Manuke FPS

Chapter 141

Chapter 141

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The pirate fleet, Kaidou, had been annihilated. I left the remnants to be hunted and their home base investigated by Ashley and the others. Now, I was heading back to Amar. 

During the subjugation, I had originally come to Amr to support Ashley. However, when I had sailed out, I started to fuel the U-Boat, replenishing torpedoes, and then used the GE M134 Minigun. Including 4,000 rounds of 7.62x51mm NATO rounds. The SCAR-H, which used the same munition, had a 20cp consumption per magazine. Using that as a comparison, the M134’s cost was 200x bigger. 

When I thought about it now, the leader of Kaidou’s skill,[Water Flow Operation], was indeed troublesome. Still, using the M134 may have been overkill… My current CP had gone down. Not enough to hit 0, but I needed to get more non-attribute mana stones to cover the costs, so I needed to earn more money to buy them in bulk. 

There was a way to get money… In my inventory, there were barrels containing 95 liters of magical water in the Oshkosh M978’s tank trailer. That was also the same amount I had entrusted to the Marida Company. Moreover, there was also a more profitable route. Selling the dungeon core I got from the Wolf Fang’s Labyrinth. 

The sale of the water should’ve been outsourced to Marida Company, and they would proceed with selling it in small amounts at a time. Regarding the labyrinth’s core, Malta-san said he’d put it up in a large prestigious auction. But I wonder what has happened since then. While going over how to replenish my CP in the future, I returned to Amar without stopping. 


Compared to the speed of the escort fleet, the submarine was faster. After three days at sea, I could see Amar in the distance. I would prefer, if possible, to surface after dark, but there was still some time until sunset. I wanted to return as Schwartz under the cover of night in a lifeboat…

It was late in the night when I took a room at the Seaside Lighthouse, an inn in Amar. My plans for the future was to wait for Ashley and the others by sightseeing around the city. Afterward, honestly, I didn’t think about it. If there was a labyrinth nearby, it would make for a good raid and a place to secure more stones. 

The next morning, I returned to the Marida Company ship first. 

“Ah! Did the customer come back? Please wait a moment – Boss!” 

A young beastman who’d been cleaning the storefront on the ship noticed me. He quickly rushed to the warehouse on the first level and called out into the office on the second level. 

“Did he come back?!”

Director Bolroy, also a beastman in his middle ages, ran down. He had an unshaven face with unkempt hair popping out of his cat ears. Despite this, he had a unique and dependable man’s atmosphere. 

“Oh! Customer, I’m glad you’re okay! Although, I have been told that the customer would be alright, I was still worried…” 

“I got back safely.” 

“Yes, yes, however; since you’re back, does that mean the subjugation has been finished?”

“Yeah, the pirate group ‘Kaidou’, has been destroyed. I returned early, so I think it’ll still take some time for Amar’s fleet to return.”

“Oi! Oi, you there! Go to the guild office and tell them that the pirates have been subdued!”

The director instructed the young man from before to send a message to the Guild. Maybe it’s a group of traders and fishermen who use the port? If so, then I should tell him one more thing.

“Bolroy-san, please tell the guild one more thing. A girl had been reduced from the pirate’s base, along with twelve men and women who escaped from the base. I think they were rescued by the fleet during the battle.”

“Is that true?! Maybe it’s the Filtonia group… Tell them that too!” 

After receiving his instructions from Bolroy, the young man screamed “I’m off!”, and ran out. josei

“Dear customer, Marida’s company boss has come to see the customer. Let’s go there for the time being.”

“Malta-san is here?”

“Yes, he has been waiting for you to return since four days ago.”

Bolroy then led me to the company’s office in Amar. 

“Schwartz-san, welcome back.”

When we got to the office, I was led to the reception room. After enjoying a citrus fruit water for a while, one of Amar’s specialties, Malta-san came in while shaking his belly. 

“I’m back, Malta-san.”

From there, I gave the two an overview of the vents during the subjugation. Of course, I kept the parts about the U-Boat and Yona secret. While listening to my story, Malta nodded and responded with a smile; despite noticing the unnaturalness of the events at some places. Bolroy’s face was the opposite of Malta’s. 

I received a part of the money from the magical water sales from him, and I bought a lot of non-attribute mana stones from Malta. Furthermore, regarding the Labyrinth core, he told me that it had been decided to be exhibited as the highlight at a large auction during the spring next month. It would be held in the Royal Capital. 

The auction was said to attract a large number of aristocrats and powerful people from trading companies, and royalty. It also wasn’t an auction that the adventurers and commoners could participate in due to the dress code and pretty entry fee. 

For the time being, I was told that I could come in as the co-exhibitor of the featured products. If we used the transfer circle in the mountain city of Valeria, the central region city, we could return to the capital immediately. Malta asked if I’d like to join him on the return, however, I put my reply on hold. First of all, I wanted to see Ashley and the others first. But I also wanted to go to the auction. 

For the next few days, I enjoyed sightseeing with Malta-san as my guide around the city and the surrounding area. We did this as we waited for the fleet to return. It wasn’t until five days after I returned did they come back in the afternoon. 

With their appearance on the horizon, the city became noisy. Crowds gathered on the coastline. Sailors who hadn’t joined the fleet and the city guard gathered at the harbor. I heard the news while I had tea at the Marida Company office, so I also went to the coastline to meet them. 

The first fleet came in first, unloading the crew and pirates. Afterward, the transport ships came in. The crew and the captured people came off them. I watched this from a distance. The people of Amar welcome their heroes with screams of joy. It felt like the cheers I heard during VMB’s tournaments, which seemed like an old story now. The sound was slightly different, but it felt nostalgic. 

There was also a circle to welcome those who’d been kidnapped. As Bolroy-san said, it seemed that some of the people who’d been brought here were from the Filtonian Islands’ Alliance. Amar’s trading partner. It seemed they’ll be moved elsewhere with the city guard. I also saw Mimi among them. I wondered if she was with them, but she seemed to be looking for someone. 

“Mama, Onee-chan is back.”

As I watched, from my back, to blips on the map passed by me. A woman being pulled by a small child running towards the pier. 


I saw Ashley and Sharle coming off as well, so I went to them. On the way, the couple was reunited with a blip ahead. 

It also appeared that Ashley and Sharle-san noticed I was going to them as well. Sharle-san waved. 

“Well, it’s like I said, right?”

I raised my hand and responded to Sharle-san as she smiled. Ashley also smiled. 

“— Thank you!” 

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