
Chapter 353

Chapter 353: Let's Be Reinforcements

Zacks was stunned by the sudden lightning and thunderous roar that passed in front of him.

It was certainly fast. But as far as he could see, it didn't seem to be the speed of a Light magic attack.

However, when he saw how the Land Octopuses were sent flying, the power it had was obvious. The monsters were forcefully blown away like an adventurer who received an attack from a Minotaur.

Since it only hit the monsters, it was fine, but they would have surely been wiped out if it had directly hit themselves. A chill ran down Zacks' spine when he thought that. However, in reality, it didn't hit Zacks and others, and it was true that only the monsters were killed.

(This is… since it only aimed at the monsters, does that mean reinforcements have come?)

Zacks had never seen or heard of such magic, but there was no way it was simply a coincidence. In that case, are we saved?... the moment Zacks thought that, the mass of lightning turned sharply, and immediately afterward, it suddenly brightened like an explosion, and the lightning dispersed and disappeared. Then, inside that crackling purple discharge, a black horse and a black carriage with a huge cat on the roof became visible.

「... Not just that. There's a small dragon on the cat?」

Zacks muttered. There was something that seemed like a black dragon child on the cat. As Zacks was dumbfounded, that small dragon suddenly fired a beam that mowed down the Land Octopuses that were approaching the horse-drawn carriage. Furthermore.

「We're reinforcements!」

『We'll assist you!』

From the lightning carriage that came running from the direction of Minshiana, a small angel, a fire angel, and a mass of lightning descended, and exactly as stated, they began to assist Zacks and the others.

Then two people who appeared to be a man and young girl jumped out from the carriage. The man started riding the huge cat that was on top of the carriage, summoned a skeleton knight, and started fighting. The girl followed after him while accompanied by a black wolf, and they began to rout the Land Octopuses.

「This one's hopeless. This one's still breathing. Kazane, let's use High Heal together.」


And when he saw an elf woman with huge breasts coming from the carriage, Zacks stared in wonder.

「Louise Nee-san!?」

It was a face Zacks knew. It was the figure of a skilled female adventurer who temporarily joined Zacks' party several times when he was younger. Their last meeting was quite a long time ago, but because the woman was an elf, she stood there with exactly the same appearance that Zacks once saw.

「Yes? Who are... umm, ah, you're Zacks?」

「That's right. It's me. It's Zacks.」

It had already been 10 years. Since he was a youngster then, he should have changed a lot, but it seemed Louise remembered him. Despite the situation, Zacks' heart was brimming with nostalgia and relief.

「Well, as you'd expect, there aren't many who have piercingly stared at my chest as hard as you did.」

When Louise cracked a joke, Zacks' companions laughed. It seemed their feelings of despair had already been dispelled.

「Don't laugh, guys. If you look, you should understand my feelings.」

While Zacks' face turned red, he objected to his companions. Then the gazes of his companions turned to Louise's chest, and they nodded while saying「Yeah.」There was a violent thing there. There were also women in the party, and they were looking at their own smallish chests with resigned expressions.

However, Louise's next words made Zacks feel like he had been doused with cold water.

「More importantly, it looks like you've done something you shouldn't have.」

When Zacks looked at Louise, her gaze was clearly the sort of thing that would be turned towards an enemy. However, while that gaze seemed like it wasn't turned towards Zacks, but something inside Zacks, it certainly still made Zacks feel like his body had frozen.

「Ah, ah... that is...」

As Zacks hemmed and hawed, the angel Shorty protested「More importantly, get over here.」

「That person only did it this time, so later, later!」

Those words also startled Zacks. From what the two said, Zacks understood they were talking about the『Black Potion』. But the angel Shorty knew his usage of the『Black Potion』was『only this time』.

However, it was also true that they didn't have the leeway to confirm that in the current situation. A giant black Ogre popped out in the middle of the battle, which further surprised Zacks and the others, but it seemed he was the Shorty's summoned being, and he hit the Land Octopuses one after another with his black club.

And with the united front of the White Party and Zacks Raven, the Land Octopus swarm was exterminated one by one, and the battle ended after only a short time.



After the battle was over, Zacks was secretly leaning on a horse-drawn carriage alone.

It seemed Moldoa, who had regained consciousness, was continuously uttering words of gratitude to the White Party for their assistance. Most of the dead adventurers were from the other party of young adventurers, but two of Zacks' companions had also died.

Leaving the disposal of the corpses to his companions, Zacks was resting by himself. His complexion was bad, and cold sweat was flowing profusely. However, they were currently busy dealing with the battle's aftermath. Therefore, Zacks was resting in a place away from that situation.

「Oh my, it looks extremely painful.」

The resting Zacks was called out to.

「... Louise Nee-san.」

When Zacks turned to face that voice, it was Louise who was there.

「Thank you very much for this time.」

Zacks thanked Louise from the bottom of his heart. There were many things he was grateful for; it ended without him doing the dishonorable act of abandoning the caravan, and his companions weren't annihilated. But Louise smiled and shook her head.

「There's no need for such a thing. It was our leader's order, so if you're grateful, tell Leader.」

「Ah, that angel girl? No, of course I'll thank her.」

「More importantly, show me your arm.」

So saying, Louise forcibly grabbed Zacks' right arm and raised it.


Zacks reflexively raised his voice from the pain, but Louise's gaze was nailed to his right arm. That arm was now dyed black. Something black was pulsating in his arm, and her fingertips were slightly transparent. His flesh was in the process of transforming to have a spiritual nature. In other words, it was Astralization.

「It seems the Black Potion you drank had a very high concentration.」

Louise said in a voice like she was amazed, and Zacks made a miserable face like a scolded child.

「As I thought, you knew?」

Based on her reaction during the battle, Zacks thought that was probably the case; Louise had noticed that Zacks drank a Black Potion.

「Well, that's right. Due to ingesting a high concentration of Negative Astral Body, sudden erosion is occuring. The poison is eroding your body and turning it Astral. As it is, your body will fall apart like the threads of fraying clothing, and you'll die.」

Zacks was startled by Louise's verdict, but just after, he feebly laughed.

「I knew there were side effects. Well, I didn't know if we could have escaped as it was. If I think about how it bought us time for your party to come save us, it might not be so bad.」

Since at least his companions weren't annihilated, Zacks thought it was fine. No, should it be said that he had to think that? The black thing inside Zacks wasn't just in the arm that was showing symptoms. He sensed that that『thing』was also in both his legs, and it seemed like it had also spread through his entire body. In fact, Zacks' body was partially blackened, and he didn't think cutting off his arm would do anything about it.

(Imperfect suitability?……)

He had heard about that when he bought the Black Potion. If his affinity was bad, he would die. Zacks bought it anyway because he wanted a trump card in reserve for an emergency. As a result, it was useful, but he had thought that he would die as it was, and the woman in front of him had confirmed that. As Zacks was thinking like that, Louise slapped his head.

「Hey, don't make such a miserable expression.」

「But, when I look at this arm, I can't stop trembling. I think that I can't go back anymore.」

Zacks pushed out his right arm. Zacks could no longer feel that blackened arm. He couldn't stop his own slow advance towards death. He felt such a fear. But Louise shook her head and smiled.

「No, there's still time.」


At those words, Zacks reflexively raised his face.josei

「Yes. Do you have enough money for regenerative healing?」

「I can manage with what I've saved so far... but, will that cure me?」

「If too much time had passed, it would have been useless, but fortunately, you're still in the beginning stages of becoming an Astral body, so your form is in order. I'll pull out the poison in your body, so go to a healing clinic or temple right away and receive regenerative healing.There may be some aftereffects, but you should be able to recover somehow.」

Regenerative healing was magic that regenerated a damaged body back to normal based on the information from their Astral Body. Unlike Jinrai, whose Astral Body arm was eaten along with his real one, there was hope that Zacks' arm would return to normal.

「If I remove the poison, at worst, you'll have to cut off the arm to save your life. If you can't get treatment no matter what, consider that as well.」

「That is… yeah, understood. Louise Nee-san, thank you.」

Zacks said with tears in his eyes. His body, which had been leaning against a wagon, sank to the ground, and he started sobbing. He was surely relieved after hearing Louise's words. Zacks' feelings until now broke through through their dam and spilled out in the form of tears.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Summoning Fighter

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King, Liberator

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor (True), Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Heroic Spirit Summoning Ring, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, White Magic Accumulator (Revised) ×2, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 38

Health: 152+20

Magic Power: 340+520

Strength: 72+45

Agility: 78+39

Endurance: 43+20

Wisdom : 75

Dexterity : 51

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』『Rabbit Speed』『Flare Mirage』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Warrior's Memory: Lv2』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog's Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv4』『Aegis Shield』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition: Lv2』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link: Lv2』『Optical Camouflage』『High Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Hand Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『Sturdier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Devil King's Intimidation』『Stone Minotaur: Lv2』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『Space Expansion』『Pseudo-Silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』『Ingredient Connoisseur: Lv2』『Dragon Pheromone「Dragon」』『Boost』『Monkey's Strong Arm』『Two-sword Style』『Boobies Plus』『Living Armor』『Alarm』『Six-sword Style』『Mental Attack Complete Protection』『Spider Web』『Wire Cutter』『Flexible』

Yumika: 「Did you get a Skill this time as well?」

Kazane: 「Yeah. It's『Flexible』. When I bend forward, my hands reach the ground now.」

Yumika: 「Eh?」

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