Marriage contract: Genius baby's belly daddy

Chapter 777

Chapter 777

"In the future, you can do it yourself. If you really love me, don't hurt the people I love. "

Lin Lin looked at Tang Yebai with tears on her face and cried," why do you indulge her so easily and forgive her so easily? She almost killed you, and she almost killed you, do you know? "

Tang night white light smile, he knows more than Lin Lin, Xia Chenxi this gun, how cruel, his wound, still painful, he is very clear, this shot, that moment to bring him hate. josei

Now, he can't hate it.

After listening to Xiabao talking about the past, he couldn't hate it.

Dawn, after so much suffering, suffered so much pain, gave birth to a baby for him, so many years has been a person brought up, fortunately, they met, love, know each other, he did not give her happiness.

Let her sad despair, far away f country.

How can he hate this shot.

Tang Yebai said, "I said, this shot, I am willing to accept it. Even if she gives me another shot, it's something between me and her. It has nothing to do with others and you don't have to care about it."

"That's all I've said, Lin Lin. take care."

If possible, it's better not to see each other again, and best not to know each other's news.

Lin Qing's things, he has been relieved, Lin Lin's things, he is also relieved, he believes that dawn will not hurt people for no reason, what he can do now is to find dawn as soon as possible and take her home.

This shot, he will also learn to let go.

Tang Yebai left the hospital, Lin Lin made a phone call, "I want to leave s city."


Tang Yebai came to the hospital secretly and went back secretly. When he returned to Haijing apartment, Xia Baobao was worried that she wanted to send someone to find him. When he came back, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Lu Zhen on the sofa, holding Xiaobei playing games, "I said don't worry about him, you don't believe it."

As long as Tang Yebai has one breath left, it is even more difficult for others to want his life. He is not worried that Tang Yebai will be assassinated. The people who want to assassinate him most are not in S City

Tang Yebai was obviously tired. After all, he was seriously injured and couldn't bear to eat. He was lying on the sofa with a pale face. Xia Baobao went to the kitchen to get a bowl of medicine, which he cooked and specially prepared for Tang Yebai. Good for his wound and good health.

Tang Yebai doesn't say a word. After drinking Chinese medicine, Xiaobei abandons Lu Zhen, who is national and natural, and nests in Tang Yebai's arms. Lu zhennu, who was just born and took care of him, changed his mind so quickly.

Too much.

"Daddy, where have you been? If you want to do something, you ask Uncle Yunyi to do it. Tang's family has nothing to do at present. The second uncle also grows a little bit. The third uncle looks at him and there is a grandfather sitting in the town. You don't have to worry. It's important to take good care of yourself. " Summer baby said, his parents, at present, no one to let him at ease, all is Cao Xin, he is so young to Cao Xin them.

They are really unqualified.

"I went to the hospital." Tang Ye said in a deep voice.

Xiabao narrowed her eyes slightly, "to see Lin Lin?"

Xia Baobao's voice is full of danger. Between Lin Lin Lin and Mommy, they don't know what happened because there is no camera on the road, and Xia Chenxi doesn't say anything. Lin Lin naturally won't tell the truth. Only they know what happened.

"I'll make it clear to her that she won't read any more. If possible, I hope I won't see her again." Tang Yebai also did not hide Xia Baobao, Lin Lin was injured, he was shot, to now escape.

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