Manuke FPS

Chapter 12

Chapter 12

At the store where adventurer equipment is sold, I asked Ashley for a tool bag. The bag can hold objects whose volume is larger than the bag itself, and is a classic example of an item appearing in young-adult fantasy novels.

“Hey, Nii-chan, you came to a store for adventurers, yet you don’t even know how to use the tool bag!”

He had cat ears, but the large man’s voice was deep and loud… [not cute at all] And the cat-eared giant took a small cloth bag that had been lined up on the counter and threw it lightly to me.

“Come on, it’s a tool bag. It will open the storage space if you just put in a little bit of magic. You’re an adventurer, right? Can you do it?”

I caught the bag and the mouth of it hung open, though the storage space didn’t seem to be as well, because I could see the cloth bottom.

I guess that means I need to put magic into it? How do I do that? Surely I should be able to… But neither my original world nor VMB had such a thing. Would I even be able to use it?

“N? Whats wrong, don’t tell me, you don’t know how to use magic? No, it’s probably that you are just stupid?”

Ashley seemed to be upset by this and opens her eyes wide. She pulls on my sleeve to indicate we should leave this place. [KAWAII DESU]

I don’t know what is wrong with this cat-eared giant, I don’t know how to use magic and he simply declares that I am an idiot.

“GA~AHHAHH! This is probably the first time I’ve seen a bastard as stupid as you! Truly the first time! What an idiot!”

“Yes! This is the first time, leader!”

“Although they can be an adventurer with motivation, an idiot isn’t useful, they’ll just get their fellow adventurers killed!”

Oi, Oi, what is with this course of events? I head something before about stupid, but what are they saying?

I can’t understand what this threesome is laughing at. Ignorant, stupid and foolish, and didn’t know how to use the tool bag is what they said? But I just don’t know how to use the tool bag. And I’ll kill my fellow companions with my incompetence?

My mind was full of questions, but I was brought back to reality by Ashley tugging on my sleeve. Ashley grasped on my sleeve and pulled it while trembling.josei

“You guys, come on! Even without magic, Black-san has the power to fight! He isn’t incompetent!”

“Haa? What did you say, young lady?! You’re this dunce’s party member? It must be difficult! Having to take care of him and do all of the work! How about you leave this blockhead and join my party? Break up with this stupid bastard! This stupid bastard can’t satisfy you at night? GAHAAHAA!”

“That’s a good idea! Leader’s body strengthening skills are enough to fight an orc!”

“Of course it is! Leader is way more competent than this magic-less idiot!”

“I refuse! Black is way more competent than you, and there is no need to leave!”

Ah, perhaps, she isn’t trembling in fear, but anger? “In addition, to insult someone simply for having no magical power? It’s just so….”

“Hoh? What did you say! You can’t see that I am more reliable? Hey, Dunce! Let’s go outside! Senpai will teach you a little something about magic. If you lose, I’ll be teaching this young lady all night!”

“Haa~ This kind of thing didn’t happen at the general guild, people trying to assault me…. (then again, this is a different world….).”

“Stop mumbling! Come with me!

Ashley, the cat-eared giant, and I left the store and went off the main street to a side road. I became aware of the Rat and Badger faced guys behind us, likely to keep us from escaping. After walking for a little, the cat-eared giant stopped and turned around.

“This place is good. Don’t use any weapons and kill this nuisance, we wont get in trouble.”

In other words, you want to say it isn’t a crime if it’s just injuries?

“Ashley, in this city, if you hurt an opponent in a fight, what happens?”

“If adventurers, commoners and craftsmen fight, the adventurer gets punished. But if adventurers kill each other, it is almost ignored.” Ashley returned an answer in a low voice. “Sorry for the inconvenience.”

“Come on, you stupid bastard! What do you think you’re doing, don’t you think it’s time you stopped relying on others!”

The cat-eared giant spread his hands in a pose that said ‘Bring it on’. It this a hallucination? his eyes glowed red and his giant body swelled. I wonder if this is that body enhancement magic.

What to do now… To be honest, I am just a simple FPS player. I didn’t go to a gym or do martial arts and have some special skill passed down like some secret grappling technique. I have never even fought in my original world. I wasn’t a tall child, and had little physical strength, so I wasn’t good at ball games or at athletics and sports.

The cat-eared giant already said they wouldn’t use weapons, but I don’t think I could beat the man in a battle of fists. Then again, just because he said he wouldn’t use one doesn’t mean I can’t. I plan to end this farce quickly.

I pull the Five-seveN out of the holster and switch off the safety, and then swiftly shot both of the cat-eared giant’s knees. The recoil from shooting from the shoulder wasn’t that much, and with both knees destroyed, the cat-eared giant fell to the ground with intense pain. Behind me, the rat and badger faced guys rushed over towards the cat-eared giant.


“Too disappointing… It seems to be missing magic, but was able to penetrate the knee…”

“Y-you.. what did you…”

“Adventurers don’t expose their tricks that easily. Then, Ashley, shall we return? To continue shopping with this kind of atmosphere, I think it wouldn’t be a good idea. If there is still time, how about we go have dinner together?”

I used a light tone and left the alleyway, leading Ashley along. This time, for certain, it was the long-awaited date-like atmosphere, and I hoped to end it with dinner.


After being in the adventurer’s tool shop and being carried away, then firing the Five-seveN, I left quickly in order to avoid people who would either connect the two events, and or follow the noise. While inviting Ashley to dinner, we decided to return to the White Labyrinth Flower Cottage.

To be honest, I would like to go to the rice hose, but with my present funds, and the fact that there may be no rice houses….

While eating dinner at the White Labyrinth Flower Cottage, Ashley said not a single word. From sharing several meals, I could tell she wasn’t someone who talked during a meal, but with this atmosphere, such a thing…

“Black-san, I want to talk to you a little.”

Ashley said this while we finished the meal and enjoyed drinking the fruit juice that had been placed on the table.

“Of course you can, I don’t mind. What is the matter?”

“About those adventurers we came across earlier who called you an idiot [Manuke]. It can also mean someone who has no magic. [ Ma = magic Nuke = not present ]”

“『Ma nuke』? What’s that?” [Ma also means devil. And nuke can mean omission, and the kanji is also used in ejaculate…]

“Yes, 『Ma nuke』, it is something that is extremely rare to find, and it means someone who is unable to absorb magic from the outside. Skills involving magic become impossible to obtain.

Magic power dwells in not only people who absorb it from the world, but all people and things present in this world. This table and the road both have magic. Even the sky is full of magic.

I don’t know what kind of place Black-san has lived, but in the Kurt Merga kingdom, magic is used in all sorts of places and in various equipment.

However the 『Ma nuke』 cannot make use of them at all. I understand Black-san’s fighting ability, but to continue living here will very……”

Ashley then cast her gaze downwards. Indeed, I certainly was not born in this world, and as I fell to here, brought along with me the power of VMB.

The fact that I have no magic is no excuse, I am a foreign alien in this world. In this world, I’m not only a foreign object.

FN Five-seveN

This handgun was developed by FN in Belgium, with a 20-round magazine utilizing 5.7x28mm ammunition, with excellent penetration.

Google was adamant about Fucking. “Fuck the previous adventurers in the mouth.”

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