Married by Accident, Taming the Billionaire

Chapter 172

Chapter 172

Chapter 172

Chapter 172 Remington Suprised At Cecelia’s 1/4 Chapter 172 Remington Suprised At Cecelia’s Capabilities. Before she realized it, Remington had come to her back and asked, “What were you talking about?” “Nothing.” The man broke off her thinking, and she restored her mind and walked a few steps, ready to leave. Remington frowned harder and asked, “Don’t you even want to know about the hexagram button? You don’t have anything to ask me. about?” Cecelia didn’t even stop her steps at all and talked back, “You’ll tell me instead of drawing my attention by saying things like that if you really want to be helpful. What you’re trying to do is so childish!” — Remington opened his mouth but couldn’t utter a word to refute the woman. It was like she meant to piss him off without a doubt. A fun chat between them would be an illusion. He was so mad he wanted to slam a pot, but thinking of her identity eased him. She was his woman, after all. Even if she had a bad temper, he had to tolerate her, talk nice to her, spoil her, and obey her! He had no other choices, anyway. The funeral was going on, and Remington showed a long face all the time. He barely talked, but only walked in and out of Cecelia’s sight. After the mourning part, Nick Miller’s body was sent to the Peace Mountain Funeral Parlor for cremation. Cecelia and Remington followed the Millers to the parlor to send Nick Miller the last ride. After the cremation, Morty Miller got his father’s ashes. With the urn in his hands, he couldn’t be more grieved.

Cecelia was consoling him, and Remington, with his long face, was standing aside watching her doing that like a sister to a little brother, feeling so frustrated 111 Chapter 172 Remington Suprised At Cecelia’s 2/4 Because in his mind, he blamed her for being unfriendly only to him. when she could be so nice to others. After all, being nice to him, too wouldn’t kill anyone. They sent Nick’s ashes to the graveyard from the funeral parlor to bury his urn. With the help of Remington, the Millers got to choose one of the best places to bury Nick in the graveyard. Remington’s man had already dug up the grave and built a stone coffin waiting for its long sleeper. Everyone gathered around to watch Morty place the urn that he carried all the way here in his hands into the coffin, with his eyes. brimmed with tears. When the coffin was covered, Morty cried, “Dad… Dad…” His grieving cries made all the witnesses emotional. Cecelia didn’t want to watch the parting between a son and his father, so she turned around, trying to repress her tears. But eventually, her tears dropped out of control. Remington handed over a clean handkerchief, and Cecelia had a look at him before she took it to wipe her tears. “Don’t be sad. But if you have to be, you can borrow my shoulders to rely on!” Remington reached out his shoulder to be her support anytime she wanted. “No, thanks.” She gave the handkerchief back to him. He took it over and boosted the morale in his heart. She took the handkerchief, which meant she needed him when she was vulnerable!

After the coffin was buried, all attendees bent and bowed. When the funeral was finished, people left in different directions. Cecelia and Remington were going to send Morty to the Miller residence. At that moment, Remington received a message and told Cecelia, “The fake nurse is spotted!” Chapter 172 Remington Suprised At Cecelia’s 2/4 “Let’s go! Check it out!” The fake nurse was spotted, meaning the murderer was at the surface soon! They left the graveyard and headed to the police station. They were told the fake nurse was brought to interrogation at the police station, so they came over and Cecelia called Roger Shawn. Thanks to Roger, they got to go to the interrogation room and watch all of it. The fake nurse was a woman in her 30s, with a kind of good-looking face, but no one could tell she was a homicide suspect at one sight. However, in Morty’s eyes, she was no one but the murderer of his father! He murmured, “She killed my dad… I’m gonna kill him…” He couldn’t resist the pulse to beat this woman, but the cops. stopped him. “Calm down, Morty. The situation is not clear yet. Easy, boy! Even if you kill her now, it won’t bring your father back, and you’ll be a murderer for this!” “Easy, okay? Have some faith in the police. They won’t let the murderer get away with it!” Cecelia dragged his arm and kept talking him into a mind of peace. Morty finally wouldn’t do anything, yet his emotion was unstable. Cecelia suggested to Remington, “You arrange for someone to send him home! Watch him!” “I know!” Remington called in his men to send Morty home. Roger came from another side to tell them, “We’ve checked Scarlett Lou’s background. She used to be a nurse, a nursing major and had worked in this hospital for a while. Then, she quit and entered Beauty Times, a plastic surgery hospital.”

“She’s familiar with the procedures of hospitals, which provided the convenience to her to sneak in. She knows about medicines, the knowledge that allows her to drug the injections.” “Now she’s admitted the crimes she committed, but she insisted she didn’t have a superior when we asked her about who’s behind all of this. As for the motives, she claimed it was a personal grudge Chapter 172 Remington Suprised At Cecelia’s 4/4 between her and Nick Miller.” Having listened to Roger’s description, Cecelia asked, “What kind of personal grudge would drive her to kill a man with late cancer?” Remington added, “Have you checked her social network? What exactly is the relation between her and Nick Miller?” “We’re working on it.” As his words echoed, one of Roger’s men sent him a file and said, “Captain, this is Scarlett Lou’s network we’ve found out.” He took the file and looked through it with Cecelia and Remington. The police checked and believed Scarlett Lou and Nick Miller didn’t have any direct relation in the past, which meant Scarlett Lou lied when she claimed it was a personal grudge. “She’s lying!” Cecelia determinedly said. “That’s right! She most certainly is, to cover the real murderer!” Remington seconded. As an experienced police officer and detective, Roger could tell the weird part of her testimony. He said, “We need to change the interrogation strategy to grill the truth out of her!” “How about letting me try it?” Cecelia recommended herself for that. “You?” Roger looked at her, slightly stunned. Cecelia explained, “I’ve learned some hypnotic tricks abroad and helped the criminal police of the Swaxon Kingdom cra ck the shocking 8-11 Serial Homociedes. I’d like to fry and see if I can get. the information about the true murderer from Scarlett Lou.”

Remington raised his eyebrows hearing her explanation, and his eyes shimmered as he looked at her. His Cece seemed more awesome than he thought! “I heard about the 8-11 Serial Homicides. Were you A nn the Hypnotist that helped the criminal police of the Swaxon Kingdom c rack the cases?

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