Married by Accident, Taming the Billionaire

Chapter 253

Chapter 253

Chapter 253

Chapter 253 Publicly Announcing the Quadruplets, Shaking Up Netizens Cecelia and Remington exchanged a glance. Remington explained to his daughter, “Doris, in the future, you might have to live with Daddy, Mommy, your big brothers, Grandma, and Great-Grandma. You won’t be able to see your Grandma Maggie and Aunt Petunia often because they have work to do.” “Okay!” Doris didn’t insist on seeing her Grandma Maggie or Aunt Petunia. She believed that they would come to see her when they were done with work. Her big brothers surrounded her, playing with her, and Doris quickly forgot about wanting to see Maggie and Petunia. Madam Nelson watched the kids playing together, took a deep breath, and looked at Cecelia with gratitude. “Cecelia, I sincerely thank you. The entire Nelson family thanks you for all you’ve done for us. We’ve given you too little in return.” Aurora Snow also held Cecelia’s hand, “Cecelia, for giving birth to four kids for the Nelson family, you’ve worked so hard.” Cecelia shook her head, and Aurora Snow continued on Remington, “Remi, you’re the father of four kids. You shall be a good father and husband from now on, giving all your love and care to your family.” “I know, mom. You don’t need to mention that. I’ll definitely be a good father and husband.” Remington turned Cecelia, and the two exchanged a look and didn’t say anything further. Something hit Aurora and she asked, “When will your father be back?” “As soon as he recovers, he’ll be able to come back. By then, Dad will be able to reunite with all of you!” “Great!” Aurora was excited at the prospect of her real husband coming back. She could hardly wait for that day to arrive! “What about your second uncle?” Madam Nelson worried about her other son, “I mean Samson’s

father!” “Grandma, now that the truth is out, I will do my best to help clear his name and bring him back to reunite with all of you.” Chapter 253 Publicly Announcing the Quadruplets, 2/5 “Very well.” Madam Nelson hoped for the return of both her sons.

After their daughter came back, Cecelia stayed with the kids at the Nelson Residence for the time being, while Remington went to the hospital. Bill Carlson had woken up. Currently, it was Samson Nelson and Sabrina Nelson taking care of him in the hospital room, and his condition had improved somewhat. When Samson saw Remington entering, he stood up in surprise. “Remi, when did you come back?” “Last night.” Remington walked up to the bedside, looking at Bill Carlson, saying no word. But Samson asked, “How’s it going? Did you find your father?” “Yes, I found him.” Bill Carlson spoke up, “How’s my older brother?” “My father fled and was captured a month ago. He broke a rib and is recuperating over there. He’ll come back after he’s healed.” Bill Carlson let out a sigh of relief. “Thank goodness Big Uncle is still alive! That’s all that matters!” As long as Remi found his grandfather, it could prove that everything his father said was true. That was exactly why Remington had come. He looked at Bill Carlson, “I should call you Uncle now. I’ve thoroughly investigated the situation and understand your intentions. Rest assured, when you recover and are discharged, you’re welcome to return to the Nelson family! Grandma is eagerly awaiting your return!” These words made Bill Carlson somewhat emotional, and his eyes. grew moist.

Samson held his father’s hand, “Dad, my sister and I will come to pick you up when you’re ready to come home!” He felt like things were starting to turn for the better. He originally thought the situation would end badly, but now it seemed that things were taking a favorable turn. No matter what, his father was still his father, and that hadn’t changed. Chapter 253 Publicly Announcing the Quadruplets, 3/5 “Yeah.” Bill nodded, tears welling up in his eyes. After living in the Nelson family for eighteen years, he had a deep bond with them. His mother, his kids they were the greatest ties in his life. Finally being able to openly return to the Nelson family in his true identify wasn’t easy at all! He had been counting days until this day finally arrived. After leaving the hospital, Remington returned to the Nelson Group. He had Frederick Ingerwood contact the TV station reporters, arranging an exclusive interview in his office. Upon hearing that Remington had an exclusive story for them, the reporters from the Center City TV station rushed to the Nelson Group with their team. The on-site interview began, and the reporters asked Remington what the exclusive news was. Remington answered, “Today, using this interview with the TV station, I want to officially announce to the public that I have found my daughter.” Upon hearing this news, the reporters were shocked. “Mr. Nelson, are you saying that besides having three sons, you also have a daughter?” Ever since the Nelson family’s Grandmother’s birthday celebration, the news about Remington having three sons had already spread throughout Center City. Everyone was still talking about this topic with great interest, and now they were hearing that he had a daughter as well. One could only imagine how incredible this news was! “That’s right. I have four children, and they are quadruplets.”

“My goodness! Mr. Nelson, you’re truly remarkable and fortunate! This is such huge news, and I believe the viewers will be just as amazed as I am when they hear about it!” The reporter then continued with a probing question, “Mr. Nelson, you just mentioned finding your daughter. Could you share a bit about her experiences? How did she get separated from you?” “My daughter had a weak pulse when she was born, and it was believed she wouldn’t survive. However, not long ago, we accidentally discovered that she didn’t die. Instead, someone else Chapter 253 Publicly Announcing the Quadruplets, 4/5 raised her.” “At this point, I must express my heartfelt gratitude to the person who raised my daughter. She is none other than Maggie Taylor, the president of the Taylor Group. I want to thank her for her selflessness and benevolence.” “When she found out that the girl she raised was my daughter, she took the initiative to return her to me. For this kindness, I, Remington Nelson, express my deep gratitude!” “Without the help of Mrs. Taylor, I wouldn’t have been able to reunite with my girl. On behalf of the Nelson family, I extend our sincere thanks once again!” The reporter followed up, “So, it was Maggie Taylor, the president of the Taylor Group, who raised your daughter. That’s quite a coincidence. Mrs. Taylor is indeed selfless.” “Exactly, women entrepreneurs like her, who understand their social responsibilities, are worth everyone’s admiration!” After the interview, Remington asked the reporters to cover the news comprehensively and as quickly as possible. The reporters readily agreed, and he believed that this news would surely become a major sensation. As expected, Remington’s exclusive interview was immediately picked up by TV, online platforms, and outdoor news displays all over the city. It quickly garnered intense attention and discussion. The fact that Remington Nelson had quadruplets shocked all viewers and netizens. Having twins was already remarkable enough, but Remington had quadruplets. What kind of incredible luck was that?

Meanwhile, at the Taylor Group, Maggie Taylor, who was far away, also saw the news coverage on TV. She couldn’t believe that after Remington Nelson had taken away the girl, he had pulled such a move. What a ruthless tactic! Taking the initiative, framing her as the one who returned the girl, he had backed her into a corner. Even if she wanted to call the police now to claim back the girl, it was no longer possible! Thinking that her years of effort had been ruined in an instant, Maggie Tavlor angrily picked up a teapot and threw it at the TV Chapter 253 Publicly Announcing the Quadruplets, 5/5 Then, she went on a rampage, smashing everything she could find in her office. Clattering… Bang… Cr ack… The sound of destruction echoed in the office, until her assistant knocked on the door, “Mrs. Taylor, I have an important matter to report!” “Speak!”

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