Married by Accident, Taming the Billionaire

Chapter 210

Chapter 210

Chapter 210

Chapter 210 Face Off “This might have something to do with your father. Is your father currently in the Center City?” Remington was startled by her words. “No. What’s the matter?” 1/5 “When I did deep hypnosis on Andres, he started talking. I kept asking him why he wasn’t talking and he mentioned something that happened two years ago.” Cecelia told Remington the reason she learned from the child. After listening, Remington clenched his fists in anger. “D”mn! No wonder Andres never got close to him! Every time he saw him, he would avoid him far away!” If it weren’t for Cecelia’s method, Remington would not have known the real reason for the child’s mutism. It turned out to be because of Samuel. Oh no, it should be said that it was his uncle’s doing. A three-year-old child witnessing a murder process. Could one imagine how much damage it would cause to the child’s men tal health? The more Remington thought about it, the angrier he became, and his hatred for his uncle intensified. If it wasn’t for Samuel, his biological father, and his mother would not have had successive accidents. “Did Andres mention where he saw Sameul kill someone? Who was killed?” Remington asked again. If they could find the victim who was killed by his uncle from this clue, it could further implicate his uncle! “He doesn’t know who was killed. But he said that at the time, he climbed into Samuel’s car and followed the car out of the Nelson family. “In a suburban area, he saw someone come to find Samuel. For some reason, Samuel smashed that guy’s head, killing him on the spot in a particularly brutal way. “Then he even buried the man. Throughout the process, Samuel probably didn’t know that Andres had followed him there and saw everything.”

Murder and burying the body! Chapter 210 Face Off It sounded terrifying! 69% 12:31 2/5

According to Cecelia’s narration, Remington thought back carefully to the events when his son had an accident. “I also remembered that two years ago, one day, Andres, disappeared for no reason. Our family went out to search and reported to the police, and later it was the patrolling police who found Andres and sent him back. “After the child came back, he was unconscious. When he woke up, he could no longer speak. It must have been due to witnessing those events!” Cecelia nodded to show her understanding and asked, “Did the police tell you where they found the child?” “I still remember the patrol officer said he was found near the mangrove forest in the southern suburbs.” “South Suburb Mangrove? Could that be where Samuel killed and buried the body?” With the inference and guess, Remington immediately said, “Whether it is true or not, we are now going to find Roger. They can send a dog search and rescue team.” “Alright!” So Remington drove directly to the police station to find Roger. Regarding their description of the case, Roger did not doubt and immediately made arrangements for the dog search and rescue team to carry out the task. “I will contact you as soon as there is news.” “Okay, thank you, Captain Shawn.”

After having greeted them, the two left the police station. On the way, Remington planned to stop the car to buy some gifts. “I want to buy some gifts for my sons. What do you think is at good option?” “Forget it. They won’t want it.” Cecelia knew her sons too well. Now their attitude towards Remington had not changed, and they would not accept his gifts. “First go to the martial arts hall. The children are there now.” “Martial arts hall? I also need to go there!” Chapter 210 Face Off 3/5 Remington immediately turned the car around and headed for Center City Martial Arts Hall. He had an appointment with Rupert to box there. Today, he could see his sons. In the shortest possible time, Remington drove to the martial arts hall. They walked into the martial arts hall and saw three children boxing on one of the stage rings. The martial arts coach was accompanying them. All three children were very good at it. Andres had just started learning, but his moves. and momentum were practiced quite well. Looking at the three children in the same martial arts uniform, Remington was overjoyed. “They really look exactly the same! They’re all my sons!” Finally seeing his sons with his own eyes, Remington couldn’t contain his excitement and took out his phone to record their cool videos. Thinking of something, he immediately took off his coat and handed it to Cecelia. “Hold this for me! I’m going to find my sons!” The man quickly ran away and, not long after, he returned to the martial arts hall wearing a white dance suit, but with a mask on his face. He looked majestic and a little mysterious. When he passed Cecelia, he looked at her, gave her a handsome gesture, and then climbed onto the stage. Cecelia didn’t know what he said to the coach, but the coach handed over the two defensive pads to

him and stepped down from the stage. Now, Remington became the coach, standing in front of his three. sons. The three little guys all looked up at the masked new coach. “Another new coach!” Cyrus looked at the new coach and asked, “Why are you wearing a mask?” “Come on!” Remington gestured invitingly, but Andres’s expression changed, as if he recognized his father’s voice. Could the new coach be his 本 69% 120 Chapter 210 Face Off father? “That’s impossible, right?” he thought. 4/5 Cyrus was the most active, being the first one to charge forward and déliver a high kick towards the defense pad in the coach’s hand. “Good! Again!” Cyrus executed a beautiful carp flip, continually attacking. Remington felt the little guy’s skill and praised him, “Very good!” Cyrus also felt that this new coach was much steadier than the previous one. Despite Cyrus’ continuous attacks, the coach didn’t. even shift his feet. “Max, this coach is not bad. You should give it a try!” Cyrus invited his brother, Maximus. After staring for a while, Maximus told Cyrus, “Cyrus, he’s not a coach! He’s our dad!” Having spent time together previously, Maximus could recognize his dad’s voice. “Huh?” Cyrus looked at the man in surprise. The word “Daddy” revealed everything, showing that the children. had already accepted him as their father!

Seeing a smile tugging at Remington’s lips, Cyrus dashed forward, jumped, and pulled off the mask from his face. The man’s face was revealed. Four faces, one adult and three children, were so similar that they could almost overlap if they were enlarged or shrunk. “It really is him!” Cyrus, like a cat ready to pounce, stood tall and called to hist brothers, “Andres, Max, let’s go! Let’s get him!” And so, the three of them rushed forward, two grabbing his legs, and one hugging his waist. Remington was taken down, looking up at his three identical sons. He was indescribably moved at that moment. “You are Max, you are Cyrus, and you are Andres. My sons, I am your dad!” Remington sat up, spread his arms and hugged the three children. Cyrus deftly broke free, moved to his extended hand, and hugged his neck, attempting a chokehold. Chapter 210 Face Off 169% 12:31 5/5 However, Remington was very strong. He stood up, lifted two of them, and carried the third one on his back, lifting all three children and spinning around in place. The scene at that moment looked like a father playing with his three sons, so harmonious. Cecelia stood nearby in the stands, looking at the scene and feeling somewhat moved. Jersey returned from outside after a phone call, only to see Remington appearing on the stage. Thinking about the previous unhappy things, he jumped onto the stage, saying, “Children, you go down first! I want to have a contest. with him!”

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