Married by Accident, Taming the Billionaire

Chapter 234

Chapter 234

Chapter 234

Chapter 234 His Father’s True Identity The site fell into a stalemate, with Remington’s wrath ceaselessly rising. Cynthia felt sad as she saw this. “What’s going on, brother?” She had always known that her brother and father couldn’t get along. The scars from her father’s remarriage over the years were irreparable. Was that finally going to erupt today? 1/4 Their uncle Anderson also asked, “Remington, what’s wrong with my brother? Tell us now!” Everyone was waiting for his answer, Remington stared at Samuel insidiously and said, “This man has the same appearance as my father, but is not my father!” Everyone looked at Samuel, feeling that was impossible! Who else could this man be if he was not Samuel? But Samuel remained calm and said, “Remington, I know you are so paranoid that you even regard me as an enemy. But I want to say I am your father, and no one can change it! What needs to be changed is your perception of me!” “Shut up!” Remington shouted, pointing at Samuel. “Don’t divert the talk to me! You are not my father. How can you continue to impersonate him without feeling guilty?” Samuel gave a helpless smile. “You say I’m not your father. Do you have any evidence? We went to the DNA paternity testing agency together and did the tests, and you saw the results yourself. What elše do you suspect? Do you want me to show everyone the test report?” Cecelia quietly watched from the side. She found that Samuel was exceptionally cunning. “I know the test report can prove that we are father and son, but there is also a saying in medicine. If the man tested is the identical twin brother of his nephew’s father, his test result and his nephew’s may also show they are father and son. “That test report can prove this, and you are not my father. You are just my uncle! You and my father are identical twins!”

This revealed truth shocked the Nelson family. “What do you mean? Remington, are you saying that my brother is Chapter 234 His Father’s True Identity not my brother, but my brother’s brother? Is that so?” Anderson asked in surprise. 2/4 Cynthia couldn’t believe it. “When did my dad have an identical twin brother? How come I don’t know?” Everyone was puzzled. Remington said, “Ask grandma and you’ll know.” Madam Nelson confirmed, “That’s right. No one outside knows I gave birth to a pair of twins. My second son died shortly after he was Born. As she spoke, she looked at the son in front of her, her heart trembling. She couldn’t imagine why her deceased son had come back in this way. Since he had returned to the Nelson family, why did he have to harm. his elder brother? The Nelson family were shocked again and looked at Samuel. Samuel said calmly, “Mother said her second son died, which means my younger brother is dead. How can you suspect me?” “Stop your sophistry! I don’t know what your purpose is for coming back to the Nelson family, but you harmed my biological parents, and the evidence is conclusive! Even if you are my grandma’s son, you have to pay for your actions today!” Remington wouldn’t give the man another chance to fabricate excuses. “I have the DNA paternity test report. Isn’t it so extreme to suspect my identity just because of Mother’s dead child?” Samuel refused to admit it. “It seems that you won’t give up until you see the ultimate convincing evidence! Hasn’t anyone really noticed your changes since you impersonated my father? My mother was the first one to perceive it! “My father used to love my mother very much, but after you took his place, you alienated her and even h ooked up with Renee Janet. “Immediately after my mother’s accident, you brought Renee Janet into the house. Look at Samson and Sabrina, the brother and sister! What’s the age gap between them and me? When did you start

plotting all this?” “Remington…” Remington didn’t want to hear Samuel’s excuses, and continued, “Let’s talk about the second person, my aunt Maryam Snow! Chapter 234 His Father’s True Identity “She also suspected your identity because she found clues about you from the things my mother left behind. In order to shut her up, you conspired with Carlos to imprison her, creating a false impression that she had emigrated abroad.” “Your aunt’s matter has nothing to do with me!” Samuel explained. “I’ll bring her here to confront you!” 3/4 Remington made a phone call, and Fredric and his partners wheeled Maryam Snow in. She had recovered, her me ntal state perfectly normal. As soon as she came into the hall, she scanned everyone. When her eyes fell on Cecelia, she signaled to her. Then she looked at Madam Nelson. Her tears instantly fell. “Madam…” “Maryam, it’s really you…” Madam Nelson said with deep emotion. “Madam, I came here today to seek justice for me and my sister!” After that, Maryam turned her face and stared unblinkingly at Samuel. Samuel looked back at her. He didn’t know where Remington had hidden Maryam. In fact, he had been secretly searching for her during this time, but couldn’t find her. Now that she appeared, it might cause him some trouble! “Maryam, is that really you?” Samuel came over to greet her with excitement. “Stop pretending to be my brother-in-law! There’re secrets about you in the recorder my sister left behind. When my sister had an accident, I confronted you, but you had me imprisoned for fear that I would expose your secrets. “You said that the most dangerous place was the safest, so I was locked up in the solitary building of the Nelson Family. But you told the public that I had emigrated abroad and even claimed that the one in

the building was crazy. “Your actions are outrageous!” Maryam got up from her wheelchair, trembling and emotional. If she had the strength, she would tear the man to pieces! Remington supported his aunt and questioned Samuel, “What else. do you have to say now?” Chapter 234 His Father’s True Identity 4/4 “Maryam, I really don’t know anything about your imprisonment. That was Carlos’s personal act. You can go after him. As for you, I know you hate me, but that can’t be the reason for you to ruin me. Is it because you can’t have me, so you work out every way possible to drag me down?” “What are you talking about?” Maryam yelled angrily. “I have some evidence. Do you want me to bring it out for everyone to see?” Samuel fought back without fear and made a phone call, telling his man, “Go get the stuff!” Maryam could have accused Samuel, but the situation suddenly changed because Samuel said he also had evidence. This was interesting! Cecelia kept watching, wondering what he could show them.

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