Martial Artist Lee Gwak

Chapter 54

Chapter 54: The Return of the Weapons (1)

Light Novel: Volume 3 Chapter 4

Manhwa: Chapter 52-53

Numerous martial artists entered the Jade Heaven Alliance.

There were leaders sent from the Ten Supremes, and there were also sect leaders of influential martial factions. They led their disciples and entered the Jade Heaven Alliance with grandeur.

The already excited atmosphere heated up even more with their arrival.

The streets overflowed with martial artists, and even people who had nothing to do with the martial world came to see them.

Inns and taverns screamed with joy due to the unexpected boon, and people were clamoring for accommodations to the point where some ended up sleeping outdoors.

While the streets were filled with joy, Outer Hall martial artists like Lee Gwak, who were responsible for the security of the Jade Heaven Alliance, were literally having a hard time.

They would stand guard at the front or back gates during the day and patrol at night, a routine that repeated for days on end.

Though Lee Gwak could endure thanks to his strong internal energy, ordinary martial artists like Seok Yi-cheon and Woo Il-yeong were feeling extremely fatigued.

In the end, the Outer Court’s leader, Geum Guho, urgently deployed the Heavenly Intelligence Hall to alleviate the burden on the Outer Hall. Indeed, with the deployment of the Heavenly Intelligence Hall’s martial artists, those of the Outer Hall were able to breathe a little easier.

Squad 13 also received martial artists from the Heavenly Intelligence Hall. Among them was someone Lee Gwak knew well.

“Aren’t you grateful? Coming to your rescue just like this.”

“Thank you!”


The smug man by Lee Gwak’s side was none other than Go Jeon-ok. He led a few martial artists from the Heavenly Intelligence Hall and joined Lee Gwak’s squad.

The people who followed Go Jeon-ok were people Lee Gwak had never seen before. True to their main duty of gathering intelligence, their eyes were sharp.

Lee Gwak asked Go Jeon-ok,

“But how did you end up being dispatched here instead of completing your previous mission?”

“The previous one? Ah, the Tempest Three Demons?”


“Damn! We couldn’t find them. You have no idea how much shame I had to endure because of that.”

Go Jeon-ok’s expression twisted instantly. He had hoped to prove his worth by finding the Tempest Three Demons. Despite mobilizing all his abilities and connections, he ultimately failed. Because of that, he had no idea how much he had been scolded when called by the Outer Court’s leader, Geum Guho.

“Well, seems like they still find my talents too precious to waste, so they gave me another mission.”

“Another mission?”


Go Jeon-ok chuckled.

He restrained himself from saying more, and likewise, Lee Gwak did not inquire further. There was no benefit in deeply involving oneself in the affairs of the Heavenly Intelligence Hall.

However, that didn’t mean he had no guesses.

‘It must be to gather information on those who have entered among the Outer Hall.’

The Outer Hall was merely a shield to conceal the true identity of the Heavenly Intelligence Hall. Their real aim was to monitor the movements of those who had entered.

Lee Gwak guessed this much but chose not to verbalize it. Regardless of the Heavenly Intelligence Hall’s intentions, it was beneficial for the Outer Hall.

“Please take good care of us for the time being.”

“Haha! Don’t worry. I’ll do my best to help.”

“That’s reassuring.”

“Friends should help each other, right?”

Go Jeon-ok slung his arm around Lee Gwak’s shoulder.

Lee Gwak observed Go Jeon-ok’s face in silence for a moment. He could see the ambition in his eyes and the confident expression on his face.

Go Jeon-ok was already very ambitious, but ever since he had entered the Heavenly Intelligence Hall, he had been expressing it without restraint.


“What is it?”

“If you ever face difficulty, feel free to tell this brother. I have enough strength to watch your back.”


“Let’s go! It’s time for patrol.”

Go Jeon-ok released his arm from around Lee Gwak’s shoulder.

He walked ahead as if it was only natural, followed by the martial artists of the Heavenly Intelligence Hall. The Outer Hall seemed completely relegated to the background.

Ki Jinhwi quietly walked up to Lee Gwak’s side and whispered,

“Squad leader!”


“It feels like we’re being completely ignored right now.”

“It does seem that way.”

“Don’t you find it ridiculous? I know the Outer Hall doesn’t have much presence, but to be ignored to this extent.”

“Does it make you feel slighted?”

“Well, not slighted, exactly. Just a bit irked. It’s annoying to be ignored so much.”

“Think of it positively. Instead of us, they’ll be the ones keenly observing the surroundings. We can just mindlessly follow them behind.”

“Haha! That’s true. We can just leave all the bothersome and nerve-wracking tasks to them.”

“Tell the rest of the members to take it easy.”

“Understood, squad leader!”

Ki Jinhwi nodded and returned to the other squad members.

Lee Gwak quietly observed the backs of the Heavenly Intelligence Hall martial artists leading the way.

Ultimately, that day’s patrol was predominantly led by the Heavenly Intelligence Hall warriors under Go Jeon-ok’s command, and Lee Gwak and Squad 13 followed them until the end of their duty.


Lee Gwak sighed, stretching his stiff body.

Completing the patrol didn’t mean all his work was done. There was still much to check, and he had to take care of his squad members.

Eventually, Lee Gwak left the Jade Heaven Alliance late at night after finishing all his tasks.

The road back home was still full of people. Despite the late hour, many were still roaming and wandering the streets.

Lee Gwak walked along the now familiar streets.

At that moment, Lee Gwak felt a strange sensation.

A tingling sensation in his temples, a sign of someone’s stealthy gaze.

He furrowed his brow slightly, and then, with the sound of a rustling of clothing, a figure emerged from the alleyway. The owner of the prying eyes had revealed himself.

The moment he saw the figure, Lee Gwak’s eyes widened in surprise.

The figure that emerged from the darkness was someone he knew.

“Han… Socheon?”

“It’s been a while, brother.”

The woman greeting him in a gentle voice was Han Socheon.

She looked at Lee Gwak with a face that was more mature than when they had parted ways at Mount Shaohua.

“Have you been well?”


“You look good.”

A faint smile tugged at the corners of Han Socheon’s mouth.

Lee Gwak approached her to see her face better.

“It’s really you, Socheon. What happened? When did you come back?”

“I’m hungry!”


“Give me something to eat. I feel like I’m going to die of hunger.”


At Han Socheon’s words, Lee Gwak showed an incredulous expression.

In the meantime, Han Socheon had become even thinner. Her eyes, already cold and cynical, seemed even more desiccated.

Looking into her eyes, Lee Gwak found himself unable to ask further.

In the end, Lee Gwak nodded.

“Alright, let’s go.”


Only then did a light smile appear on Han Socheon’s face.

Lee Gwak then led Han Socheon into his house.

As soon as he entered the room and opened the tightly closed door, Han Socheon looked around curiously.

“It’s a nice place you’ve got here.”

“I got it because of you, so of course, it’s nice.”

“Because of me?”

“You asked me to stay in Jade Heaven Alliance. So, I got this house. I couldn’t possibly live in the lodgings.”

“I see.”

“Sit there. I’ll prepare the meal in no time.”


Han Socheon nodded and sat on the wooden floor.

Lee Gwak watched her for a moment before heading into the kitchen. Left alone, Han Socheon looked up at the sky.

The unusually red moon caught her eye, and a red aura seemed to swirl in her eyes as well.

She sat on the wooden floor, staring at the night sky for a long time. With the way she sat so motionless, it looked as if she turned into a statue.

Suddenly, a spark of interest appeared in her eyes, sensing Lee Gwak coming out of the kitchen.

Lee Gwak brought out a small table with rice, fruit, and side dishes on it. As he placed the table on the wooden floor, he said,

“I hurriedly prepared it, so the side dishes aren’t much.”

“No, brother. This is already incredibly good.”

Han Socheon gently shook her head and picked up her chopsticks. She then carefully started tasting the food Lee Gwak had brought out.

After chewing the food with her eyes closed for a moment, she exclaimed in admiration,

“It’s delicious!”

“That’s a relief!”

“Really delicious!”

Han Socheon kept moving her chopsticks incessantly, while Lee Gwak silently watched her.

After the incident at the street stall, he had bought rice and ingredients. He thought it was fortunate because he could offer Han Socheon a meal he made himself.

With her eyes half-closed, savoring the food made by Lee Gwak, Han Socheon appeared almost like an ascetic. A shadow fell over Lee Gwak’s face as he watched her.

To him, Han Socheon seemed to have matured beyond his expectations.

People do not grow without experiencing pain. To have grown so much in such a short time meant that she had suffered and overcome much pain.

The fact that Han Socheon appeared mature was evidence she had faced and conquered many challenges.

At least, that’s what Lee Gwak thought.

Lee Gwak could not even begin to guess the kind of hell Han Socheon had been through. However, he believed that the battles she faced were far from ordinary.

Lee Gwak did not initiate conversation, allowing her to eat in peace. Han Socheon, in turn, focused solely on her meal.

Given her small bites, Han Socheon’s meal naturally took longer. Nonetheless, Lee Gwak waited silently.

Finally, Han Socheon finished her meal.

“Thank you, brother! It’s been a long time since I’ve enjoyed a meal this much.”

“I hope it was enough.”

“It was more than enough.”

Han Socheon gently shook her head.

Lee Gwak asked,

“When did you return to the Jade Heaven Alliance?”

“This afternoon…”

“So you came straight here after entering the Jade Heaven Alliance?”

“Sort of…”

“I suppose you can’t tell me where you’ve been since then?”

“I’m sorry, brother.”

“Don’t be. Seeing you safe is all that matters.”

“Thank you!”

Han Socheon genuinely appreciated Lee Gwak’s understanding.

Everything about her was highly confidential.

Her name, her martial arts, and even her existence.

It was a secret that she had entered the Jade Heaven Alliance, and even more so was her visit to Lee Gwak.

But if Lee Gwak had insisted, she would eventually give him an answer.

“Big brother, can I stay here for a while?”

“Of course!”

Lee Gwak’s immediate consent brought a smile to Han Socheon’s face.

She hadn’t come here because she lacked a place to stay. The Jade Heaven Alliance had arranged lavish accommodations for her and her colleagues. However, Han Socheon didn’t want to stay there.

The only place she wanted to be with her companions was on the battlefield. She didn’t want to be with them here, too. That’s why she sought out Lee Gwak.

After studying Han Socheon’s face for a moment, Lee Gwak spoke up.

“You look very tired.”

“That’s because I haven’t been sleeping well. I’ve been suffering from insomnia lately.”


“Yes! I hardly sleep at all.”

Han Socheon replied with a nonchalant expression. Lee Gwak looked at her for a moment before sighing deeply.


“It’s still bearable.”

“Say that after you’ve tried sleeping in it. Let’s go!”

Lee Gwak pulled Han Socheon by the hand. Han Socheon obediently followed him.

The place Lee Gwak took her to was his own room. Inside, there was a soft bed.

“Sleep here for the rest of your stay.”


“Hurry up!”


Han Socheon nodded and lay down on the bed. Lee Gwak pulled the quilt over Han Socheon and said,

“Even if you can’t fall asleep easily, try to rest.”

“Got it!”

“I’ll be sleeping in the room across, so call me if you need anything.”


Lee Gwak looked at Han Socheon’s face for a moment, then closed the door and walked out. After letting out a sigh that Han Socheon couldn’t hear, Lee Gwak walked into the small room across the hall.

He laid down a blanket on the floor and lay on it.

Countless thoughts crossed his mind. He would have usually fallen asleep the moment his head hit the pillow, but sleep eluded him tonight. It was due to Han Socheon’s unexpected visit.

As Lee Gwak tossed and turned,


The door to his room quietly opened, and someone slipped inside. It was Han Socheon.

She lifted the blanket and climbed in.


“I can’t sleep, brother.”

Han Socheon snuggled into Lee Gwak’s embrace.

“Just let me stay like this for a while.”

Lee Gwak, who was about to push her away, stopped his hand in mid-air.

Before he knew it, Han Socheon was burying her face in his chest and breathing softly. Looking at her face with her peacefully closed eyes, he couldn’t bring himself to push her away anymore.


Eventually, Lee Gwak stopped trying to push her away and gently patted Han Socheon’s back instead.

Han Socheon’s ragged breathing gradually became more even. She had fallen asleep.

The woman, who had been suffering from insomnia, fell asleep in Lee Gwak’s arms for the first time in a long time.

Her gentle breathing resonated against Lee Gwak’s chest.

SoundlessWind21’s Notes:

Awww, Han Socheon you’ve been through a lot. The part when Han Socheon slept with Lee Gwak in the same bed is not shown in the manhwa.

If there are any errors, whether it be grammatical, spelling, translation, or website-related issues, feel free to let me know. (´◡`) Anyway, thank you for reading!

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