Marriage contract: Genius baby's belly daddy

Chapter 910

Chapter 910

Xiao Qi's face was full of joy. He said, "morning, you see, this is the flower field we planted. Do you like it? At the beginning, it took a lot of effort to cultivate this flower field. ! "

on Xia Chenxi's face, there is no expression of joy.

However, he had a little touch. He knew that to cultivate a field of lilies in the desert area, he really had to work hard, otherwise it could not be cultivated. So, if in the past, she must be very moved.

However, after so many things happened, she couldn't move what Xiao Qi did.

She suddenly had an impulse to cross the flower field and go deep into the desert, trying to fight for character and see if she could get out of the desert.

Xiao Qi said with a gentle smile, "this oasis has been known to us for a long time. Even if we see this oasis in the desert, many people think it is a mirage and can't believe it. This desert is the most famous labyrinth desert. If it is not for people who have been in and out here for many years, they can't find the location at all. Even if you know the longitude and latitude, sometimes it's windy and dusty, you can't accurately judge where it is. "

"If you walk, you can't get here at all. Even if you are a few kilometers away and you are about to get here, you may lose your way."

"Many people lost their lives in this desert. At the beginning, we almost died in this desert. Fortunately, during the special training, helicopters were following us all the time, so we were saved. Otherwise, we would also die."

"Dawn, this desert, no one can get in and out. Without the permission of the oasis command desk, even a plane can't get close to it, and it's impossible to walk on foot. Do you think this is the place where we live for a lifetime."

Xia Chenxi slightly changed his face and looked at Xiao Qi in shock. He tried his best to find such a place. Why?

Xiao Qi saw her idea and said with a soft smile, "at the beginning, I was looking for this oasis, not for us to live alone, but to build a huge underground training base, which is easy to defend and difficult to attack. It's just that it costs too much to build a base in the desert. There are many underground rivers and abundant water resources here, and I don't want to destroy it. "

"You said, this oasis is very beautiful. You hope to live here in the future. I will build this castle. After we retire, I will come here to settle down, herd sheep, grow fruit and spend the rest of my life leisurely."


Xia Chenxi slightly shook his head, "that must be young and ignorant of me, will say the words."

Man has never been a solitary animal. How can he live in such a desolate place.

"No, you are wrong. That was our purest wish." Said Xiao Qi.

Xia Chenxi doesn't want to argue with him. Don't open your eyes. To tell you the truth, it's really beautiful here. The climate is very good, the temperature is high, but it won't be very hot. The river flows, the water and grass are lush, and there are tall jujube trees.

There are groups of strange rocks and a golden grove, just by the river. She can't name it, but the scenery is very beautiful. The source is a lake in the center of a circle, which stretches outward for a kilometer.

Next to them are water plants, small shrubs and date palms, as well as groups of desert animals. josei

In particular, the round lake, reflecting the blue sky, is like a piece of sea blue pearl in the oasis, which is incredibly beautiful.

The area of this oasis is not small.

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