Manuke FPS

Chapter 17

Chapter 17: (unedited)

TL: kamisuzaku

 At the general guild annex, I knew that I got the qualifications for the D rank promotion test, I immediately enter the main building of the general guild and proceed to the adventurer registration reception counter, it’s there that I was being taken in charge for my adventurer registration, and the elf Milimaria was sitting.

「Welcome to the general guild’s branch of Varga of the Kurt Merga kingdom, oh you’re…… Schwarz san, wasn’t it?」

「Hello, Milimaria san. Saved up guild points increased at last. I request the application for the promotion test.」

「Finally, how Schwarz san is…… you’re a 『Manuke』 isn’t it? Finishing saving the guild points without one month passing yet……」

「You know that I’m a 『Manuke』 right?」 (TL: not sure about this: 俺が『魔抜け』って知っていたんですね)

 Milimaria san, thereupon looking slightly embarrassed, when I did the adventurer registration, talked about what the crystal referred in the biometric record.

That crystal, when copying biometrics data into the guild card, first blink white then colored in accordance with the number and attribute of abilities and skills one’s hold, I hear that it repeats the blinks. However, when my date were copied it only blinked once with basic data, from that long task Milimaria san understood at once that from my magical power there’s no 『magic coming out』.

Which reminds me, at that time Ashley san and Milimaria were surprised with something…… Therefore Ashley san noticed it too.

「It’s that sort of reason, maa… however there’s really no problem. Actually it’s like this because I repeated and increased request achievement.」

「Such thing right, still I’m honestly surprised, the reason being for Schwarz san to have that much of strength. Well then for I’m also the staff member responsible of the registration counter, I’ll do my best to carry out my duties. However for the promotion test to D rank, the test subject is in the eastern forest of Barga’s fortified city, you’ll go towards the Wolf’s Fang labyrinth together with the examiner, and you’ll have to travel the 1st underground floor and reach the 2nd underground floor.」

「Eh? Is that it?」

「Schwartz san, although it’s the labyrinth’s first floor, it’s by no means an easy place. Besides, this test, rather than a test of aptitude of D rank, while adding a D rank raising of status, it forces the way of a training-like nuance for the sake of the requirements of a labyrinth explorer.」

「I see, I understand now. And what does a typical schedule of the test sound like?」

「It takes one day for preparations of an examiner, please come to the general guild main building the day after tomorrow in the morning. Also, in the level applied for the application test of D rank raising of status, you’ll be able to browse the materials related to the labyrinth at the Archives.

Since you’ll return on the same day of the appointed day, preparations for camping aren’t needed, test begins after gathering necessary goods and tools for the labyrinth exploration such as food and so forth. Please, check up by yourself what you need.」josei

「I understand, the day after tomorrow is it?」

 Thanking Milimaria san, I left the general guild main building and returned to the 『White Flower Pavilion of the Labyrinth』.

 The next day preparing for tomorrow’s test, I went first to the general guild’s grounds at the Archives. These Archives have three floors, there’s an uncertain underground floor, and in the primarily floors above ground, various documents and books on nature are placed, in the uncertain underground floor it is said there’s related data on the labyrinth.

Related data on the labyrinth aren’t generally opened to the public, easily exploring for being sure one’s life isn’t hunted in the labyrinth, it seems they limit information. (TL: note sure for this part: 安易に探索しその命を迷宮に狩られないようにする為に )Though the nature of the danger should be well known, still there’s many reckless adventurers that are eager for a challenge, a group of low rank made a reckless attempt in the past, it seems it wasn’t able to suppress it after being excited by the labyrinth.

 Hence, basically they kept away general information concerning labyrinth, and also it’s said that those who explore labyrinth are told not to make public information of easy labyrinth. However, those people are curious beings who want to know about these secrets, conversely the adventurer with interest in concealing aren’t few either, for this type of fellow that becomes D rank there isn’t also any restriction, rather say what is less than adventurers who also don’t become D rank, turning into such typical position as privilege rank, those less than adventurer aiming at that privilege, for not less than D rank don’t look down and keep awareness of the value of that privilege easily. (TL: should get an editor for this part :s)

 The authorization for entering the underground floor for the D rank promotion test was left, currently it was the opening of nothing but the space concerning the fundamental knowledge of the labyrinth’s first floor underground.

It seems other is opened after passing. Several books are brought to the reading space, necessary stuff for exploration, checking fundamental knowledge and so forth.

I use the screen capture function of the head googles, and save with the capture the too many places I can’t memorize. There was also the map of the first floor underground of the Wolf’s fang labyrinth becoming the future test.

 Apart basic knowledge that was known in relation to the labyrinth, the area of each level changes to the extent of the labyrinth’s growth, the Labyrinth also exists for hundreds of years without being captured, the bottom layer’s deep limits are not known, however it is said there’s only 10 layers in newborn labyrinths.

Passage width of labyrinth’s inside is 8 ~ 10m, with a small room in the way there’s also a wide room exceeding 20m. Because there’s basically no light in the passage, explorers always bring a kind of white light grass at the time of a labyrinth exploration, go and treat as only a job the thing of sowing seeds in dark place.

The sown seeds grow with the labyrinth’s magic, when the flowers bloom shining in white it brings light in the passage, labyrinth’s magic beasts and sub-races, since showing no interest in the white light grass, it’s said it keeps on blooming and continues to absorb the magic.

 Magic beasts and sub-races in the labyrinth, the labyrinth creates it using magic power into cores of magic stones, a kind of illusion, the labyrinth spits out magic ingredient in the nature, summoning magic beasts and sub-races in the surroundings, reading this information, it seems it creates the same one within the labyrinth.

Because, in order to subjugate the labyrinth from the inside while destroying or collecting the large magical stone, in the labyrinth’s surroundings a powerful seed must be gathered so that a superior kind should not be created, it’s necessary to keep on subjugating it.

 Magic beasts and sub-races in nature can of course use raw material of corpses, fundamentally when specimen of inside the labyrinth are defeated only magic stone are left behind. However, inside magic materials are thoroughly absorbed, the specimen it took hold are transformed becoming superior kind, besides magic stones parts with high magic seems sometimes to fall as drop item, that’s a feature corner encountered, if living armors are summoned, from the moment it was created it carries a sword or a shield.

 Still, equipment and belongings of explorers that died within the labyrinth are also absorbed in it, that is sucking magic material of the labyrinth, it seems sometimes are spit out as magic items inside the labyrinth, and doesn’t fall into the wayside, there happens to be in a large room inside of the labyrinth a pedestal, it seems to appear in a concealed passage inside a wayside shrine.

Why do something like this appear? It’s a mystery. Among researchers concerning labyrinths predation target are common races and beasts races, it’s said it’s bait to draw people inside the labyrinth, it’s said also it’s a game.

「Life struggle of adventurers with the labyrinth, I don’t feel strictly unrelated more than I thought……」

 Murmuring so, I closed the book I was reading and swiftly I remember that I am hungry.

「I was hungry, I’ll go back and buy tools for tomorrow’s aim.」

 I’ll equip for tomorrow’s D rank promotion test, for today I should quickly go to bed.

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