Manuke FPS

Chapter 67.

Chapter 67.


Last night I had a dinner with Malta-san and Bill-san from Marida company in a restaurant called [Klebben]. The place was well-reputed for its meat dishes. I may have let Malta-san to order for me, but when I sunk my knife on the steak, not only that the steak itself was thick, it’s also overflowing with juice that filled my mouth with sweetness from just a small piece. I had to admit right then that it’s so much better than any I’ve ever eaten, even on my original world.  


We talked about our works during the meal, and just like I thought, since Malta-san and Bill-san are merchants, they’re fond of talking about business. The topic this time happened to be about the magic water.


My plan for tomorrow was to head to the labyrinth, checking the sales of the labyrinth lunchbox, and attending the void magic stone removal ceremony. But since it’s still two weeks until the estimated time of the Green Demon Labyrinth to close itself, I’ve decided to re-enter the labyrinth of wolves to try and extract the magic water.


There was one problem. The method of extraction. While discussing this matter with the Marida company, at first we thought of making use the BOX function to store item while ignoring the size. The magic water could be stored in a waterproof bag inside a wooden frame. But I found out that there were some problems. Magic water is actually quite heavy, so there is a possibility that I wouldn’t be able to lift the bag even with the power suit at its maximum output.

ではどうするか? その答えの当てが俺にはあった。マルタさんらには詳細は説明せず、五日後に帰ってくるので、大量の魔水の受け取り準備だけは進めておいて欲しいとお願いした。

So what should we do? I had that covered already. I didn’t explain the details to Malta-san, only saying that I would return in five days, and they should be prepared to receive a large amount of magic water by then. 

そして二日後、現在地は地下二十階の門番部屋である。正道が明確に判っていればここまで早いのかと、改めて実感していた。地下道は連続ストレイフで進み、フィールドダンジョンはカワサキ KLR 250-D8で走り抜けた。

Two days later, I was already on the gatekeeper room of the labyrinth 20th floor. I realized now that traversing the labyrinth is much faster when you already know the paths. Next is an underpass and open field, so I took out the Kawasaki KLR 250-D8 and gas through the floor.


Traversing the open field section is even faster because I just need to be careful not to crash into a tree. Demon beast or demihumans might appear in front of me, but I only have to worry that they didn’t stuck on the wheels or on the bike’s rear. A black moth sprang up right in front, but I simply gassed through it. 


It’s heavy rain as usual on the 21st floor, causing an endless noise to fill the floor. But in my eyes, those droplets of water are gold coins, and the noises are like the sound of coins hitting the floor.


I activated TSS and summoned a vehicle from my garage. A dazzling light particles later, a vehicle appeared on the large stone platform near the stairs leading to the 20th floor.

それは、オシュコシュ M978 タンクトレイラーだ。これはアメリカ軍の運用するHEMTT(重高機動戦術トラック)と言う、8輪ディーゼルトラックシリーズの一つだ、主に軍用車両の燃料を輸送し補給するトラックで、タンクには2500ガロン(9500リットル)も容れることができる。

The Oshkosh M978 tanker. Diesel fueled, 8 wheeled American HEMTT (Heavy Expanded Mobility Tactical Truck), mainly used to transport fuel for other military vehicles. Its tank can hold up to 2500 gallon (9500 litre) of fuel. 


VMB had no combat vehicles, but still included some military grade vehicles. The M978 was one of them. It was originally used to transport fuel so that other vehicles could refuel from it, but this time, I’m planning to fill the tank with magic water instead of fuel.


First, I opened the manhole-like lid on top of the rear tank so that it could catch the gold coins――I mean rain water falling from above. The diameter of the hole was no more than 50 cm, so it’s a bit inefficient in terms of catching the rain water. 


I summoned a BOX from my inventory, and extracted a large pan over 1 meters in diameter from it. Before leaving Barga, I bought this from the tool shop and had the blacksmith made a hole at the center. And voila, a funnel.


I placed the funnel over the tanker hole. Next, I went in the driver’s seat, revved the engine and drove the truck backward just enough so that the funnel could catch the falling gold――I mean, rain water.


Now I just need to wait. Even with the large funnel, it’ll take time for the gold co――I mean rain water to fully filled the 9500 litres tank. I have no clue regarding the precipitation rate per hour, but even if it’s 100 mm per hour, it’ll still take up to four days to fill up the tank.


For the time being, I planned to bring back only ¼ of the full capacity, which is about 2400 litres. The bottle used to sell it can contain up to 200ml, so it’ll be equal to up to 12.000 bottles.


A bottle of Magic Restoring Potion is 1 gold coin, which is equal to 100.000 ol. And we’ll have 12.000 bottles once I’m done here. Although I don’t know how much is the production cost, I’m pretty sure that the profit would still be great.


While waiting, despite other labyrinth explorers rarely go down to this floor, I still felt the need to stay around to make sure that I could immediately pulled the M978 back into the garage, just in case. In the meantime, I would either organize my inventory, purchase equipment, or do a shooting training, etc. 


Experimenting with VMB system limitation, I tried summoning 2 vehicles at once, to no avail. And here I am, having bought 2 units of M978, thinking that using 2 trucks would make collection even faster… only to find out that it’s impossible.


Three days later, I returned to the Fort City Barga as scheduled. Immediately heading back to Marida company, I was met with Malta-san, Bill-san, and several more employees that they could trust, who in turn took me to the company warehouse.


From afar, I could see Alm and Silvara guarding the warehouse. So this is where they are stationed for now. My gaze met with Alm’s in an instance, but she immediately looked away.


Even from a distance, both Alm and Selvara are sticking out like a sore thumb. Both are fox beastwomen, with lustrous golden and silver hair respectively, plus the bondage-style leather armor and skirt. Tail with same fur color as their hair stuck out on their behind, and it’s swaying around despite pretending to be uncaring.


Only me, Malta-san, and Bill-san who entered the warehouse, while the rest are waiting outside. The escorts, including Alm and Selvara, were overlooking the perimeter of the warehouse strictly. This was to prevent the guards themselves, the employees, and spies from other companies from seeing what was going on inside the warehouse.


Once there were only three of us inside the warehouse, I summoned the M978 via TSS. Perhaps shocked witnessing how such a large vehicle suddenly appearing before them out of thin air, both Malta-san and Bill-san stood there wide-eyed and speechless. 


Barrels had been prepared in advance on the warehouse to contain the magic water. The barrel itself was around 90 cm in height, 70 cm in girth, and could contain approximately 200 litres magic water each.


I went to the rear side of the M978 and opened the rear hatch, revealing the drain hose. Just like my original world’s version, the hose had a lever and a nozzle. If I pulled the lever down, the content of the tank will be discharged from the nozzle.


Putting the nozzle on opening of the barrel, I pulled the lever to begin transferring the magic water into the barrel. Malta-san and Bill-san rushed in as soon as they heard the noise of water magic douzing down.


[This is, real magic water. I’m really at a loss for words…]


[Chairman, I’m also at a loss for words]


Seeing that both Malta-san and Bill-san were impressed, I continued filling the barrels with magic water. Eventually, all 12 barrels were fully filled with magic water. The next processes are the employees’ duty.


I returned the M978 to the garage as soon as I’m done, leaving no trace of its presence whatsoever. Only then the employees were allowed to enter the warehouse.

「さぁ君達! あとはよろしく頼むよ! 厳重に蓋を締めて、荷馬車に積み込んでくれ。明日の朝一で王都へ運びますよ!」

[Alright guys! It’s all up to you now! Put the lids on and load them to the carriage. We’ll send them to the capital tomorrow morning!]


These amount of magic water would be enough to supply the Fort City Barga for a while without running out. So the excess will be sent to the capital, on which the magicians guild and the alchemist guild will buy it. And of course, my name will not be included in any documents.


Finished with the magic water delivery, I returned back to the inn. Preparing for tomorrow’s Green Demon Labyrinth harvest festival.

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