Marriage contract: Genius baby's belly daddy

Chapter 513

Chapter 513

Xia Chenxi silently turned her head to one side. She felt that she couldn't keep up with Tang Lao's thinking, which was obviously two-dimensional. She didn't know how to go on. Tang Laoyi looked at her unwillingness and his face sank. "Xia Chenxi, do you have any other ideas?"

"No!" Xia Chenxi is silent.

Old Tang said, "there is no best, while young, quickly get married, have a new one, I want grandchildren, not granddaughters."

Xia Chenxi, "..."

Babe raised her hand. "Grandfather, I like my sister."

"Don't worry, let him have two younger brothers and a younger sister."

"Two sisters." josei

"It's not bad, but our Tang family is full of Yang and Yin, so it's not easy for our daughters to support. You see, I don't have a daughter."

Their grandparents and grandchildren are full of enthusiasm. Xia Chenxi has a black line. It is estimated that Tang will be there. It is their turn to decide when to have a baby.

besides, what has the final say when you have a boy or a girl?

She wants to lift the table, too.

Mr. Tang, you son of a bitch.

"Did you ask for my opinion?"

Mr. Tang said, "no one asks for your opinion, and you don't have to have any."

Xia Chenxi, "..."

She deeply felt that it was very dangerous to be the daughter-in-law of the Tang family.

There is no normal person in the Tang family.

Oh, the only normal one is three less.

"So you're going to announce when we'll get married?" Xia Chenxi is not ashamed to ask.

Old Tang thought, "next month to get married, Tang Yebai so useless, I'm afraid of a long dream."

Xia Chenxi, "..."

"Chairman In fact, we can solve the problems between us. It is also good to postpone the marriage. " Next month is too happy, she is not ready.

Tang old frown, squint eyes to see Xia Chenxi, "why extend?"

"President Tang has not proposed yet." Xia Chenxi gave a very aboveboard reason.

Tang waved, "it doesn't matter. I'll announce your good news. It's your business how you like to propose. It doesn't affect my plan."

Xia Chenxi, "the order is reversed."

Old Tang sneered and said, "have you been in normal order? The order of others is to know, to love, to marry and to have children. "

"You have a good order. Having children, getting acquainted, falling in love and getting married have been reversed quickly. You don't care about reversing it once. You can't have any opinions. How can women have so many opinions about the decisions made by men?"

Xia Chenxi, "..."

She felt deeply that it was really a loss to come out for an afternoon tea.

She seriously suspected that this was forced marriage.

Forced marriage!!!!

I've seen forced marriage, but I haven't seen such a forced marriage. It's amazing.

I can't refuse at all. If you refuse, I'm afraid Mr. Tang will lift the table.

A man with a bad temper will never be hurt if he is forced to marry.

However, forced marriage is also the forced marriage of Tang Yebai.

How did you become old Tang?

Summer baby in the side, almost died of laughter.

He really fell in love with this tyrant grandfather.

Old Tang said, "you are busy at work, and Tang Yebai is also busy. It's better to Let the baby come and live in the house, and don't have to wait on you two trash every day. "

The word "waste" is very harsh.

As one of the wastes, Xia Chenxi blushes a little

Xiabao Chuchi a smile, "grandfather, don't say that, I serve Mommy is a matter of course."

"Let her learn how to cook by herself. Are you going to cook for them all her life?" Old Tang said coldly, "it's you who spoil them."

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