Married by Accident, Taming the Billionaire

Chapter 192

Chapter 192

Chapter 192

Chapter 192 Accident After wrestling with the man in black for a few minutes, Remington found he was good at fighting and knew how to use his power. He must be a master of martial arts. 1/4 But Remington was not an ordinary person. After he gave the man in black a fierce kick, the latter was injured in his internal or gans and spit out blood. Remington grabbed him and took off his black hood. Surprisingly, he was wearing a black leather mask to hide his face. When Remington reached out to unmask him, the man in black pulled out a dagger, intending to stab Remington in the stomach. At the critical moment, Remington moved aside to dodge the attack and kicked the dagger out of his hand. After the dagger fell to the ground, the man in black know he could not win. Seeing Remington stretching out to grab him, he played a dirty trick and threw a handful of powder at his eyes. Remington was caught off guard and unable to open his eyes for the time being. The man in black picked up the dagger and intended to attack Remington again.. Boom! Cecelia picked up the gun on the ground and shot at the man in black. After getting shot, he could only use a smoke bomb and escape. The shop was instantly filled with thick smoke. When the smoke dissipated, the man had long fled. Cecelia chased outside, but her foot hurt. So, she could only give up. She turned around, hurried over to support Remington, and asked, “Are you OK?” “My eyes hurt.” Remington couldn’t open his eyes. Since the powder entered his eyes, he had felt a strong burning sensation. Thinking the man in black had escaped, he was annoyed and said, “If he had not played the dirty trick, I would have caught him!”

“Don’t blame yourself. It’s hard to guard against insidious people!” Cecelia comforted him, feeling worried about his eyes. Mr. Luke came out from behind the counter. Seeing Remington’s eyes hurt, he said, “Girl, help him to the back to wash his eyes. “OK.” Chapter 192 Accident 2/4

Listening to Mr. Luke’s advice, Cecelia helped Remington into the back hall of the Figuette Shop. After helping him wash his eyes and face with clean water, she asked, “How do you feel now?” “It still hurts.” Mr. Luke came out of his room with a medicine bottle and said, “I have medicine that can relieve the pain in his eyes. Cecelia took the medicine over and carefully looked at the emerald bottle. After sniffing it, she applied it to Remington’s eyes. The medicine was colorless and tasteless. But when it dripped into his eyes, he felt cool and comfortable, and the pain was slightly relieved. “It worked. I feel less painful.” Cecelia was relieved to hear this, looked at Mr. Luke, and asked, “Mr. Luke, do you know that man?” Remington couldn’t open his eyes, but he also turned to face Mr. Luke and said, “Can you please tell us who he is?” After going through the danger just now, Mr. Luke did not intend to hide it from them. So, he said, “He ordered a special sleeve button a long time ago.” Cecelia found the photo on her phone and showed it to him, asking, “This sleeve button?” Mr. Luke nodded, “Yes! He ordered a sleeve button in the shape of a hexagram.” Cecelia asked, “Why did he come here today? Did he plan to ambush us?” “No. He said he came here to kill me. If you hadn’t arrived in time, I might have died.”

“Did he want to silence you?” “Yes, he said I know too much.” Remington frowned, “Mr. Luke, please tell us who on earth he is.” “His code name is Black Hawk. He is a killer of the Moro Organization. Since he asked me to make this sleeve button for him, he must have a high rank.” Cecelia knew the Moro Organization was a professional killer organization but she didn’t understand why her mother had anything to do with it. Chapter 192 Accident 3/4 Remington also knew the Moro Organization. Since the person behind the scenes could afford to hire Moro Organization’s killer, he or she must be rich and powerful. After Mr. Luke told them everything he knew, Cecelia and Remington figured out the person who had been secretly obstructing them was Black Hawk, a killer from the Moro Organization. Remington would ask Mysterious Realm to investigate him and find out who his employer was. When they were about to leave, Remington reminded Mr. Luke, saying, “Mr. Luke, you should leave as soon as possible! It’s not safe here!’ “I see! Be careful!” After Mr. Luke accompanied them to the door, Cecelia helped Remington walk toward the car. His eyes were injured, so he lost his sight again. Fortunately, Cecelia was by his side. To make it easier for him to walk, she put his hands on her shoulders when leading him forward. Her injury in the foot had not healed, so she was careful while walking and promptly told him the road condition ahead. When there. was a puddle, she détoured. Remington’s broad body enveloped her slender body. But he walked with her in his arms instead of putting all his weight on her shoulders.

“Cece, what if I become blind and can no longer see? If so, I can’t survive without you.” “You will not become blind. I’ll send you to the hospital later.” “OK!” They supported each other, walked out of the deep alley, and returned to the place where they had parked the car. Remington couldn’t drive, so Cecelia helped him into the passenger seat and bent over to help him fasten the seat belt. They were so close that he smelled the faint fragrance of her body again. So, he said, “You smell tempting. I want to swallow you!” “Don’t talk nonsense!” When Cecelia straightened her body, the wound on her foot hurt. anain So she lost her balance and accidentally propped one hand Chapter 192 Accident on his private part. It was too embarrassing! Remington tensed up and gasped in shock, saying, “Cece, you!” Cecelia instantly withdrew her hand as if being scalded. Then, she quickly sat in the driver’s seat, fastened the seat belt, and start the car. 4/4 Remington was turned on, so he happily said, “Cece, you don’t need to feel shy. If you want to touch me, I’ll lie motionless and let you do whatever you want.” “Well, it was an accident! Don’t think too much!” Cecelia blushed and quickly changed the subject, asking, “What do you think my mother’s relationship with the Moro Organization is?” “There is something to do with the Moro Organization, but it doesn’t mean they are the culprits behind the scenes. Maybe someone hired Black Hawk! We must catch him and find out who his employer is!” “You’re right. If we hadn’t arrived in time, it would have been another murder today.”

Thinking about what had happened to Cecelia, Remington asked, “Have you ever thought about why they could silence the people you looked for before you found them? Why did they know the news earlier and act faster than you?” “I’m also curious about this. They seem to know my every move.” “Do they have spies by your side? Or maybe someone is secretly watching you?” After Remington finished speaking, Cecelia’s heart ski pped a beat. Who was the spy by her side?

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