Manuke FPS

Chapter 134

Chapter 134

Mimi, the girl I’d saved from the Kaidou island, had woken up. I had made an appearance in the form of Yona the ghost Captain. I also managed to create an atmosphere where she could talk using the Marida Company lunch boxes.

“Mimi, how long have you been on that island?”

“… Around two months…” 

“Why are you with the pirates?”

“T-The merchant ship I worked on was attacked, then we were taken to that island.”

“How many people were brought to the island besides you?”

“P-People besides me –”

Using the voice changing function, I made Yona’s voice a little scruffy. It was different from my other personas. Mimi answered my questions while slightly nervous because of that. According to her, the Kaidou kidnapped young men and women from the crew of the ships they assaulted. Then, they were brought back to the island. Mimi only wore only trousers and a disturbing collar around her neck. 

The other kidnapped people wore similar collars, and a few days later, the captured men were taken to the lowest warehouse of the base and never seen again. The women were divided into two groups; one to go with the men, and the rest forced to do jobs around the island. Cooking, cleaning, and even attending to them at night. They only rested in the early mornings or evenings. 

It appeared that this warehouse needed to be checked. Was something happening within it, or did it lead elsewhere? 

As of yesterday, seven women and five men had been captured. As I heard the story, it seems the five men were also taken to that warehouse. There were also apparently a lot of hostages, so it would be hard to save them all at once. Amar’s fleet would appear today or tomorrow. What would happen to these captives? Take the mto the warehouse or leave them be?

How will the escort fleet move after they attack? The fleet’s sailboats wouldn’t be able to get inside. And assuming that they had a layout, they might even consider attacking the entire island with magic. It didn’t feel good to do that. I also didn’t have the right to help but I wanted to since I heard the situation. 

I also heard about the Kaidous’ leader, Kada, a lion-type beastman. He was the one who’d thrown Mimi down. He had a harsh temper and bore easily enough. She had said that he had a habit of throwing his tops from his pirate room at the top of the wall.  

By the time I had heard this story, the sun had risen and it was almost noon. 

“Eat your fill.” 

I left the box and magic water in the room and left before heading to the command room. I hadn’t slept since I had left, so I wanted to rest. However I couldn’t leave Mimi on the boat forever. If there were people inside, the submarine couldn’t be stored…. 

Considering the remaining twelve people, it’d be a problem if I couldn’t pull it from the dock. Fortunately, the yellow marks that targeted the Amar fleet were not moving. I should return to the relay point and drop off Mimi before the fleet arrives. I couldn’t let her stay inside forever, especially since this place would become a battlefield. 

I switched to the U-Boat’s control and moved towards the relay point…

The U-Boat arrived at the relay point before sunset. When I checked on the periscope, there were ships moored on the island. Three new ships had arrived at the island. A ship with a hull thicker than the first caravel-styled ship, so it must have been Ashley’s fleet. They perhaps had just arrived as sailors were busy about moving cargo. 

I stopped the U-Boat under the sea and brought Mimi up to the command post. She followed while looking around the narrow passages since she’d been carried while unconscious. She was curious about all the exposed piping and countless instruments. 

“Ah, um… W-Where are we going…?”

“You will get on the boat that will take you home.”

“Eh! I can go home?!”

You can go home.”

“But… But… I can’t go home –” 

And then… She burst into tears while sinking down and held her knees… 

Why can’t she go home? … I couldn’t ask. 

She eventually got up while holding herself, muttering her mother’s name…. Was there something I could say to her…? … Nothing came to mind. But, there was still one thing I understood. 

“Mimi, I think your mother is praying for your return.”

“… But … But…” 

“Parents are the ones who accept all of their children, so you don’t need to worry about anything.” 

I lifted her up as she still cried and held her to my chest with one hand. I climbed the later that lead to the upper floor of the control tower. Among the transport ships, I moved the ship towards the largest ship which would mostly have Ashley. Hoping she was there, I surfaced. josei

“W-What the hell is that?!”

“T-That black ship! The one that I told you about earlier! It’s a sailess ship that intervened in our battle against the pirates!” 

“Hm, that is…” 

When I surfaced about 100 meters to the side of the largest ship, I could hear the noise on board it. 

“Assemble the combat sailors! Capture that black ship!” 

“Reizen! What are you talking about! Everyone is still unloading! 

“Sharle, Reizen, someone is coming out from the top —”

When I opened the hatch on top of the tower and climbed outside, I saw three people standing on the side of the ship. Sharle- Piggy Reimon, and Ashley.

“Wha! Undead?! Get ready for all-out combat! The undead are out!” 

After he say me, Piggy Reimon ran to the other side of the ship — Dobon! I heard the sound of something falling into the water, or jumping into the sea… 

“Big sister, please step back!” 

Sharle-san came forward as if she was hiding Ashley. Drawing her bow, her hand shined with light, But I stayed silent. I was just staring at Ashley’s eyes with blue flaming eyes… Did she notice at this distance? 

“Sharle- lower that bow.”

“Sharle- lower the bow.”

“Why, big sister?!”

“Just a little bit, let’s wait a little bit. Don’t let the combat sailors attack! However, prepare the defensive magic to be cast immediately!” 

Around them, there were a number of sailors. It seemed she bought some time. I threw the lifeboat into the sea as I left the tower and dropped Mimi into it as the sound of air jets sounded. She stopped crying and looked up to me as if she wanted to say something. I, however, just jumped back down the hatch before listening. That was because the flagship Reizen appeared behind the transport ship. 

The U-Boat did a quick dive and evacuated the area…

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