Marriage contract: Genius baby's belly daddy

Chapter 681

Chapter 681

From today on, she will eat well, sleep well, check regularly to ensure the safety of the child, until she gave birth to him, she must be able to do it, baby wants a brother and sister for a long time.

Dr. Li looked at her, as if there were words difficult to hide, such as a cold wind, blowing through the heart of summer dawn.


"I'm afraid it will be very difficult for you to keep this child." Dr. Li said, "on the one hand, your constitution is not suitable for pregnancy; on the other hand, your uterus was injured in the last birth. This time pregnant, your constitution is weak, the situation is not optimistic

"As long as I eat well, sleep well and take good care of myself, I still hope to have children left, right?" Xia Chenxi asked eagerly.

She was careless last month. This time she won't. She will take good care of her body and children.

"Have you taken any medicine lately Dr. Li asked, "I think you are in poor health. You should go to the pharmacy to buy some medicine. Miss Xia, you must be honest with me."

Xia Chenxi just want to say sleeping pills, and swallow, think, she seems to have not taken sleeping pills, although insomnia is very serious, but the home sleeping pills are about to expire, she did not take, has not bought.

"I haven't taken any medicine. I don't feel well recently. I think it's too much pressure. I haven't paid attention to it. I'm used to it. I have a lot of old problems. Sometimes I feel uncomfortable. I can bear it and pass away. I didn't take any medicine

Dr. Li pushed his glasses and temporarily believed Xia Chenxi's words, "since you didn't take the medicine, it should not affect you. Fortunately, you didn't take the medicine. You are not feeling well, and you don't know that you are pregnant. If you take some medicine casually, the child must not want it."

Xia Chenxi was shocked. She had this common sense. josei

Fortunately, she tried to take sleeping pills several times and gave up.

Fortunately, fortunately.

The body is not comfortable, as expected, is to see a doctor, if this time is not abdominal fall pain is too severe, she did not come to see the doctor, it is estimated that she did not know that she was pregnant, Tang Yebai is right, she is afraid of the doctor.

It's not good for yourself.

"Doctor, I must keep this child. You must help me."

Dr. Li looked at her medical record card and looked at Xia Chenxi again. She was single and had a child. Now she has to try to keep her child. She shakes her head. The young people now are really promiscuous.

"You can rest assured that if we can keep it, we will try our best to help you to keep your child. If you really want to have a child safely, I suggest you stay in hospital for observation, and we can follow up your situation at any time." Dr. Li said, "now the child is small, and you are weak. If you don't pay attention to it, the child will be in danger, and you will be in danger."

"In hospital?"

"Do you have a problem?" Dr. Li looked at Xia Chenxi. Although she didn't need to be hospitalized immediately, she had to stay in the hospital for observation for a period of time, just in case. She saw that the girl wanted to keep her baby.

"It's not." Xia Chenxi bit his lips and asked, "I'm ok for the moment, right?"

"Nothing for the time being." Dr. Li said, repeating, "but your physical condition is not optimistic. Pregnancy is a great burden on you."

"Doctor, I see what you mean." Xia Chenxi said, pregnancy is a burden, she knew very early, even if it is a burden, she is willing to risk, give birth to a child, if there is a child.

Baby will be very happy, Tang Yebai will also be very happy.

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