
Chapter 343

Chapter 343: Let's Discipline


A scream resounded.

That cry seemed to awaken the primordial emotion hidden in the depths of human instinct.

The emotion called『fear』.

This investigation room was fairly large, seeing as it could comfortably fit even Mighty. While that made it possible to examine large things such as Golems, the reason behind it was simply that a room that large was needed to fit the magic formulas and magic circles necessary to achieve the high precision Agato desired for magic tool investigation.

But even still, it wasn't enough for the entire army corps to manifest. They were all over 3 meters tall with large builds, and the monster in the center was over 4 meters tall.

That army suddenly appeared in the room.


Even if he was a degenerate, Agato was the head of a magic tool workshop, but as might be expected, he couldn't help but scream in front of the crowd of Ogres (which Kazane called Dark Ogres for convenience due to their evolutions) that appeared in front of him at such a close distance.

Rather, the fact that he managed to endure the Ogres'『Fear Voice』Skill's effect could even be called splendid. He and Kazane didn't notice, but some of the workshop workers fell unconscious due to the beginning cry.

However, there was no way for him and Kazane to know the situation『outside』. Because they were already in a strange world that was isolated from the outside.

It was called an『Erosion Barrier』, and it had the same nature as Naga's『Mist Barrier』. The space that Kazane called a Boss Space was spread out there.

Yes, the inside of the investigation room was already a different world. The Fighting Spirit of the Ogres distorted and widened the entire room, then remodeled it into a sinister place. The walls became distant and curved to give the area a dome.

As if they were inside a living thing, the walls and floor were transformed and dyed into black flesh and entrails, with innumerable bones and entwined thick red blood vessels around the area as well.

「Is this... an Erosion Barrier?」

Agato was dumbfounded, and Kazane also had a surprised expression as she looked around. But Kazane's surprise was a different feeling from Agato's.

「This... did you make a barrier so that the city wouldn't be damaged?」

After Kazane's question, the Berserk Ogre growled「GURUu」and laughed.

That growl's meaning was loaded with the Berserk Ogre's considerate thought「With this, Master will be able to fight freely, right?」Compared to the beginning, he could be considered quite taken with her. It seemed his so-called Dere period had begun. That tendency had been gradually increasing since Kazane's Devil King declaration.

『Good grief. They're all outrageous idiots who doubt the Boss's ability, but, well, these guys are a pushover for Boss, right? Would you entertain them as a light warm-up? Ah, me too.』

From what she could read of the Berserk Ogre's thoughts, it seemed he was thinking that. Don't just casually include yourself with a「Me too!」... Kazane thought, but there was no way the Berserk Ogre would be obedient in this situation, so Kazane had no choice but to resolve herself while groaning「Gununu.」

「I never expected there'd be a forced event here.」

After sighing, Kazane looked at Agato.

「Agato-san, step back.」

「Eh, you're going to fight against this group of Ogres?」

Agato's surprise was natural, but this was a scenario where she would die if she didn't deal with them. Coexistence with summoned beings always carried this risk. That was a well-known fact for Summoners.

Then, Kazane took her Draghorn Tonfas out of her Item Box and covered her entire body with black flame. And when the flames went out, Kazane was equipped with black light armor that had red lines across its surface.

It was Black Flame equipment from『Arms Creation: Black Flame』. It was unreliable compared to the『Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor』, but the contents of that armor were currently her opponents. Even if she worried about it, nothing would change.

And, seeing Kazane's battle-ready figure, Agato timidly stepped back.

A pack of 24 black Ogres. Agato thought that even for an adventurer called the Ogre Killing Princess, that was too reckless. But Kazane didn't feel timid as she looked at the Berserk Ogre's daunting pose and the crowd around him.

「I'll rake you over the coals!」

She was already at a disadvantage due to their numbers. Therefore, thinking she should try to reduce that number first, Kazane immediately started the match.

「From the outset, Mega Beam!!」

And from the very beginning, that merciless, ruthless blow was emitted from Kazane's eyes. The blow that evaporated the Mad Spiders hit the swarm of Dark Ogres.

However, the Berserk Ogre understood Kazane's thinking. At the Berserk Ogre's order, a fearless wall of Dark Ogre flesh stood in the way.

(They're coming to crush me. But!!)

Without moving the Mega Beam sideways, Kazane continued to emit that attack at the Dark Ogres in front of her. And the black Ogres were wrapped in a torrent of light.



The screams of the Ogres resounded. Even with the Black Rock Dragon factor they possessed, the Ogres couldn't endure against that light attack. However, the Dark Ogres had planned to resist it from the beginning, so with their strengthened defenses, they were very sturdy.


And after erasing 4 Ogres, the Mega Beam disappeared.

The number defeated was 4. The 5th seemed to be on the verge of death, but he was still moving. That was the result of Kazane's greatest attack. Due to being blocked by the wall of flesh, the number defeated was less than she had expected. The Berserk Ogre didn't miss that opportunity; the companions he'd told to stay back were now ordered to charge.

「Tch, Skill・Wire Cutter!!」

As the Dark Ogres suicidally rushed towards her, Kazane fired the Arachne Wired's Skill. The thin, sharp thread cut the Dark Ogres, but it didn't cause fatal damage. As expected, it seemed the strengthened defensive power from the Black Rock Dragon factor was strongly effective.

「In that case, Spider Web!」

Kazane continuously poured spider thread on the Dark Ogres. It seemed to be effective; the gathered Dark Ogres tumbled over like dumplings. Then Kazane recklessly attacked the Dark Ogres that had stopped moving.



A Dark Ogre was blown away by a strike from her Fire Boost-accelerated Tonfas, after which she rushed to attack again with Killing Leg. The kick hit the Ogre's cranium, crushing his skull.


However, using the damage to his companion as a restraint, one of the Dark Ogres grabbed Kazane's arm. Considering the difference in their physiques, it was a desperate situation. But,


On the contrary, Kazane's hand twisted the Dark Ogre's arm, and using all her strength, she displayed her power by breaking his arm. Enhanced by the Skill『Monkey's Strong Arm』, Kazane's strength was comparable to the Dark Ogres. If she was merely forcibly seized, she could easily counterattack.

But then, immediately after she finished off the Ogre with the broken arm, Kazane sensed the Berserk Ogre rushing towards her from the sky with『Dog's Sense of Smell』and『Intuition』.


When Kazane said that, she activated Angelization, spread her wings, and soared into the sky.

When he saw that, the Berserk Ogre laughed. The Berserk Ogre never thought his subordinates would stand a chance against Kazane. As long as he could fight Kazane, the Berserk Ogre was content.

However, his method of attack was bad. The Berserk Ogre's surprise attack from the sky was nothing more than an attempt at a different way of attacking due to his relatively newly grown wings. But that was a complete blunder. The Berserk Ogre was still inexperienced in aerial combat, so he had no chance to win against Kazane, who regularly fought with aerial combos. The Berserk Ogre would soon learn that fact with his body.

「Gu, GaAA!?」

Then the Berserk Ogre was astonished.

With the aerial movement from her wings and the irregular maneuvers she could do with her『Air Jump』Skill and『Fire Boost』Spell (which were made easily possible thanks to『Intuition』and『Nimble』), Kazane successively attacked the Berserk Ogre with her tonfas and kicks. The Berserk Ogre was lost at sea in the unfamiliar aerial battle, and since he wasn't on the ground, he couldn't brace himself. Furthermore, the Berserk Ogre's movements were restrained by『Material Shield』, so even the slightest chance of attacking was crushed.

The Berserk Ogre ground his teeth in anger at himself for foolishly challenging Kazane to an aerial battle. As his situation worsened even further due to his body's freedom being snatched away by『Spider Web』, he was thoroughly made sport of; Kazane's 10-count aerial combo struck his entire body, and after the combo amplification of『Kick Devil』reached maximum power, he was immediately hit by an axe kick, which violently threw him to the ground.


The Berserk Ogre barely managed to avoid a direct hit to his head, but the area below his left shoulder blade was smashed as if it had been gouged out. It seemed all the bones in his body were also broken when he was thrown to the ground. The Berserk Ogre never expected that he would be unilaterally beaten like this with no chance to demonstrate his abilities, but it was already too late for regrets.

But he was still breathing. He couldn't move due to the accumulated damage, but the Berserk Ogre also had the ability to regenerate. Feeling like he could still fight, the Berserk Ogre tried to slowly rise, but his Master wasn't indulgent enough to allow that.

Kazane rose further in the sky.

With the Erosion Barrier already in the shape of a dome, there was nothing to block her ascent. Furthermore, now that the Berserk Ogre had fallen, there was nothing that could effectively attack Kazane in the air.

As the Dark Ogres looked up at the sky in a daze, Kazane robbed their freedom with Devil King's Intimidation. The『Tiger Eye』Skill was also fired alongside the powerful intimidation they suddenly received, paralyzing some of the Dark Ogres where they stood. With all her preparations finished, like it was natural, Kazane attacked from the sky with Kazane Bazooka・Terra Buster.

Then, centered on the Berserk Ogre, the blow that unleashed unrivaled power by combining Kazane's Skills and Spells pierced into the Dark Ogres.

As a matter of fact, Kazane Bazooka fundamentally had great power, but the trajectory was easy to read and avoid. Therefore, only the almost dead Berserk Ogre and the Dark Ogres near him that were paralyzed earlier were directly hit by that attack. Some of the ones who retreated in great haste were also swallowed up by that attack, but others successfully escaped.

However, the Dark Ogres who managed to escape couldn't help but shudder as they saw that scene. Seeing the states of the Berserk Ogre and their companions, who had been broken into pieces by Kazane's blow, combined with seeing the enormous crater created there made the Dark Ogres realize their mistake. They never should have gone against THAT.


But the Shorty, who had landed on the ground, didn't stop. When disciplining, the first time was crucial. She would drive home her superiority once and for all.

And inside the rising dust cloud, a roar suddenly resounded, and a huge golden sword protruded from inside. It was immediately swung towards the Dark Ogres, and a slash of golden light was fired.

The Ogres hit by that slash were either cut apart or blown away, but they were only truly astonished after that. Before their eyes, a blue dragon with pure white bird wings and rainbow crystals growing on her 7-meter body had appeared. The race that held the strongest position in the hierarchy of monsters had appeared before their eyes.

The outcome had already been decided. The Ogres lost their fighting spirit, and the Angelized dragon Kazane further displayed her power.

The Ogres were crystallized by Crystal Breath, sliced apart by the summoned sword『Golden Dusk』, and bitten by『Sturdier Teeth』; the Dark Ogres were completely overrun in the twinkling of an eye.

The last Ogre roared when his life was ended by Kazane's teeth, and the space cracked as the Erosion Barrier unraveled.

However, for Kazane, the true trial started here.


「This is……」

Before the eyes of Agato and Kazane, who had cancelled her Dragonization, was the mountain of rubble that was formerly the investigation room. The barrier wasn't able to completely absorb the powerful blows like Mega Beam, Kazane Bazooka, Crystal Breath, and the slashes of『Golden Dusk』.

As a result, the Erosion Barrier that had assimilated with the investigation room collapsed, and the entire Magiria Magic Tool Workshop was in danger of being destroyed.

And everything Kazane had earned recently disappeared into the repair costs of Magiria Magic Tool Workshop.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Summoning Fighter

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King, Liberator

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Two Handed Sword『Black Fang』, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor, Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, Magic Accumulator, White Magic Accumulator, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 38

Health: 152

Magic Power: 340+420

Strength: 72

Agility: 78

Endurance: 43

Wisdom : 75

Dexterity : 51

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』『Rabbit Speed』『Flare Mirage』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Warrior's Memory: Lv2』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog's Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv4』『Aegis Shield』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition: Lv2』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link: Lv2』『Optical Camouflage』『High Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Hand Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『Sturdier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Devil King's Intimidation』『Stone Minotaur: Lv2』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『Space Expansion』『Pseudo-Silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』『Ingredient Connoisseur: Lv2』『Dragon Pheromone「Dragon」』『Boost』『Monkey's Strong Arm』『Two-sword Style』『Boobies Plus』『Living Armor』『Alarm』『Six-sword Style』『Mental Attack Complete Protection』『Spider Web』『Wire Cutter』

Yumika: 「Well, since the Berserk Ogre has become less aggressive... or rather, entered his Dere period, there's less damage than there could have been, I guess?」

Kazane: 「... (Doing a Dogeza)」

Yukko-nee: 「Normally, you'd be imprisoned, but possessing a Title allows accommodations for such things. It's good that it could be settled with just money.」

Kazane: 「... (Doing a Dogeza)」

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