Marriage contract: Genius baby's belly daddy

Chapter 1362

Chapter 1362

He had a feeling that he needed to be affirmed by Daniel. He wanted to tell Daniel that I was as good as I was when I left you. I didn't give up myself. Although the road I took was different from that of you, I am very good now. This kind of mood had existed before he met Daniel.

Now, more strongly.

Daniel also looked down at the materials and made an evaluation. This time, the loan amount was not small, and the first few assessors could not use it. He made the assessment directly. The transportation company operated well and made a lot of money. He was absolutely able to repay the bank's loan.

It's just that Daniel has heard about this transportation company and has been targeted by anti-terrorism several times, so he should be more careful when evaluating.

Lu Zhen tilts his head, and some long-standing fragments are constantly replayed in his mind. Vaguely, the sun comes from the ground glass and covers him all over. He looks very sexy and charming.

Daniel raised his eyes and took a look unintentionally. He couldn't turn his eyes away and looked at him foolishly.

Lu Zhen is aware of his eyes and turns to himself. After all, Daniel is old-fashioned and generous enough to admit, "you are also like a person I know. I just had an illusion. I'm sorry."

Lu Zhen smile, elegant and compelling, "is this a chat up?"

I'll give it back to Daniel.

Daniel is a veteran of love field. He is also interested in Lu Zhen. "Maybe, after work, we can have a drink together."

"Anytime." Lu Zhen a smile, "I don't know if I use the beauty trick, can this contract pass?"

At the beginning, Daniel would not pay attention to this. Now, hearing Lu Zhen's jokes, Daniel is also a very emotional person. He winked at Lu Zhen and was full of family name hints, "it depends on the extent to which Mr. Caffrey's beauty scheme is used."

Lu Zhen lamented that I could not resist the beauty trick of Laozi, not to mention you.

Somehow, I think of major Nolan.

Lu Zhen didn't answer. Daniel was a little disappointed. He thought Lu Zhen would agree to his invitation. He didn't think much about it. He lowered his head and continued to read the materials. Lu Zhen asked, "did you go to cilian when you were a child?"

Daniel took a pen hand, this issue is too abrupt, and this negotiation has nothing to do with it. He suddenly remembered the major that day. He came to find himself and talked for a day. Daniel was a smart man and suddenly guessed the identity of the other party.

He lowered his head and stopped abruptly. What Lu Zhen saw was his stiffness, but he didn't see his expression. He immediately misunderstood him. It seems that this is his brother Daniel.

Daniel lowered his head and continued to read the materials as if nothing had happened. "I've been there for a while."

"Why didn't you go later?"

Daniel raised his head and looked at Lu Zhen. "It has nothing to do with Mr. Caffrey."

Lu Zhen was a direct person. Since she was suspicious, she asked directly, "I thought I had lived in seelie for some time. For many years, there was a big brother who took good care of me. He said his name was Daniel. Oh, by the way, I also have a Chinese name. My name is Lu Zhen. " josei

Daniel has a premonition. Lu Zhen will say that he did not expect to see Lu Zhen so soon. He is surprised to see Lu Zhen. He wants to make Lu Zhen believe that he is Daniel, as the major said. However, he has no sense of familiarity with this matter.

It's hard to avoid being cold, Daniel thought

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