Manuke FPS

Chapter 161

Chapter 161

By the time I had finished changing back to Shaft and returned to the Capital, it was near sunset. It would be a nuisance to go back to the Marida Company now, so I returned to the inn while I kept an eye on my surroundings. On arrival, I picked up my key while I asked for dinner to be delivered to my room. 

The festival would start tomorrow, but the dungeon core would be exhibited on the third day. I was concerned about what to do on the first and second days. In addition, I planned to have a house, or warehouse, within the capital with consideration given to the teleportation circle and the sim-rounds. I would need to return to the Marida Company to talk about it. 

[[[Kay: Simulation rounds shorted to sim-rounds.]]] 

… Maybe I’ve visited the Marida Company too often given that I didn’t know whether or not Cactus was still after me… It was a hassle, but maybe I should switch back to Schwartz for this visit, or should I switch after? While I worried about that, a light spot appeared in the hall accompanied by the sound of a cart being pushed – which may cain supper – was accompanied by a person. But the footsteps did not belong to Koti. 

An unfamiliar person brought me food. To be on the safe side, I readied the Five-seveN after I was sure to load a sim-mag.  

Knock knock. 

“Shaft-sama, I’m bringing your dinner.”

The voice seemed to belong to an older woman. Definitely not Koti… I kept the pistol concealed behind me, unlocked the food and allowed the female employee in.

“Excuse me.”

I watched her as she entered with a cart. It seemed that she was really just here to bring dinner.

“Is Koti off?”

“Koti? She is currently on leave due to a problem at her parents’ house.”

“I see… Well then, I’d like to get in touch with Ophelia-dono. Can you inform the boy who stays in her room?”

“Do you mean the elf, Flick? Pardon me, but Flick is currently unavailable due to poor physical condition. Another person is temporarily filling in for him. Should I inform them?”

“I see… Yes, please, and thank you.”

After the meal was arranged, the female employee bowed and left the room. The light spot moved towards Ophelia’s private room towards the back. As I kept an eye on the map, I removed my mask and picked up the dinner on the table.

Koti and the elf boy — Flick I believe — were off at the same time. This couldn’t be a coincidence, could it? What was worrisome about it was the conversation I heard between Koti, Flick, and the cook yesterday. It was spoken in a different language other than the one commonly used in Orlando… All I could discern was that they were planning for something, and that it would be bad. The following morning, I’d asked about Koti’s birthplace, but she said she was born and raised in the capital. 

Then why did they need to speak in a foreign language? And why were people fluent in that language gathered at this inn? 

The answer that came to mind when I considered who’d need to deceive anyone was the trio.. Nekoyanagi. 

Knock knock. 

“Shaft-sama, Ophelia-sama is waiting for you in her room.”


Was I right ,or was I just overthinking? Ophelia’s cooperation was needed to determine that. josei

From the heap of fruits on the table, I took a small red fruit and threw it into my mouth then put my mask back on and headed to Ophelia. 

“I see, it’s suspicious if you just look at the situation.” 

“I don’t have any proof. That’s why I wanted to ask you about the whereabouts of the two who are absent. I also saw that the cook had a close relationship with them.”

“Of course, let’s find out. The reason we originally came to the capital was to capture Nekoyangi. Thank you for your information, Shaft.”

Maybe she’d just returned,as she wore the same knight outfit I first met her in. 

“Virginia, I’m going back to the General Guild. ANd let the escort knight look into the cook. If this lead is correct, we’ll have a big catch tonight.”

“Absolutely, Ophelia-sama.”

“Shaft, I’m sorry. I thought I could invite you to dinner tonight, but as you just heard, I’ll be leaving for the guild shortly.” 

“No worries. I didn’t bring the wine I promised either.”

“Nn, I’m really looking forward to that wine. Alright then, it’s time to depart. Excuse me.”

“Yeah, hopefully you’ll get good results.”

She left the room with her escort knight> I followed suit until the end of the corridor. I was not sure yet if the inn’s employees were not the thieves, and that included Koti. However, I could not let them steal the dungeon core. I didn’t know their goal and I didn’t care, all I knew was that I needed to protect it. 

The next morning, when I checked my map after I woke up, there was no light spot in Ophelia’s room. In other words, she hadn’t come back since last night. If the problem was solved, some sort of contact will come. 

And the festival started today, so I didn’t have anything to do for two days. On the other hand, I’d get my teleportation circles back in 10 days after it’s been investigated and adjusted. It’ll be necessary to first consider it’s future use and where it’d get installed.  

The destination was the VMB Garage. From there, I can access my private space. For now, that’d be treated as my secret base, not a space for communication. I could also train with my firearms, and if I brought in food, I could use it to temporarily disappear from this world. 

The prerequisite for that to happen was to secure a place where the teleportation circle could be installed safely. Otherwise, I’d be trapped in that private space. Furthermore, Chancellor Bergman said that the ownership of the circle belonged to the nation it was found in. That meant that if I could conquer a labyrinth in an area that is unclaimed or unclear who has claim, I may be able to obtain multiple circles. 

That was another reason to conquer the labyrinths. If I could get more and use the private space as a transfer base, I would be able to move freely around this world. It was certainly not easy to conquer one alone but it was worth the effort. What would I see and what would happen in this world as I expand? When I thought about the future, I felt excited.  

But first, a base that would serve as a foothold. So, I went to the Marida Company to ask if there was an affordable property. 

I ran through the dimly lit capital at sunrise. I kept an eye on my surroundings, careful of anyone who may be watching. There was no problem. After confirmation, I switched to Schwartz. 

It wouldn’t matter much whose appearance I used when I went in and out, but it’d be awkward to buy property as Shaft. So, it was better to do so as Schwartz. Afterward, I bought breakfast while I walked along the main street as the festival started to kill time. 

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