Marriage contract: Genius baby's belly daddy

Chapter 1690

Chapter 1690

"Xiao Sheng..." Lu Zhen originally wanted to say, how can Xiaosheng have so much time to accompany your husband? As a result, his words turned a corner and turned into: "I'm used to idling around. I'm used to time."

Nolan smile, eyes light warm, cold face also because of the smile and warm many.

Lu Zhen secretly thought, come on, I'll spoil you once.

It's no big deal to go to schlegerger.

Since he doesn't have free time for activities, he goes to accompany him. It's no big deal.

"It's a nice view over there."

"Come on, the whole city is full of special forces. They have destroyed any good scenery." Lu Zhen could not help but make complaints about where the base was built, and what was really good was nowhere to be seen.

Local people see the special forces like cabbage on the ground.

"Do you often go to the Middle East in the future?"

"It's hard to say, if it's peaceful, it's basically nothing. We don't have the fifth squadron to take over the theater headquarters. Let's train half and fight half." Nolan thought.

Lu Zhen said expressionless, "when you get there, please settle down for me. Don't attract bees and butterflies."

Nolan's Chinese is not very good, however, he said, "that's not what the word says, is it?"

Lu Zhen said with a smile, "you know, the gay resources in the barracks are too rich. I have to keep a close eye on you."

Nolan, "..."

At the time of departure, he returned very quickly. Nolan's letter of appointment came down and immediately set out for Fort Schleger. It happened that admiral Shawn would also go there. The joint command had an air show, and the two headquarters had to cooperate. They discussed the number of people and the place of operation of the exercise.

First by plane, then by helicopter to the base.

This is not the first time Nolan has come to the special operations command. He has lost the tension in the special forces a few years ago. Now he has a very peaceful mind. No matter what he does, he is not as persistent as he used to be.

I just want to serve the country well and finish what he should do. There is no regret.

As soon as his front foot arrived, Lu Zhen's hind legs also arrived at shilige castle. Naturally, he could not go to the M army base, unless he was looking for death. Even if he was brave enough, ten specially trained special soldiers would come up, and he would be miserable.

After this period of time, Yinyun company was slightly stable. Lu Zhen, both public and private, planned to slow down and slowly get on track. There was no need to be too anxious. So he made his own special plane to shilige castle.

Lu Zhen chose to settle down in North shilige castle, a famous glass beach.

He came with his family when he was a child. Although his memory is far away, he remembers this beach miraculously. At that time, Lu Zhen was very young. His parents didn't have much time. His nanny would take him and his sister to the beach on holidays.

At that time, the sand in his mind was white sand, soft and comfortable.

The glass beach of schlegerger is different.

The glass sand beach in schlegerger castle was originally a garbage dump, and a lot of garbage was dumped in this place. Later, the government tried to clean it up, but it was found that a lot of glass was in the sand and could not be cleaned up. In just a few months, people were surprised to find that a colorful rainbow beach appeared on the beach. josei

After years of washing in the Pacific Ocean, the glass has become very round without water chestnut, forming beautiful pebbles and stones in various shapes. Under the eyes, all kinds of gemstones shine brightly on the sofa.

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