Married by Accident, Taming the Billionaire

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

Chapter 110

Chapter 110 She Finds the Murderer 52% Seeing Cecelia leaving, Fredric immediately bent down to ask his young master, “Are we going to chase her?” “Chase her? I’m busy!” Remington doubted if it was a call from some of her fresh meat, otherwise, why did she leave in such a hurry? ” ” Noticing Remington upset made Fredric shut his mouth. Then the gang broke up in disappointment. 1/5 Cecelia got a cab outside Gleam Gallery, and after she got in, Ariella and Shepard walked out of the Gallery, too. It kept Ariella wondering seeing Cecelia taking a cab, “What happened to Cece? Why did she leave in such a hurry? You should have driven for her, Shepard!” “I wanted to, but Mr. Nelson was there. It’s not right.” Of course, Shepard should be more cautious in front of Cecelia’s husband in case of causing her unnecessary trouble. “Oops, but I can’t be relieved at the fact that she took a cab. What if the driver was a criminal? I’m concerned about her safety.” After muttering, she found her brother getting in the car and drove it away. Shepard was also concerned about Cecelia, so he decided to follow the cab, but eventually, he failed as the cab left without a trace. The cab driver was a middle-aged taciturn man wearing a black mask. He at first didn’t want to take any passengers, but since Cecelia was in a hurry, she opened the door, got in, and told him where she

wanted to go. Her young and pretty face and shaped figure helped the driver change his mind. After a long ride of over one hour, the cab left the city and was going towards the suburbs. He had peeked at her legs and face with lustful glances more than once and seemed to make up his mind. The driver had muted the navigator, but Cecelia had hers run normally on her phone. 52% Chapter 110 She Finds the Murderer 2/5 After one hour and twenty minutes on the road, she noticed the cab was going in a deviated direction from the set destination.

“Excuse me, are we going in the wrong way?” Cecelia asked, with her mind on guard against the driver. “We’re doing fine. It’s the correct way, but there’s a river ahead, and I need to by pass it.” The driver answered in a deep voice and at a placid tempo. Cecelia could be sure that the driver was driving on the wrong road because the navigator didn’t show any river ahead of the way. Why did the man lie? Besides, with her sensitive nose, she could catch a whiff of a dish cleanser, which, however, was mixed with some light stinks of blood. She secretly laid her eyes back on the driver, and to her surprise, she found on the back of his ears a light blood stain that seemed to be a residue of something he failed to clean up. Apart from that, she also noticed the nail scratch on the back of his right hand with which he was holding the steering wheel. She took her sight back, and even if she tried to compose herself, it occurred to her the incessant serial murders in the Center City.

The murderer, reportedly, was so brutal, he tricked young girls, took them to the suburbs, cold- bloodedly killed them, and discarded their bodies in the woods. The murderer was great at hiding from anyone who traced him, leaving zero clues after four homicides. That was why he was still at large. This thought made Cecelia take a deep breath and her eyes became colder. Until the driver then parked the cab near a silent grove, Cecelia asked, “Excuse me, sir, why do park it here?” “I gotta pee. Wait a sec, please!” The man used this excuse to get off the driver’s seat and went a circle from behind to open the door to the passenger’s seat. He thought as long as he was swift, the lady wouldn’t be on guard. But he was wrong! MB GMNI Chapter 110 She Finds the Murderer 52% 14:49 3/5 When the man reached out to grab her, she kicked him away in one go. After she got off, the man climbed back up and swooped at her again. And this time, he had a dagger in his hand. As he pounced, Cecelia stepped back to dodge. Then, the two started fighting around the cab. As she circled to the back of the car, Cecelia found blood oozing out of the trunk. It proved her thought right that something was wrong with the man and the car. The man was tall, fierce, and with combat skills. After a while, he dominated the fight and tacked Cecelia by her neck with his elbow. She struggled to ask, “Why me?” “You took my cab! Bad luck to you!”

“You’re the murderer of those four homicides?” With a sneer and a strong pride, he replied, “Five, plus you! You knocked on the door to my slaug hterhouse yourself!” At this point, the man wanted to drag her into the grove and killed her. But Cecelia was as swift as a lightning bolt, throwing the man times her weight down at the ground with a quick low kick. The man intended to climb up, but Cecelia stepped on his wrist in time and took the dagger. She struck back with the dagger! He was stabbed in the back of his hand by the dagger tip. “Ah!!!” The man cried out in agony. He tried to fight back, but Cecelia had locked his other arm behind his back. MDD MAV Chapter 110 She Finds the Murderer 52% 4/5 She pinned down on his back with her knees, and the man couldn’t make any moves being completely subdued. “Ah, let go of me!” The man howling, Cecelia used more strength to break his arm. Cr ack! Another screech came from this man as she wrung bones in his neck off their sockets. Cecelia stood up, and the man couldn’t get up because the pain in his neck, arms, and back was killing him. She walked to the back of the car, opened the trunk, and saw a female body tied up lying in there. Poor girl! Another beautiful life was taken away. She closed the trunk and, taking a deep breath, dialed Roger Shawn’s phone number and reported,

“Hello, Captin Shawn, please lead a team to come over, and ‘it’s…’ After that, she found a string and tied the man up by his feet and hands, and patiently wait for Roger and his team. As the glow of the evening sun died down, two police cars finally arrived at the scene. As soon as the cars were parked near, Roger and his men got out immediately. “Miss Cecelia, what’s going on? You said you found the murderer? Where is he?” “Over there. I tied him up!” She led them to the cab and explained everything. When Roger and his men saw the body in the trunk, they all gasped. “Cuff the demon immediately!” Some policemen escorted the suspect into the police car, and then Roger notified the criminal division and coroners and asked them to deal with this crime scene. After Cecelia told them what had happened to her, Roger gaped and awed her, “My goodness! Were it not for your self-defense skill, you might have ended up dead.” “Indeed. But, bad for him to bump into me!” “Thank you so much. We’ve been tracing the murderer for so long but have gotten no clue. Glad that we have you come across him. You really did us a huge favor.”

The serial homicides sickly influenced everybody in the Center City, and because of this, their boss had been squeezing them to rack clues yet got no findings. If they could confirm this man was the murderer, they would cr ack the serial homicides. “No biggie. It’s my duty as a citizen to uproot the evil.” Cecelia was chatting with him, while an officer was recording her testimony. After that, Roger asked, “Are you going to meet Brennan Hooper? He’s got anything?” “Not yet. Luckily, I’d made it in time, or someone would have been dead. But the situation doesn’t go well, so I have to make it there.” “Well, look, I let my men protect the scene, and I’ll drive a police car and send you there!”

Roger happened to need to learn more about some key persons regarding the case of his mother’s urn missing, so he wanted to check it there.

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