Married by Accident, Taming the Billionaire

Chapter 296 Embarrassing Cecelia in Public

Chapter 296 Embarrassing Cecelia in Public

Chapter 296 Embarrassing Cecelia in Public

“Mr. Nelson! Miss Linsey! Watch out behind you!” Winger, who was in the distance, saw this scene and hurried back, but it was too late.

At this critical moment, a man in a white suit happened to arrive as well. Seeing the situation, he rushed up, and with his suit jacket, he shielded Cecelia and Remington from the paint. The man’s white suit was instantly stained. Both Cecelia and Remington turned back and saw a young man standing in front of them, red paint dripping down his clothes. Heather stood frozen in place with an empty paint bottle in her hand. Realizing she had splashed on the wrong person, Heather instinctively wanted to escape, but Winger and his men caught her in time. “She is picking quarrels and provoking trouble. Take her to the police!” Remington ordered, and Winger had his men take Heather away. “Let go! Let go of me!” Heather didn’t want to go to the police station, but in the end, she was taken away. “Are you alright, sir? Thank you for your help!” Cecelia expressed her gratitude to the man who had come forward to shield her from the paint. “I’m fine.” The man raised his head, revealing a strikingly handsome face. Judging from his attire, it was evident that he was affluent and possessed an elegant and noble demeanor. Noticing that the man’s mesmerizing eyes were constantly fixated on Cecelia, Remington instinctively put his arm around Cecelia’s shoulder and thanked him. “Thank you for helping us, sir! Your clothes got dirty. Shall I compensate you?” “No, thanks! It’s just a piece of clothing. It’s my honor to protect Miss Linsey,” the man responded as he took off his paint-stained suit jacket and threw it into a nearby trash can. It was clear that he didn’t care about his clothes at all.

Cecelia was surprised and wondered, “How did he know my Chapter 296 Embarrassing Cecelia in Public surname? Does he know me?” “See you later, Miss Linsey!”

1845 12:48 2/5 The man gave her a slight smile and then walked past them into the venue. “Do you know him?” Remington didn’t quite like the way that man had looked at Cecelia, and he felt upset when he noticed that the man knew Cecelia’s name. “No, I don’t know him.” Cecelia shook her head. She really didn’t know that man, but he seemed to know her as if they were old acquaintances. She wondered what was going on. “Let’s go in to have a look.” Cecelia retook Remington’s arm, and they successfully obtained their paddles before heading to the reception area beside the auction hall. As Remington and Cecelia made their appearance, attracting the attention of the crowd, a stir arose, and many people cast their gazes toward them. Camelia noticed them among the crowd and said to her sister-in-law, “Winnie, Cecelia has really come.” Winnie turned around and snorted coldly when she saw Cecelia holding onto Remington, “What a shameless sl’t! I can’t believe she can even boldly appear in public while holding her ex-husband’s hand. How disgusting!” “Exactly. What a sl*t!” Camelia hated Cecelia because if it weren’t for Cecelia, they wouldn’t have been kicked out of KLCS and made a fool of themselves in public.

Therefore, Camelia decided to get back at Cecelia today. “I have already made arrangements. See how I’m going to teach her a lesson in a while!” Camelia said. Having checked beforehand that Cecelia would be attending the auction, Camelia had made plans to embarrass her in public. Both Camelia and Winnie scoffed at Cecelia. Maggie and Petunia also arrived at the reception area. Petunia felt a sense of hatred when she saw Cecelia and Remington appear Chapter 296 Embarrassing Cecelia in Public together because she still believed that Cecelia had ruined the relationship between Remington and her. “Mom, that bi*ch is here too.” “I know.” Maggie’s tone was indifferent. She had already noticed Cecelia’s presence. No matter what, Maggie would do anything to get The Collection of Fragrant Clothes tonight. 3/5 Maggie not only saw Cecelia but also noticed Jersey was not far away. Every time Maggie looked at Jersey, her eyes showed mixed emotions. Jersey had also arrived at the reception area and raised his glass toward Cecelia as a sign of greeting. Cecelia noticed him and nodded toward him, but instead of going to talk with Jersey, she stayed by Remington’s side. She also noticed the man in a white suit. He had been standing not far from Jersey and smiled at Cecelia. Remington felt really upset, as if his treasures were being coveted, when he noticed that those two men and many other meň present were staring at Cecelia. To prevent Cecelia from interacting with them, Remington asked, “Céce, can you check my ear? I’m feeling unwell.” “What’s wrong?” Cecelia immediately checked his ear.

In outsiders’ eyes, it looked like they were whispering to each other. People who didn’t know them thought they were a sweet couple, and those who knew the truth thought they didn’t seem like a divorced couple at all, and they wondered if they had already reconciled. During the party, someone accidentally bumped into Cecelia’s arm and spilled some wine on her. “Excuse me. I need to go to the restroom.” Cecelia wanted to go to the restroom to clean up. Remington asked, “Do you want me to go with you?” “No, thanks! I’ll be right back,” responded Cecelia. Watching Cecelia head toward the restroom, Camelia became excited and secretly followed her. Chapter 296 Embarrassing Cecelia in Public 84% 12:48 4/5 However, Cecelia didn’t enter the restroom but cleaned her dress in front of the mirror outside. When she was about to return to the reception area, she happened to run into Camelia. Camelia thought to herself, “Hmph! She’s quite cun ning. She actually didn’t enter the restroom.” With her arms crossed over her chest, Camelia sarcastically commented, “Cecelia, don’t get too ahead of yourself. You’re possessing Remington but still flirting with other men. Enough of that!” Upon hearing Camelia’s jealous words, Cecelia coldly retorted, “Miss Shawn, what position are you in to criticize me? What do you think your relationship with Remington is? That’s between him and me. None of your business!” “Don’t be so arrogant! I’m just warning you! You had better be cautious and don’t let Remington find out your infidelity!” “You don’t need to worry about me, Miss Shawn. Just take care of yourself!” Cecelia walked past Camelia and left the restroom, leaving Camelia feeling frustrated. Suddenly, something occurred to Camelia. She entered the restroom and pounded the door of one of the stalls, reminding someone, “Your can come out now. She’s already gone. The plan failed.” But as Camelia turned around, a man suddenly reached out and pulled her into the stall.

Camelia was so frightened that she wanted to scream, but the man covered her mouth and said, “Miss Cami, don’t scream!” The man released his grip, and Camelia widened her eyes, lowering her voice as she questioned, “Bruce, what do you want?” “Miss Cami, I’m feeling so uncomfortable. Actually, I’m very into you.” Bruce was a ser vant of the Shawn family. Camelia often bossed him around, and he always obeyed her commands. Today, he took some drugs as Camelia had instructed and hid here. to attack Cecelia, but he underestimated the effects of the drug. It only made him want to have sex with the woman he liked even more. He had a secret crush on Camelia. Now, hearing her voice, he couldn’t control himself any longer. Chapter 296 Embarrassing Cecelia in Public H He wanted to embrace Camelia, but she pushed him away and snapped, “Bruce, have you forgotten your status? You’re just a ser vant. If you dare to act recklessly, I won’t let you go.” “Even if it means going to jail, I’ll have no regrets.” With that, Bruce charged toward Camelia.

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