
Chapter 348

Chapter 348: Let's Boast

「Ah, that's right. Naoki, I'll give this to you now so I don't forget. Make sure to equip it.」

After the pupilship interview with Iria was over, when Kazane was wondering if it was about time to return to the hotel, she handed a certain thing to Naoki.

「Nn, what's this?」

Then Naoki looked at the thing he was given by Kazane and made a surprised expression.

「Wait, isn't this Aneki's Accumulator!?」

「I received a new one. I'll give that one to you.」

Kazane laughed happily as she showed off the new Accumulator, but Naoki's gaze was focused on the White Accumulator in his hand.


「... Naoki?」

「UooOOOOOOOOOO, a present from Aneki! A present for me! Understood. I'll take good care of it! I have to keep it in a safe place so I don't lose it! I'll buy a safe or something and keep it there!! 」

After Naoki said that enthusiastically, Kazane objected「No, use it!」

「They said you have a problem dealing with short range combat, but there are also times when you save too much and are reluctant to use the powers of your magic swords.」

Kazane's words were correct. The White Party specialized in offensive power, and Naoki often acted as the follow-up. Naoki's current position was almost like a support for Kazane and the others, but Kazane was thinking it mustn't stay that way.

「I'm anticipating something like back in Blue Rifon.」

「Blue Rifon? What is that?」

Iria had been listening to Kazane talk with great interest, and she asked that. Naoki answered.

「Ah, Aneki is talking about my Skill that draws out the abilities of my magic swords to the limit. But it's a trump card; I can hardly move after I use it, so it's difficult to use.」

Using the full power of his Skill『Magic Sword Operator』. Naoki's killer technique was an attack that exhibited maximum power in exchange for huge Magic Power consumption, but since it caused heavy fatigue after use, Kazane had only seen it used in actual combat once. But Kazane squinted after Naoki's words.

「You said that consumes all your Magic Power, right? But with that White Accumulator and the Accumulator built into your Crystal Dragon magic sword, you'll have more Magic Power than a high-ranking magician. You should master using anything you can use. You'll have to work hard.」

Kazane said with an unusually serious expression. Increasing Naoki's ability was directly linked to increasing Naoki's survival probability. Kazane had no intention of compromising when it came to that.

「Ah, that's so. Understood, Aneki. For now, I'll fill up the White Accumulator.」

Actually, running out of Magic Power wasn't the only problem; that technique also put a heavy burden on his body. But if he became able to use his Skill more freely, he would certainly become a more powerful asset for combat. Due to lack of Magic Power, he had given up on full-scale training until now, but Naoki thought it might be time to restart and properly confront the issue.

Thus, Naoki's problematic issues were brought to the fore, and they would be the subjects of his future training. Well, apart from that, Naoki was simply in a good mood because he received his sister's hand-me-down.

Then, the day after they accepted the request from Yuuko-nee and Runei, Kazane and the others started heading to Winlard City.

◎ Zaltsu Pass, Next Morning

The scene of trees and boulders lining the sides of the road and many mountains of unimpressive height continued as Hippomaru-kun and the Thunder Chariot ran down the road. It hadn't been very long since their departure from the royal capital that morning, but the speed of their movement was much faster than other carriages, so it seemed they would reach Winlard City a little after noon.

「This is the first time I've come this way.」

Naoki in the coachman's seat muttered as he looked around.

When Naoki previously came to Minshiana, he had only made the round trip from Wombard City to Royal Capital Shubain, so he'd had no chance to see other places like this. Though with that said, the entire journey was a first for Lyle and Emily.

「This area is a habitat for Ogres. It seems the Berserk Ogre was originally a resident here as well.」

Kazane said from inside the carriage.

「Huh? Didn't that guy reside in the Black Stone Forest?」

Lyle, who was also sitting in the coachman's seat, said. Kazane replied「Wronnng.」

「The Berserk Ogre originally lived here. But the Black Stone Forest had many Ogre groups, so after he had a painful experience here, he went there to get more subordinates.」

Kazane said. Although it ended in a draw due to injuries, the Berserk Ogre was a vicious monster that destroyed the 10 parties who came to subjugate him. He had become a reliable existence, but no one except Kazane could control the Berserk Ogre.

「But if this is the Berserk Ogre's birthplace, shouldn't he be deeply moved or something due to returning to this place after a long time?」

That came to Yumika's mind, so she asked Kazane, who shook her head.

「No, he's still inactive like he has been since a while ago. I think he's aware of it, but it looks like he doesn't feel anything in particular... or rather, a short time ago, he momentarily thought something about how the Ogres here were weak and weren't very interesting to fight.」

「Ah, is that so.」

After Kazane's words, Yumika replied with a slightly stiff laugh.

In the first place, the biggest enemies for Ogres weren't human beings, but other groups of Ogres near their territory. The group of Ogres they encountered in the Black Stone Forest just happened to be Ogres that used to follow the Berserk Ogre, so they didn't attack each other. They wouldn't show mercy just because they were the same race.

While talking about such things, Kazane and the others advanced. And as a result of making Hippomaru-kun rush to a moderate degree, as planned, Kazane and the others arrived at their goal, Winlard City, just past noon.

Then Jinrai, Yumika, Lyle, and Emily headed to Jinrai Dojo while Louise and Tiara headed to Ricardo Inn to secure their beds for that night. Then, for the first time in a while, Kazane headed to Winlard's Adventurers Guild, Naoki and Tatsuo in tow.

◎ Winlard City, Adventurers Guild Office

「Oh my, isn't that Kazane-chan? It's been a long time.」

When Kazane entered the Adventurers Guild office, the receptionist woman called out to her.

「Nina-san, it's been a while.」

Then Kazane waved to the woman and replied. The addressee was Nina, the guild receptionist. She was the most popular receptionist in this guild, and the beastman adventurer Gao had once spent a night with her.

「It really has been a long time. I hear you've been amazingly active lately. Everyone's been talking about how you've already become a person too far from the likes of us.」

While saying that, Nina looked at Kazane's armor and muttered.

「... After all, you've gone far away?」

Nina muttered that when she saw the spiky armor Kazane was wearing, which looked like it would injure everyone who touched it.

「That's not the case. I endeavor to be friendly every day.」

Kazane clenched her fist and objected. Tatsuo on her head cried Kuwaa in agreement.

『That's right. Mother is a wonderful person who treats everyone fairly and without distinction.』


Nina tilted her head a little, but seeing the black dragon child on Kazane's head, she somehow understood that Kazane was raising him from a young child to try and become a Dragon Knight.

Dragon Knights were sometimes bestowed infant dragons. Rather, most Dragon Knight dragon mounts were raised that way.

And since that was a generally known matter, it seemed likely that the people who had seen Kazane and Tatsuo so far had thought the same thing as Nina.

And Nina's gaze also turned towards her left ring finger.

「Oh my, Kazane-chan, you...」


Paying no notice to Kazane's doubtful expression, Nina looked at Kazane, her ring, and Naoki behind her, then smiled.

「Since you have that ring, perhaps, Kazane-chan got married?」

After those words, Kazane laughed lightly and replied「Well, that's right.」In other words, she had a smug expression.

「This is a gift from my husband.」

Nina screamed Kyaa after Kazane's words.

「Jeez, you even brought along such a『wonderful husband』... you're truly a smooth operator.」

Then Kazane's smile froze. She realized there was a discrepancy in perception. But Nina didn't notice Kazane's expression and continued talking.

「You found a person from the same hometown. A guy with similar features who's quite cool. Then you immediately got married. Jeez, I'm jealous.」

「No, well, you know. You know.」

Naoki in the rear guessed everything and smiled like he had just taken the entire world. He and Aneki, married. Indeed, it was like a dream, but the woman in front of him acknowledged it. Nothing could be more happy for Naoki. Then,

「From now on, please support me and Kaza... buho!?」

Naoki, who moved ahead to try and make that appeal, was suddenly magnificently blown away. Naoki flew until he crashed into the door, which opened due to the impact, and he rolled outside.

「Whoa, what? This guy is?」

「A person is rolling!?」

「The Adventurers Guild? Good grief, adventurers are all violent people.」

「Right? Let's get away before we get involved.」

Although such voices were audible outside, Kazane, who had thrown her beloved younger brother with the strength from her Skill『Monkey's Strong Arm』, faced Nina without worrying about such thrown away garbage.


「A, ahahaha.」

Nina laughed while in a cold sweat. For a younger brother, the age difference... she thought, but she couldn't say it. Since Kazane threw a young man with just one of her slender arms. Nina could only laugh drily.

「The likes of marriage with such a revolting younger brother is impossible. If that happened, I'd bite my tongue until I died.」

「So much……」

Even though he looks cool, he's remarkably hated... Nina thought, but in any case, it wasn't an atmosphere where she could touch on that. So, forgetting about the discarded trash, she once again asked about the ring.

「Uhh. Bu, but, it's true that you got married, right?」

「Yeah, I did.」

After Kazane's smile returned and she replied, Nina said「How nice.」

When she looked closely, she sensed something strangely ominous, or rather, something imposing from Kazane's armor, but by all appearances, it was a powerful armor that was a first-class good. And it wasn't only that. The circlet on her forehead, the necklace she was wearing, and her bracelet and other ornaments were all top grade. The jewel on the ring Nina first saw was a particularly fine item; it was a tremendously beautiful gem that glittered with rainbow light.

「Uu, since he can give you such things, doesn't that mean your partner is considerably rich?」

「That's right. I can't say his name, but he's terribly famous.」

As God Dragon Emperor Naga came to mind, Kazane so replied. At least until Tatsuo had grown to the point where he could protect himself, they had decided not to give out any information related to his birth, so she couldn't talk about her husband's true identity here.

But it seemed her marriage to a person so famous she couldn't say his name struck a chord with Nina. Nina realized the shorty in front of her was a terrifying being who had achieved the dream of marrying into wealth and power. She was jealous.

「Haa, I have to find a good person soon as well.」

Then the adventurers' idol sighed and said that.

Adventurers proposed to her reasonably often, but she had always thought that if she was going to get married, a person with a stable『high income』was desirable. If they were an adventurer, she wanted someone who was at least rank A. However, it was difficult to meet high ranking adventurers in a peaceful city like this. Even when she could meet them, they were mostly already taken.

It seemed getting married was difficult in any world.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Summoning Fighter

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King, Liberator

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor (True), Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, White Magic Accumulator (Revised) ×2, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 38

Health: 152+20

Magic Power: 340+520

Strength: 72+45

Agility: 78+39

Endurance: 43+20

Wisdom : 75

Dexterity : 51

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』『Rabbit Speed』『Flare Mirage』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Warrior's Memory: Lv2』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog's Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv4』『Aegis Shield』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition: Lv2』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link: Lv2』『Optical Camouflage』『High Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Hand Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『Sturdier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Devil King's Intimidation』『Stone Minotaur: Lv2』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『Space Expansion』『Pseudo-Silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』『Ingredient Connoisseur: Lv2』『Dragon Pheromone「Dragon」』『Boost』『Monkey's Strong Arm』『Two-sword Style』『Boobies Plus』『Living Armor』『Alarm』『Six-sword Style』『Mental Attack Complete Protection』『Spider Web』『Wire Cutter』josei

Yumika: 「When we went to Jinrai Dojo, everyone was surprised. They were saying『Did you rejuvenate again?』」

Kazane: 「Well, that would be surprising, right?」

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