 72

Dexterity : 47

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Warrior's Memory: Lv2』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog's Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv4』『Aegis Shield』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link: Lv2』『Optical Camouflage』『High Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Hand Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『Sturdier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Devil King's Intimidation』『Stone Minotaur: Lv2』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『Space Expansion』『Pseudo-Silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』『Ingredient Connoisseur』『Dragon Pheromone「Dragon」』『Boost』『Monkey's Strong Arm』『Two-sword Style』『Boobies Plus』『Living Armor』『Alarm』『Six-sword Style』『Mental Attack Complete Protection』

Yumika: 「I feel like I had an outrageous dream. The ground was almost completely covered in muscles. I was in a slight gap, and even though I was being squashed, it seems I was enjoying it... huh, what is this?」

Kazane: 「How nice...」

Yumika: 「... Eh?」

Kazane: 「Ah, Yohan-san seems depressed. Okay, okay. With this, the quota's achieved.」

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