Married by Accident, Taming the Billionaire

Chapter 76

Chapter 76

Chapter 76

Chapter 76 Suspicion

Cecelia withdrew her hand and gave him Max’s hand, saying, “This is your son’s hand.” “Oops!” Remington held Andres’s little hand, feeling relieved. If Andres had died, he would blame himself forever. If he could not even protect his only son, he would not deserve to be called a good father. When Lilian came back, it would be hard for him to explain to her. After a while, he said, “Thank you for saving Andres.” It was the first time he had sincerely expressed gratitude to her. After all, she had discovered the fire and saved Andres in time. “Don’t mention it.” After all, it was her duty to save her son. “By the way, how did you discover the fire?” Gabriella’s house was far away from Aroma Villa. It had some distance from the entire Nelson family. “Gabriella is hospitalized, so I guessed both Cynthia and Carlos have come to take care of her. You asked me to keep a distance from Andres, but I was worried that he was left unattended. So, I decided to check on him. Unexpectedly, I saw the fire on the way.” She was still blaming him for preventing her from seeing Andres. And her voice was a little trembling. Thinking of the fire, she still had lingering fear. Remington could feel her care for Andres, so he thought he should not have been so narrow-minded or prevented her from seeing him. “Fine! You will continue to take care of Andres after he is discharged from the hospital!” “Really? Are you serious?” “Yes.” He needed someone to protect Andres before his eyes and his legs recovered. And Cecelia was the most suitable. “Great.”

Because of the fire, Cecelia regained the right of taking care of Andres. It turned out to be a blessing in disguise. Neither of them spoke anymore because they were worried about the kid. It was rare for them to have such a harmonious time sat 14:29 After a while, Fredric knocked on the door and came in, saying, “Mr. Nelson, Carlos, and Cynthia got the news and came to see Andres.” “Let them in!” Cecelia replied on behalf of Remington. Soon, Carlos and Cynthia came in together. Seeing her little nephew on the hospital bed, Cynthia sadly asked, “What happened? How was there a fire at home?” Carlos followed her in and said, “I didn’t know what happened until receiving the call from the ser vant of the Nelson family. How is Andres doing now?” Remington replied, “He is fine. Don’t tell my grandma about it.” “I understand. I did not tell her.” Remington ordered, “Carlos, go back. I need you to deal with affairs at home now! Please call the police and let them investigate the fire!” “Yes, Mr. Nelson. I’ll go back right now,” Carlos replied and left the ward. Cynthia looked between Andres and Remington, thought of her grandma, and sighed, “What is wrong with the Nelson family? People got in trouble one after another! What the hell! Who will be the next?” “Cynthia, hurry back to take care of Grandma. We are here, so your don’t need to worry about Andres.” “OK.” It was an eventful time. The Nelson family, must have a hidden traitor. Otherwise, people would not have had accidents one after another. So, Remington decided to send more people to protect his family. Fredric had grown up with him since childhood but had limited ability. So, Remington had asked Mysterious Realm to dispatch capable elites to the Center City to help him find out the traitor. After Cynthia left, the ward became quiet. Remington said, “Cecelia, why don’t you go back to rest?

Fredric and I will look after him!” Cecelia noticed his embarrassment and said, “No, I’m fine. What about you going back? You left home in such a hurry that you forgot to put on your shoes. Remington was barefoot. Hearing her words, he felt so embarrassed that he did not know where to place his toes.” hame to abongo hic clothes and soon come Chapter 76 Suspicion 2/5

back. But when he turned the wheelchair around, he heard footsteps outside. Soon, a clear male voice said, “Cecelia!” Remington’s smile froze because he instantly recognized Shepard’s voice. Why had he come here? They had happily eaten and sung together. Now, he had even come to the hospital to haunt her. “Shepard, have you finished your work?” “Yes. I bought you a drink. Weiwei told me you used to like mango juice with sago the most.” Cecelia used to like mango juice with sago. Remington couldn’t see but could hear them talking. Then, he sensed Shepard approaching her and handing her a drink. “Thank you!” Cecelia said. When Shepard noticed Remington in the ward, he said in surprise, “Mr. Nelson? I can’t believe my eyes! Sorry, I didn’t know you came, so I bought only one drink. Remington coldly said, “Never mind. I don’t want to drink juice.” He believed Shepard must be laughing at him after seeing him like this. But it did not matter, He could not see anyway. As long as he did not feel embarrassed, it was someone else that would be embarrassed. Cecelia asked, “Why haven’t you left?”

Why was she driving him away now? Did she want to have a datel with Shepard in the ward? No way! He decided not to leave and said, “It’s too troublesome to go back. I will ask Fredric to fetch clothes and shoes for me.” Then, he called Fredric in and asked him to go home to get clothes and shoes for him. Shepard and Cecelia began chatting. “Cecelia, let me tell you an interesting thing, A few hours ago, Sean was sent to our hospital for emergency treatment. Guess what?” “What?” Cecelia casually asked. Chapter 76 Suspicion 3/5 “Someone stuck a wine bottle in his a ss at Grande Club. The injury is worse than the most serious hemorrhoid I’ve ever seen. I have worked here for many years, but I’ve never seen such a thing before. He will get in big trouble. I bet it will be the headline tomorrow!” Shepard didn’t want to laugh but couldn’t help it. Cecelia briefly commented, “He deserves it!” Hearing this, Remington thought of what he had seen at Grande Club tonight and guessed it must be Cecelia that had injured Sean. So, when Cecelia and Sean had been in the small private room alone, they had not made out. Instead, she had taught the sc umbag a good lesson. Thinking of this, Remington realized he had misunderstood her. It turned out she was not that kind of woman. Listening to them chat, Remington didn’t join him. He only coughed from time to time to remind them of his existence. After all, he did want her to ignore him. Seeing it was getting late, Cecelia said, “Thank you for the drink, Shepard. Please go home! I can take care of the kid alone.” “OK, I’ll go home now. I have an important operation tomorrow.” “See you.”

Cecelia stopped talking after Shepard left, so the atmosphere became cold again. “Do you have a good relationship with Shepard? Are you and his sister school friends?” Remington did not know what else to say but wanted to break the ice. “Yes.” Cecelia lightly nodded, and the ward fell silent again. Remington felt depressed. She had vigorously talked with Shepard. But when facing him, she became reticent. After a while, he took the initiative to break the ice again, asking, “Did you injure Sean?” Cecelia was surprised to hear this question and asked, “How do you know?” “How do I know? I know everything. I’m blind, but I’m not deaf,” Remington replied. Cogolie w Chapter 76 Suspicion and asked, “Did you ask Grande Club to help me out? Have you been there tonight?” 15m 14:29 5/5 Hearing her guess right, Remington thought he was indeed clever. But he couldn’t tell her he had followed her there, so he said, “Well, I was just passing by.” Cecelia lightly nodded, “Good. You finally did a good thing.” “What do you mean? Are you mocking me?” Remington was a little dissatisfied to hear her words. He had helped her, but she had satirized him. Did she mean what he had done before were all evil deeds? “I’m praising you! Can’t you understand?” They chatted until Fredric delivered Remington’s clothes and shoes and helped him put them on. When Fredric told him Rupert had sent him a video of Cecelia teaching Sean a lesson, Remington realized he had indeed thought too much before! He had sulked in vain! After returning to the ward, he said, “Cecelia, I will look after Andres. Let Fredric drive you back. Have a

good rest!” “No need. I’ll take a nap here.” Max had not woken up, so Cecelia would not leave. Remington needed others to take care of him, so he could not look. after an ill kid at all. Hearing her refuse to leave, Remington couldn’t help asking with a frown, “Why are you treating Andres so well?” He wondered what on earth she wanted. After all, Andres and she were not related by blood. Chapter 77 Shocking Conjecture Chapter 77 Shocking Conjecture “I like Andres. There is no special reason. Don’t think too much,” Cecelia simply explained. Remington did not believe her words because he thought it was hard for a woman to accept another woman’s kid so easily. But if… When thinking of a possibility, he was taken aback. Maybe Cecelia was Andres’s biological mother? Since she had come to the Nelson family, she had desperately protected Andres many times and even offénded the Quinsey family for him. Only a mother would be so selfless! This was the only reasonable explanation he could think of. 1/5 Remington continued pondering. If Cecelia was Andres’s mother, he would be Lilian five years ago, right? Was Cecelia the woman he was looking for? After he had this conjecture, his heart violently throbbed. After all, it was too shocking. Were Cecelia and Lilian the same person? To verify the guess, he asked, “Cecelia, tell me the truth! Are you Andres’s biological mother? Are you Lilian?” After he asked the question, his heart was racing. And he even had difficulty breathing. He wanted to hear her confess. Cecelia had not expected him to guess it, but she didn’t want to tell. him the truth.

“Lilian? I don’t know what you’re talking about. I told you it is because I like Andres. You’re overthinking!” She had denied she was Lilian and sounded as if she had never heard of this name before. So, he suspected he had thought too much and guessed wrong. After hearing her answer, he felt a wave of disappointment. He had looked for Lilian for many years but still did not where she was. All the clues he had gotten turned out to be fake. Disappointment had repeatedly hurt him as if needles stinging his heart.” “Forget it! You can pretend I didn’t say anything. Anyway, thank you for treating my son well! I will give you a handsome reward when we divorce.” Hearing this, Cecelia didn’t reply. Mavimua wake up in the middle of the night. After opening bic Aves Chapter 77 Shocking Conjecture 58% 14:38 2/5 he saw his mother hunching over the bed and his father sitting in the wheelchair. The latter had also fallen asleep, so the ward was quiet. Maximus’s IV bottle had been emptied, and he wanted to pee. He didn’t want to wake up Cecelia, so he climbed out of bed and went to the bathroom by himself. But Cecelia suddenly woke up as if sensing it. When she raised her head and saw the empty hospital bed, she screamed in shock, “Where is Max? Max is gone!” Remington was woken up by her scream and asked, “Who’s missing? Who’s Max?” He thought she had had a nightmare. When Cecelia came to her senses, she realized she had spilled the beans. So, she changed her words, saying, “Where is Andres? Why isn’t he on the bed?” “Andres is gone?” When Cecelia got up to search, Remington was also startled out of sleep. He wanted to help, but it was inconvenient for him to move around. So, he shouted, “Andres! Andres!” Cecelia ran out of the ward, went straight to the nurse station, and asked, “Have you seen the kid from

Bed 102? Did he run out?” The nurses shook their heads and started to help her look for the kid. Had Maximus woken up? Had he left by himself or been kidnapped? Cecelia didn’t dare to think about it, so she asked the nurses to help to check the surveillance video. Then, she ran toward the ward to get her bag and mobile phone, intending to ask Verda to bring people here to help. But when arriving at the ward, she saw Max sitting on the bed. “Cecelia? Are you back? Andres is back!” Remington said. Seeing her son, Cecelia breathed a sigh of relief, quickly walked to him, touched his little face, and asked, “Where did you go just now? I could not find you anywhere!” Seeing him point to the bathroom, Cecelia knew he had gone to pee. She thought someone had kidnapped him! After she held him in her arms for a while, the head nurse ran over with a few nurses and asked, “Have you found the kid?” “Yes, I found him. Thank you for your help!” nurnar laft the ward Chapter 77 Shocking Conjecture 3/5 Cecelia didn’t close her eyes anymore because she must watch over her son wholeheartedly. And she did not feel relieved until the doctor came to examine Maximus the next morning and told her he was fine. After one night, there were two pieces of breaking news in Center City. One was about Harry. As the vice president of the Linsey Group, he had smashed things and made trouble in a restaurant last night. And the other one was about Sean. He was the CEO of the Linsey Group, but someone had stuffed a wine bottle in his a ss. Both the two pieces of news were negative, and many people. scolded them online, so the Linsey Group’s stock price dropped a lot.

Gary was anxious but couldn’t think of a way to solve the problem. When he called Cecelia, the latter had turned off her phone. At around 10 am, Whitegon, Winger, and Featheron arrived at the Center City Hospital. They were elites and fighting experts of the Mysterious Realm. Seeing Remington, they all knelt on one knee to salute, saying, “Master Nelson, we’re sorry for being late!” “Please get up! From today on, you will call me Mr. Nelson like Fredric. You will stay in the Center City because I have tasks for you!” “Yes!” Remington told them what had happened recently and asked them to investigate them as soon as possible. When Cecelia saw the strangers in the ward, she guessed they were Remington’s subordinates and didn’t ask any questions. After the child was discharged from the hospital, they returned to the Nelson family together. After they arrived, Carlos told them the fire had been put out last. night. Although it had destroyed some furniture, there were no casualties. But Gabriella’s dóg Maelynn had gone missing. “Have the police come? What did they say?” Remington asked. “The police came and recorded statements. They surveyed the scene and initially judged it might be a natural fire caused by the aging line,” Carlos replied. A natural fire caused by the aging line? Remington did not believe it. When he reached the main ball while thinking to himself Renee and

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