Marriage contract: Genius baby's belly daddy

Chapter 2005

Chapter 2005

"Coach, how many times have I said that I don't like you, and I didn't like you for a long time. Please, don't be sentimental and send roses every day. If your future wife knows how to be stubborn, you will send roses to other women every day." Xia Qing is impatient.

This man is her coach, after all.

You don't look at Xia Qing, who is happy, fierce and ruthless.

However, Xia Qing has an advantage that many people don't have. She attaches great importance to her kindness and promises.

Once you promise someone, you will do what you promise even if you lose your life.

People have a drop of kindness to her, she will certainly gush to repay.

Although Dai Fei failed her, the first love that was not considered as first love also brought her great humiliation at the beginning and made it difficult for her to walk in the training camp. However, she remembered Dai Fei's teaching kindness and did not bear any grudges.

I've been a stranger for so many years.

If you change a person, Xia Qing would have been out of the training camp, killing you to the ends of the world.

Therefore, although Dai Fei was very annoyed and her voice was not pleasant, she never took out her gun.

To say a bad word, she can now hit a hundred hits, Dai Fei is the greatest credit.

Although she has good talent, her eyesight is much better than ordinary people, and she also has the talent to be a sniper. It is Dai Fei who really trains her to become a top sniper. She will remember this kindness.

His character is not good, but his ability is still good.

"At least give me a chance." Dai Fei said, very insistent, "Xiaoqing, you know I always love you." josei

"Pull it down." Xia Qing was very impatient. She hooked her finger and said, "honey, come here."

An Xiaoyao o (╯ system) O.

For the first time, our carefree brother, who is as gentle as jade, has the expression of swallowing duck eggs.

There are five words circulating in my mind.

Baby, come here!!!!!!!!!!!!

Xia Qing's voice is rarely soft, but it is so unrealistic. An Xiaoyao thinks that the voice is really wonderful, but the line seems to be the opposite. He responds quickly and gracefully. In the eyes of normal people, he is a man who kills Dai Fei 360 degrees in a second.

Xia Qing rudely pulled an Xiaoyao to her side, raised her chin and said, "coach, this is my man, my little white face. You know why I don't look up to you. I like this type now. You can either go away or have plastic surgery."

An Xiaoyao

Dai Fei, "..."

An Xiaoyao didn't expect that his jokes about the topic of "little white face" yesterday played a role in a rapid way today. He was thrilled and then laughed again. Xia Qing is a rare flower. Normal people can't guess what she wants to do.

He's also very good with the show.

What's wrong with white face?

When Xia Qing's little white face, it is also a matter of face.

What Dai Fei didn't expect was that Xia Qing still had a face ostracized and didn't want to be close to yesterday. Today, she said that this man was her little white face.

The contrast is too great.

He is not a fool. Dai Fei was a top-notch special forces soldier before. He has never seen any kind of person. Although an Xiaoyao looks very gentle, he is not a man who depends on women. He is absolutely not forced to be.

"Xiaoqing, even if you want to refuse me, you don't need to lie. How can you like this type?"

An Xiaoyao nods in his heart. Yes, he hasn't twisted Xia Qing's aesthetic view.

Xia Qing stands on tiptoe and hooks an Xiaoyao's neck. She pulls people down and kisses them. At the same time, she says in her heart, "what are you doing with such a tall asshole? Kissing is not convenient at all

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