Marriage contract: Genius baby's belly daddy

Chapter 1554

Chapter 1554

Lu Zhen held her breath and did not speak. The second lieutenant looked at them curiously. It seemed that she could not see why she was coming. She simply did not speak.

Nolan was also glad that the second lieutenant was not a talker. Most of the soldiers didn't chatter and saved a lot of trouble. After a few more stops, there would be more people and more crowded. There were all kinds of noisy voices in the carriage.

Lu Zhen was more and more agitated, and a lot of bloody thoughts flashed in his mind. He wanted to blow up all these people with a grenade, so that the world would be much cleaner. What he wanted most was to take the second lieutenant on the opposite side for an operation.

Nolan was naturally aware of his emotional changes.

He took out his mobile phone and picked out a few songs for Lu Zhen to listen to. Lu Zhen gave him a cold look and didn't want to accept Nolan's arrangement. The second lieutenant thought, this man is really naive, obviously very irritable, but still has a bad temper.

Nolan couldn't help but put the headphones on.

What he played was heavy metal music, which covered up the noise in the carriage. Lu Zhen's mood was much calmer.

The second lieutenant asked, "what's wrong with him, so manic?"

Nolan said, "he has dark dense disease, can't help, afraid of too many people, usually dare not take the elevator."

The second lieutenant suddenly realized that Nolan said, "I brought him out to help him overcome. Don't blame me."

Such a perfect explanation seems to have convinced the lieutenant. josei

He waved his hand to show that he didn't mind.

"Are you really a major?"

Nolan didn't answer. He missed the topic. The lieutenant was a little disappointed. Lu Zhen took a cold look at Nolan and stepped on his foot below. Only then did you have the disease, and your whole family had it.

Nolan doesn't care. He always indulges Lu Zhen's temper.

It's rare.

Listening to the music, Lu Zhen was surprised to find that he could not consider the man in military uniform opposite him or the noise in the carriage. He could even ignore everything and just listen to music.

Music can make him relax.

Even if there was a soldier in such a small space, he became less afraid.

Although there is still a little rejection.

The train finally got to the center of the city, and there were more people getting off. Nolan specially led Lu Zhen to the end. When the officer went far, he led Lu Zhen forward. The two men held hands. We all know what their relationship is.

Lu Zhenxiao has a struggle, but Nolan doesn't care about it at all and doesn't let it go. This will make him feel at ease. When people come and go at the station, they will naturally have their body rubbed. Lu Zhen tries to attack others conditionally every time, which is solved by Nolan one by one.

They came out of the station as if they had been through a war.

There was a layer of sweat on Nolan's forehead. Lu Zhen looked at the crowd warily, as if they had a gun in their hands to shoot him. Nolan took his hand and whispered, "they are ordinary civilians. No one will kill you. Relax."

"I'm not nervous at all." Lu Zhen said with a straight face that if he had not been betrayed by his stiff limbs, Nolan might have believed that he was not nervous at all. Unfortunately, Lu Zhen was as rigid as a puppet.

Of course, he didn't hurt people, and he thought it was very good.

It seems that he is still very restrained.

Nolan took Lu Zhen to the restaurant they had been to for dinner. In the evening, the setting sun was very good, covered with a layer of warm light, which made people feel warm and comfortable.

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