
Chapter 346

Chapter 346: Let's Exchange


Pointing at herself, Kazane said that. Then Runei nodded.

「That's right. Anglais Messi has approached Zenith Firm's Makka Tomac with a considerably favorable offer to negotiate the transfer of the hot spring's ownership.」

「Favorable offer?」

Kazane tilted her head. It was an adorable, childish gesture, but her eyes were dollar signs.

「It's not an extraordinary sum, but the amount offered isn't bad at all. Well, since it's a health resort near the border of Minshiana and Lindo, future demand can be expected. Anglais Messi also seems to think it will be profitable. For the ordinary person Kazane Yuihama, I think it isn't a bad story.」

(I'm not an ordinary person. I'm more or less a merchant) Kazane thought, but since she wasn't particularly active as a merchant, she didn't say anything.

「Of course, since Zenith Firm is also in a position where they're simply allowed to use Kazane-san's hot spring, they can't do something like selling it of their own accord. Kazane-san's input would naturally be necessary for that negotiation.」

「Well, that's right.」

Even though Kazane was considered the owner of the hot spring's source, she honestly didn't really understand what kind of added value it possessed. However, Kazane understood that since she was the owner, it was something she had to deal with.

「So, should I not accept the negotiation?」

After Kazane's question, Yuuko-nee shook her head and answered.

「For me, it's better for you to possess it, but it's Kazane's right. Do as you like. Since it's in Minshiana territory, at worst, I can seize and nationalize it no matter who owns it, so it doesn't matter.」

The queen smoothly said something terrible.josei

「Gu, you incarnation of political power.」

「Say whatever you like. Power is justice. And political power is the surest type of power in this world.」

Yuuko-nee wasn't perturbed by Kazane's censure. After many years of living as a queen, Yuuko-nee's skin was now as thick as an iron plate.

「You seem to be enjoying yourselves.」

「You two seem close.」

However, Kazane and Yuuko-nee couldn't win against Runei's scoff and Anne's smiling face, and they groaned「Gununu.」So they decided to return to the subject as if nothing had happened.

「Anyway, the problem is Anglais Messi's background!」

「You took out the black potion because it's related to that, right?」

Kazane's gaze turned to the black potion bottle placed on the table.

「Black potion and magic hot spring. Well, I can roughly imagine the reason.」

After Kazane's words, Yuuko-nee and Runei's eyes narrowed. Then Garua, who had been silent so far, opened his mouth.

「Could you let me explain that reason?」

「Nn, yeah. I simply heard an incomplete explanation from Louise-san, so please.」

Garua nodded after Kazane's words.

「Well then, it seems everyone here already knows what I'm going to say, but I'll explain just in case.」

Then Garua stepped forward and picked up the black potion.

「It's about the raw materials for this black potion that is currently spreading all over the world. We've confirmed that it's either made from a devil or an Astral body with devil traits.」

It was speculated that the Astral bodies with devil traits were probably human beings who had been ruined by the black potion.

「Although I said that was the raw material, that's the undiluted portion. The raw materials of the items actually in circulation are also diluted with something.」

Being able to grasp that much meant that the number of people relying on black potions was increasing. Being an adventurer wasn't viable without power. Even if there was a risk, if one wanted to advance, it was true that gaining power was the only way.

「And it seems the liquid used for dilution is a liquid that contains a large amount of magical power. In other words, the water of Kazane Magic Hot Spring, which has a Magic Power recovery effect, could qualify.」

「Does that mean Kazane Magic Hot Spring water is being used for the black potions?」

After Kazane's words, Garua shook his head.

「No. Considering the time when Kazane Magic Hot Spring was discovered and the first discovery of the black potion, that probably isn't the case. Just to be sure, we investigated the area, and as far as we could confirm, there was no trace of a third party carrying away that water. It's likely that Soldard either has a similar hot spring or regular spring.」

There's also a magic hot spring in Soldard. Kazane wrote that in her mental notepad.

「We're currently in the middle of popping the distribution routes. Ah, thanks to Kazane and the others, one of the routes was crushed. I have to thank you.」


Kazane was bashful.

「Well, we're also being pestered with questions from the Dragon Boat Administration Bureau about the Dragon Boat incident, though. There are some headache-inducing parts.」


Kazane's laughter changed into something apologetic.

No matter how much they were threatened from above, the existence of the Dragon Boat Administration Bureau was predicated on the automatic operation of the Dragon Boats; Kazane and the others' deed of manually operating the Dragon Boat shook the very foundations of the organization.

And at Yuuko-nee's order, information about that matter was currently being strictly controlled. Since the military balance of the countries was quite likely to be tilted, Yuuko-nee thought that at minimum, she needed to share information with Hyvern and decide their plan to deal with it before she took any actions. The problem was that it didn't require Kazane's individual Skills or an Artifact; anyone with a security key from the ancient Ishtaria civilization could operate one.

Also, at the present point, the Guild Master Runei had not been informed about the details of the Dragon Boat matter. For that reason, Runei listened to their conversation with great interest.

「In the current state, if the group making the black potions wishes to expand their reach, they might be searching for water that could be used for the black potions. We want you to confirm whether or not Anglais Messi is a devil, devil-possessed, or a devil believer. That's the reason for this time's request.」

Then Yuuko-nee summarized the request to Kazane like that. Runei added a supplement.

「With his position, he's usually surrounded by guards and can't be approached by an ordinary adventurer. But if you go to do business, you'll definitely be able to meet.」


Kazane groaned after the two spoke. Kazane understood the story from Yuuko-nee and Runei up to now, but there was one thing she was bothered about.

「I've understood everything so far. Nevertheless, is there any evidence that Anglais-san is connected to the devils?」

While looking at the request form, Kazane asked that. It was certainly possible, but she felt like the motive to suspect him was weak. After her words, Yuuko-nee replied「There is」with a subtly displeased expression.

「There are rumors that Anglais Messi was one of the supporters when Barom Soldard, the current King of Soldard, seized the throne.」

The current King of Soldard, Barom Soldard. She'd heard that he had seized the throne and was even now continuing to massacre the royalty and aristocrats who opposed him. She'd often heard rumors that, starting with the former king, the main plaza of Soldard's royal capital had become an exhibition of the heads of royalty and nobles. And the origin of the problematic black potion was also the Kingdom of Soldard. Moreover, it started spreading immediately after Barom's coronation. Therefore, Yuuko-nee suspected that he was the mastermind behind the spread of the black potions.

Which also meant that Barom was either connected with the devils, or perhaps he was a devil himself.

◎ Royal Castle Delgura, Passage

「It's a troublesome matter.」


After Jinrai's words, Kazane replied with a bitter smile. The man named Anglais Messi was the head of one of Lindo Kingdom's largest firms. There was a limit to what mere adventurers could investigate, and it was certainly true that Kazane, who had received a business negotiation, could be considered the right person for the job. Since Kazane could distinguish if he was a devil with『Dog's Sense of Smell』, she was all the more suitable.

So even if it was troublesome, there was no way she could refuse. She couldn't allow the hot spring she discovered to be used to ruin people.

「But the reward is quite attractive.」

「Hmm, well, that's true.」

Kazane and Jinrai laughed.

For this time's reward, Yuuko-nee had presented a『Baby Core』, which was the juvenile form of a『Heart Orb』, a dungeon's Core. Kazane had previously destroyed one with her own hands; it was a rare item that had made her feel mortified feelings. For a Quest reward, it was exceptional. Yuuko-nee said that it was also an honorarium for the incident when Kazane defeated the devil.

The request itself would be a success no matter what information she gained, so it was almost certain that she would receive it. Yuuko-nee said that at worst, she could just confirm whether or not he was bald.

And since she planned to install the Dungeon Core in Hippomaru-kun, Jinrai was also satisfied. Further speed increase was anticipated.

「Well, we can't say anything unless we try meeting him first. There are only three weeks until the coronation, so if we don't go right away, we'll be in danger of running out of time.」

Jinrai nodded after Kazane's words. There had been many detours up until now, so it had taken longer than Kazane and the others had expected. Originally, by this time, they should have passed through Conrad and started relaxing in Kazane Magic Hot Spring. After that, they would have gone to Kazane Pair Dragon Hot Spring at Rock Hold Cave, then the Torda Hot Spring managed by Louise. However, Kazane thought they might not be able to travel so leisurely.

Currently, Kazane and Jinrai's discussion with Yuuko-nee was over, and they were heading to the courtyard. Naoki and Yuuko-nee's body double, Iria, should be there.

「Ah, please wait a moment.」

However, Kazane and Jinrai were called out to from behind.

「Hmm? Garua-san, what is it?」

The voice's owner was Garua Barua. He had been in the drawing room to explain the black potion, and he trotted toward Kazane and Jinrai with white cylinders in his hands.

「Um, I was thinking I'd give these to you.」

While breathing a little roughly, Garua said that and handed Kazane the white cylinders. They were two refined White Accumulators that were slightly longer than before.

「These are?」

「Improved White Accumulators. They store more Magic Power than the previous version.」

「You're giving me these?」

「Yes. And, um, if possible, I'd be grateful if you would exchange them for an Accumulator you're currently using.」

Kazane tilted her head at those words.

「Ok. That's fine, but why?」

Since she would obtain superior equipment in the trade, that was fine for Kazane, but she was curious about the reason.

「Since the Accumulator has been used in actual battle for a long time, I'd like to examine its condition. It will be valuable data, and I can check its durability and the like.」

「I see. Should I give you both?」

「No, I'd like to ask for the one that you received from Agato's workshop that isn't the White Accumulator. Ah, thank you very much.」

Kazane removed the non-white Accumulator hanging on her waist on the spot, handed it to Garua, and received the two new White Accumulators (Revised).

The Accumulators were only effective when equipped; unequipping it would cut the connection, causing all the stored Magic Power to leak out, so she couldn't load several with Magic Power and store them somewhere. Wearing too many would be a hindrance in battle, and Kazane judged that her practicable limit was two. Though it would be different if she mainly used magic like Yuuko-nee.

In that case, Kazane had one left over.

(Hmm, shall I have Naoki use this one?)

Then Kazane considered giving Naoki the White Accumulator she currently had equipped. It was finally time to try and get the essence of her Strongest Younger Brother plan. Increasing Naoki's Magic Power was the opening move.

Also, the White Accumulator (Revised) had more elaborate ornamentation than before, and the amount of Magic Power each one could store had increased to +100.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Summoning Fighter

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King, Liberator

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor (True), Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, White Magic Accumulator (Revised) ×2, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 38

Health: 152+20

Magic Power: 340+520

Strength: 72+45

Agility: 78+39

Endurance: 43+20

Wisdom : 75

Dexterity : 51

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』『Rabbit Speed』『Flare Mirage』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Warrior's Memory: Lv2』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog's Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv4』『Aegis Shield』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition: Lv2』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link: Lv2』『Optical Camouflage』『High Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Hand Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『Sturdier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Devil King's Intimidation』『Stone Minotaur: Lv2』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『Space Expansion』『Pseudo-Silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』『Ingredient Connoisseur: Lv2』『Dragon Pheromone「Dragon」』『Boost』『Monkey's Strong Arm』『Two-sword Style』『Boobies Plus』『Living Armor』『Alarm』『Six-sword Style』『Mental Attack Complete Protection』『Spider Web』『Wire Cutter』

Kazane: 「With these, I can fire two Mega Beams and still have a little left over!」

Yumika: 「Rokuten-kun Ashura King mode would probably last for 20 minutes at full power, right?」

Yuuko-nee: 「By the way, I always carry around 10 of those same Accumulators.」

Kazane: 「Even if you're not a vanguard, that's too many, Yuuko-nee.」

Yumika: 「Well, even though she's not a vanguard Job, with a level 96's Status it shouldn't be that difficult?」

Yuuko-nee: 「When I move my body, they jangle about, so they are a hindrance, though.」

Kazane: 「But with that amount, it feels like the current Yuuko-nee could turn something the size of Shubain into a sea of flames...」

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