
Chapter 364

Chapter 364: Let's Grasp the State of Affairs


In Zexiaharts, there existed a Scout role that corresponded to what would usually be a game Thief, and Thief wasn't a selectable default Occupation.

But that wasn't to say that the Thief Occupation didn't exist. In Zexiaharts, the Thief Occupation was an option that appeared if a Scout obtained a criminal history for things such as theft, and like other professions such as Assassins, it was an Occupation that opened the underworld aspects of the game.

And the devil with the form of a boy in front of Kazane announced he was a Thief while displaying the Heroic Spirit ring he had『stolen』.

「Well, although I said I'm a Thief, in my case, I've already done the Superiorizations at level 40 and level 100. My current Occupation has become the nonsensically named Thief King.」

When the black lightning fell on her, Kazane collapsed on the spot as her entire body convulsed. Age bent his knees and sat down while telling her that. However, Kazane simply trembled without reacting.

「Ah man, that was disappointingly quick.」

『Age, I'm also finished over here.』

While watching the Berserk Ogre he had cut to pieces disappear, Gilbert so replied.

「Thanks for your hard work. I've got a problem here, though. Hahaha... since it's a player item, I can't make it my own property, and moreover, since it's a rare item, it'll likely return immediately if I don't keep applying『Steal』.」

Due to Zexiaharts' specifications, the『Steal』Skills were restricted when used on players. The stolen item would return to the opponent's item field after a certain amount of time. The『Steal』probability was higher than usual, but the stolen item was locked, so the Thief couldn't use or take ownership of the stolen item. In short, it became an ability to shut down an item in PvP.

『She won't be able to use it anyway. That girl has been captured by your『Shadow Lightning』. The highest grade『Mental』sealing technique. Wouldn't there be no problems even if you returned it?』

「Mmm, maybe, but Kazane is unexpectedly tenacious, so I'll keep it just to be sure. For now, let's leave outside to that person.」

After Age's words, Gilbert said「That guy?」

『I wanted to fight against that old man named Ougi, though.』

「Well, when he defeats the opponent he's aiming for, he might be satisfied and yield to you.」

『Then I suppose I'll hope for that to happen? Also, it looks like that dragon child and old man ran away.』

So saying, Gilbert looked at the place where Magna and Tatsuo were a short while ago. Apparently, the one man and one creature left that place with considerable speed using Magna's summoned beast. However, Age didn't seem particularly concerned about them.

「They can’t escape inside this jet black barrier anyway, so it's fine, isn't it? We can kill them later. This is more important.」

While saying that, Age started walking toward the glowing cocoon.

『What are you planning to do?』josei

While watching the situation, Gilbert asked.

「It's dangerous for devils like us to kill players, and Kazane is especially irregular, don't you think? So I think I'll have this dispose of her for us.」

So saying, Age touched Yuuko-nee's cocoon with a devil's smile. Then, the glowing cocoon started eroding to black from the place his hand had touched.

「Well, being killed by her pet cat will also satisfy Kazane, don't you think?」

◎ Trade City Uumin, Center Street

Screams echoed from all around.

All members of the adventurer party『Zacks Raven』were running through the city.

「Here we go again, Zacks. Dammit, why is this happening?」

One of his companions grumbled, but Zacks suppressed his desire to curse back and silently continued running.

The current situation in Trade City Umin was, in short, the worst of the worst.

The city of 20,000 people was now in a maelstrom of pandemonium.

After the『attack』notification bell finally began to ring, they had begun to understand the city's current dangerous situation, but that didn't mean the situation had improved. Rather, it could be said to be getting worse.

(Shit, what the hell is this!?)

Zacks continued running while cursing in his heart.

It was only a moment ago that a message from the Adventurers Guild came to the inn where Zacks and the others were staying. The reason for the visit was a message about a compulsory participation Quest.

They were told that a flock of Odo Eater Leeches were approaching outside the city. An Odo Eater Leech was a species of leech monster that sucked up the magical power within the body. They heard that the swarm looked like a sea moving across the ground towards the city. However, the Quest imposed on Zacks and others wasn't a request to subjugate them. Those would be left to the kingdom army of this city.

The number of Lindo Kingdom troops in the city was about 1,000. It was questionable if that number was enough to resist the currently approaching Odo Eater Leeches, but they had trained to protect the city. Bolstering their shaking hearts, the soldiers were currently standing by outside the city in preparation for the monster invasion.

Zacks and the others wouldn't participate in the battle. Because they had to solve the problem inside the city.

「It's a Hiruko! Another one appeared!!」

「Dammit. Why did my family become monsters!?」

「The slums are already hopeless. It's『happened』to everyone inside.」

It was a situation where he wanted to cover his ears, but Zacks pushed on.

「Zacks, ahead!」


Zacks chopped the black tar-like humanoid in front of him. After someone had been Astralized by Black Potions, they might mentally collapse, causing a runaway process that would transform them into one of those things called Devil Hirukos.

(Is this the fate I was supposed to suffer?)

Seeing that figure, Zacks imagined that『what-if』and felt his spine freeze in terror.

The true forms of the things that were currently attacking the city were Black Potion users undergoing runaway Devilization. It seemed that those with mild symptoms had collapsed, while those beyond a certain level of addiction had become Hirukos, but if the Astralization of the people who had collapsed continued, they would probably become Hirukos eventually.

Even more problematic was that the number of Black Potion addicts had increased to a serious level in the Outer-controlled pleasure quarter. Also, even though they should have had no money, many people in the slums were addicts『for some reason』.

If it was only a single Hirukoized person, they would easily collapse and lose their shape if they were cut, like Zacks had just done. However, if they were in an assembled state……

「It appeared. Dammit. Huge.」

A huge, 4 meter black monster was peeking around the street corner.

「This is no joke. We're supposed to cut down something like that?!」

Zacks shouted.

「Then step aside!」

「Huh? Nee-san!?」

From behind Zacks, a lightning sphere flew toward the huge Hiruko. That lightning took the shape of a sword, cut through the huge Hiruko in one swing,

「Lightning, purify!」

and then that sword-shaped lightning dispersed, covering the cut Hiruko and evaporating it instantly.

「Good grief, what is this situation?」

「Louise Nee-san, did you come for me!?」

Zacks was relieved from the bottom of his heart and looked at the party coming from behind.

They were the members of the White Party: Jinrai with Yumika, Louise with Tiara, and furthermore, 10 Flame Knights led by a Flame Power, Demon Wolf Kuromaru, the skeleton Dragon Knight Jin Bahar, and Hippomaru-kun with mass production models Tatsuyoshi-kun A and B.

In the current situation, they looked strangely reliable to Zacks, but Louise looked slightly awkward as she talked to Zacks.

「Ahーsorry for giving you expectation, but there's a place we have to go.」

「Perhaps you're heading to exterminate the Odo Eater Leeches outside?」

After Louise gently told him they couldn't fight together, Zacks so replied.

「What's that?」

That was the first time Louise and the others had heard about that.

「What do you mean?」

Jinrai stepped forward and pressed Zacks for an answer.

「Ri, right now, it seems there's a vast number of Odo Eater Leeches heading this way outside. The kingdom army is heading out to destroy them while we adventurers handle things in the city. A compulsory participation Quest was announced, but they didn't come to you?」

A shock ran through Jinrai and the others at Zacks' words.

「Ku. What in the world is going on?」

「Master, let’s go quickly.」

As Jinrai felt light vertigo due to the badness of the situation, Yumika called out to him from behind.

「Kazane's not replying, so we have to hurry.」

「I know… what is this situation? We've only been in this city for half a day and this happens. What in the world...」

「You guys were unlucky.」

In answer to Jinrai's question, a voice resounded from somewhere.

「You guys artfully barged into our plan to kill the people of this city and Anglais Messi. Completely irregular.」

That voice was from down the street, where the Hirukos were gathering.

「Hey, you, that place is danger…ous?」

Zacks was flustered and called out, but the situation was strange.

The endlessly streaming Hirukos were avoiding the person with that voice. And when they saw the man's face, all the White Party members except Jinrai raised their voices in surprise.

「Wait, what? What the?」

『What the hell is this?』

Louise's shout and Mefirus' agitation made Jinrai tilt his head.

「What's wrong with you two? Are you acquainted?」

Louise and Mefirus weren't sure what to say and couldn't immediately respond to Jinrai's question. However, their mouths were repeatedly opening and closing as they compared Jinrai with the person healing towards them. And the answer to Jinrai's question was given by his disciple Yumika.

「It's master... from the time when we first met... but, his skin is black?」

After his disciple spoke, Jinrai stared at the opponent while tilting his head.

He was an old man with two grim black spears wearing black armor that fit his body snugly, like the way Kazane's first『Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor』fit her. And when he looked very closely at that face, he certainly remembered it. But like a dark elf, his skin was black.

「Hm. My only blood relative that age should be my older sister.」

「Hm. You're a man bad at consideration. Thinking about how you're another me makes me feel pitiable.」

The Jinrai with his figure as an old man slowly came before Jinrai and the others.

「First of all, let's ask this. Who are you?」

Jinrai, who only clearly understood that he was an enemy, asked the old man Jinrai. Old Jinrai laughed and replied.

「I am you. What you lost, originally you. But I'm a person who lives only for battle. And,」

Old Jinrai's mouth contorted, and a black presence suddenly spewed out from his armor and spears.

「This is a magical power construction!?」

Louise looked at it and said that with a voice like a scream.

He was constructing a magical body, just like Kazane, Louise, and others did when they summoned. However, its size was not normal.


While Yumika looked up, a black shadow exceeding 15 meters was appearing behind Old Jinrai. As it gradually took shape, Yumika and the others' faces stiffened, and seeing their expressions, feelings of despair oozed out of Zacks and the others.

It was a huge creature. One of the strongest species in this world.

And Tiara and Mefirus knew that figure. The castle they lived in was decorated with paintings depicting the time when their ancestor defeated it. It was smaller than they had heard, but they remembered well the characteristic three red-black horns on its jet-black body.

It was the dragon mount ridden by Dragon Emperor Gaiel. A dragon called the Demon Dragon of Destruction, feared as the worst harmful dragon in the history of this Philon continent. Its name was Black Dragon Hagasu.

「You will die here. By my hand...」

Then the huge black dragon's roar echoed from the center of the city.

Name: Yuihama Kazane

Occupation: Summoning Fighter

Title: Ogre Killer, Dragon Slayer, High Beast Summoner, Rea King, Liberator

Equipment: Staff 『White Blaze』, Draghorn Tonfa x2, Dragon Eating Ogre Army Armor (True), Indestructible Cloak, Mysterious Pouch, Crimson Saint Coffin, Circlet of Wisdom, Aim Bracelet, White Magic Accumulator (Revised) ×2, Rainbow Necklace, Rainbow Dragon Ring, Angel Bracelet

Level : 38

Health: 152+20

Magic Power: 340+520

Strength: 72+45

Agility: 78+39

Endurance: 43+20

Wisdom : 75

Dexterity : 51

Spell : 『Fly』『Torch』『Fire』『Heal』『Firestorm』『Healer Ray』『High Heal』『Golden Dusk「Dragon Exclusive」』『Mirror Shield』『Rabbit Speed』『Flare Mirage』

Skill : 『Kick Devil』『Warrior's Memory: Lv2』『Night Vision』『Crushing Blow』『Dog's Sense of Smell: Lv2』『Golem Maker: Lv4』『Aegis Shield』『Fire Principle: Third Chapter』『Healing Principle: Fourth Chapter』『Air Jump: Lv2』『Killing Leg: Lv3』『Fear Voice』『Invisible』『Tiger Eye』『Wall Walking』『Intuition: Lv2』『Cheat Death』『Nimble』『Charge』『Material Shield: Lv2』『Information Link: Lv2』『Optical Camouflage』『High Dash』『Bloodsucking Blade』『Dragonization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Regenerate』『Soul Breaking Blade』『Stealthy Hand Placement』『Thunder Chariot: Lv2』『Sturdier Teeth: Lv2「Dragon」』『Crystallization: Lv2「Dragon」』『Devil King's Intimidation』『Stone Minotaur: Lv2』『Mega Beam: Lv2』『Space Expansion』『Pseudo-Silver Creation』『Poison Claw』『Fireball「Dragon」』『Cuticle「Dragon」』『Arms Creation: Black Flame』『Ingredient Connoisseur: Lv2』『Dragon Pheromone「Dragon」』『Boost』『Monkey's Strong Arm』『Two-sword Style』『Boobies Plus』『Living Armor』『Alarm』『Six-sword Style』『Mental Attack Complete Protection』『Spider Web』『Wire Cutter』『Flexible』


Yumika: 「What is this situation?」

Kazane: 「Shibishibi... Shibibibibiiin!!」

Yumika: 「Nn?」

[TL: The onomatopoeia here should be Kazane whistling (specifically, the kind of whistling made using a certain plant in rural Japan).]

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