Martial God Conqueror

Chapter 35 Snatch!

Chapter 35 Snatch!


Night, the forest moves with the gentle wind.

At the bottom of a valley, Du Shaofu sits cross-legged; running Golden-winged Garuda’s exercise law to readjust his condition as pale golden glows wraps around his body, giving off a mysterious and profound feeling.


Spirit Gorge, located at the periphery of Wild Beast Mountains has layers of canyons overlapping, and sharp cliff pointing towards the sky. Every day at dawn and dusk, dense fogs blankets the whole gorge, making visibility non-existent.

According to rumors, the bottom of the gorge were lairs to the more powerful Demonic beasts that even beast hunting teams will not venture near the gorge recklessly.

However, in recent days a mob has been gathering at the outer edge of Spirit Gorge, and the number increases each day; but at the moment no one is brave enough to enter the gorge as yet.

The night’s cold like freezing water as the bright moon hangs high upon the Heavens.

From the bottom of the gorge, a strong concentrated aura spreads out; making those who smell it feeling refresh and clear headed.

In the outer area of Spirit Gorge, a huge boulder occupied by about a dozen young man and women; they are none other than the disciples of Mystical Talisman House.

Zhu Xue, Guo Ming, and Shen Yan stands leading positions within this group, looking at the several figures standing approximately a hundred meters apart; Zhu Xue’s brow creases, and her cherry lips mouths lightly: “Sky Serpent Sect’s people are also here.”

“Senior Brother Shen Yan, most of our disciples are killed by Sky Serpent Sect’s people, we must avenge them!” Guo Ming said to Shen Yan.

Shen Yan is also observing the Sky Serpent Sect group, his expression surly; said: “Sky Serpent Sect is together with White Panther Hunting Group if we make our move now we will not gain any advantage.”

“Shen Yan, you’re quite early.”

Another dozen of figures emerges consisting of young people between seventeen to eighteen years old; a young man dressed in embroidered robe and another in a short-sleeved shirt. The young man dressed in embroidered robe leaps up to the boulder, his burning eyes staring lecherously at Zhu Xue.

“Lin Boguang[1], Wang Yuan, you just arrive?”

Seeing this Shen Yan swiftly step forward, aware of Lin Boguang’s lewd gaze on Zhu Xue’s body, dislike shows in his eyes however it disappeared quickly that no one notices.

The young man dressed in embroidered robe ignores Shen Yan, contrarily, the short-sleeved young man answer Shen Yan: “Shen Yan, according to our previous agreement, Blacknether Sect will temporarily cooperate with Mystical Talisman House to deal with Sky Serpent Sect’s Lu Kun, however, who gets the elixir depends on ability.”

“No problem.” Shen Yan nodded.

“May I ask this Junior Sister’s name, I’m called Lin Boguang, let’s be friends?” The embroidered robe young man came beside Zhu Xue, his eyes roving all over Zhu Xue’s body nonstop, as if he’s found a prey.

Zhu Xue glances at Lin Boguang with an overt coldness that’s capable of repelling people thousand miles away: “Please behave.”[2]

With the words out, her slender silhouette turns towards the direction of the gorge, not wanting to trouble herself with Lin Boguang.

“You’ve got personality, I like it. Sooner or later you will be my, Lin Boguang’s woman.”

Lin Boguang said to Zhu Xue, standing next to her with his hands behind his back, and with a ‘haha’ laugh, he too shifts his sight onto the gorge, said: “From the looks of it, the elixir’s maturing very soon. I wonder in whose hands the elixir will fall into at the end. I heard many powerful Demonic beasts make their home inside Spirits Gorge. To obtain the elixir won’t be an easy thing.”

“With Mystical Talisman House and Blacknether Sect joining hands, our chances are bigger.” Shen Yuan replies, staring at Lin Boguang’s back, a ray of chill flitted across his eyes unnoticeably.

Far away, from the other side of the hills, Lu Kun looks at Shen Yan, Lin Boguang and the others standing on the huge boulder, his face darkens into sullen expression; and said to the middle-aged man beside him who is two meters tall, so skinny that ribs seem to stick out of his chest: “Head Captain[3], the kid that killed Second and Third Captain is not with them, but it’s a guarantee that kid have some connections with Mystical Talisman House.”

“Someone will have to pay the price for Second Bro and Third Bro’s death, regardless if that kid has connections with Mystical Talisman House or not, I will not let it slide.” Skinny Tiger’s eyes are fill with piercing chill.

One night passed. When light takes over darkness the morning sunlight pours down onto the earth; suddenly in the depths of the gorge, a bright iridescent glow invades the sky.


An iridescent glow tainted with the color of blood shines out from the gorge, looking like a rising sun in mid-air for a long time. A strong aura fluctuations spread out from the depths of the gorge.

“The high-grade elixir is maturing, quickly grab!”

Almost instantly, numerous points of xuanqi burst out at the outer edge of the gorge; shadows are dashing out one after another diving into the depths of the gorge. Sounds of piercing wind fill Spirit Gorge and the dense morning fogs were thinned out by the number of people rushing into the gorge.

“The elixir’s matured, go!”

Xuanqi fluctuates on Shen Yan, Lin Boguang, Wang Yuan, Guo Ming, Zhu Xue and the rest of the disciples as they rush into the gorge, leaving behind streaks of afterimages. josei

Silhouettes moves within the fog-filled gorge, Shen Yan, Zhu Xue, Lin Boguang, Wang Yuan, Lu Kun, and Skinny Tiger were the quickest three groups to enter the gorge; all of their sights fixed to the top of a large boulder.

In one of the crevices, there is a one-foot tall stem of red ganoderma as thick as an infant’s arm; billowing blood-red glow that seems to pierce the sky. The blood-red ganoderma has a unique appearance that’s similar to an infant’s, vivid and realistic as blood-red runes float around it, and diffuses strong aura causing everyone’s eyes to aflame with greed.

“That’s Blood-Infant Ganoderma[4], taking it strengthens the martial pulse; and it is the main ingredient for refining spirit-grade dans.”

“Blood-Infant Ganoderma is absolutely a treasure, especially for Maidong level warriors.”

Blacknether Sect, Mystical Talisman House, Sky Serpent Sect without exception starts to make their moves and attack after just one look at the one-foot stem.

Others surrounding warriors were also quick to start fighting for it. Instantly, intense battles sparks all around the vicinity of the elixir; whenever someone gets too near to the Blood-Infant Ganoderma will result in a combined attack from all four directions thus no one person is able to get too close.


Out of nowhere, from above the dense mid-air fogs, a sharp cry rang out followed by an enormous flying beast swooping down. In general, flying beasts at the very least can reach up to thirty meters in length, and its spread wings seem to be able to cover the sky. Tts talons and beak emit edgy sharp rays diving into the midst of battles and grabs talons full of warriors, tearing them apart into pieces in mid-air; letting the blood and pieces of flesh rain down the gorge.


Then, from deep bellow the gorge roars of demonic beasts resounded; more than a hundred demonic beasts dashing out. The first few fierce demonic beasts at the fore are more than thirty meters tall, randomly gorging through the warriors, leaving dismembered corpses in its path.

“Not good, these demonic beasts want the Blood-Infant Ganoderma, and they very powerful.”

People that were fighting among themselves immediately flee in panic; the demonic beasts up in the sky and on the ground cause their hearts to shiver; not one of them had imagined that suddenly so many terrifying demonic beasts shows up.

The appearance of these demonic beasts as they swipe away the fog and display their might is not something these human warriors are capable of fighting.

As the cries and roars of the demonic beasts continue to resound; accompanying it are the agonizing screams and heart-wrenching wails of human warriors being torn apart alive.

The groups lead Shen Yan, Zhu Xue, Lin Boguang, Wang Yuan, Lu Kun immediately retreats; with these many terrifying demonic beasts blocking the path, even if the Blood-Infant Ganoderma is right in front of them, they won’t dare to touch it.

“Flee ah.”

There are even loud cries telling others to flee for their lives; their strengths are too low this group of attacking demonic beasts. Faces turn white one by one; it didn’t cross anyone’s mind that there would be so many fierce demonic beasts appearing.

“Quick, look there; who’s that? Actually not afraid of these demonic beasts!”

At this moment, suddenly someone exclaimed in surprise seeing there’s someone in the mid of the Demonic Beasts. As the young man strides forward a pale golden glow that wraps around his straight-back silhouette, in big strides the young man walks towards the Blood-Infant Ganoderma.

“Ao Ao.”


The demonic beasts on the ground and up in the sky growl towards the young man however as if afraid of something, none of them dares to block the young man’s path.

“That’s Brother Shaofu.”

Surprise evident in Guo Ming’s eyes and the next moment joy fills his face; the straight-back young man is none other than Du Shaofu.

“It’s him.”

Zhu Xue, Shen Yan, Lu Kun including Lin Boguang, Wang Yuan, and the others recognizes Du Shaofu; multiple pairs of shock eyes stares directly at the middle of the gorge.

Wherever the straight-back young man steps the surrounding demonic beasts immediately retreats; under cover of the pale golden glow the straight back young man is akin to a Supreme being descending, a Beast King coming out.

That young man, of course, is Du Shaofu. When he heard there’s an elixir maturing, and he needs a lot of them practicing the Golden-winged Garuda’s physique refining law, this is an opportunity he wouldn’t want to miss.

To truth is, Du Shaofu had early on arrived at Spirit Gorge; and from afar he saw the disciples of Mystical Talisman House and Sky Serpent Sect, it’s just that he didn’t show himself for snatching away the elixir is the utmost important thing.

Du Shaofu himself isn’t clear of the reasons why the Demonic Beasts within the Wild Beast Mountains were so keen to avoid him, but one thing he’s clear about is, in front of Demonic Beasts he has an undeniable advantage. Most of the demonic beasts are deter by the atmosphere from the Golden-winged Garuda’s exercise law that he cultivates, all the more reason for him to take advantage of this very moment.

Wrapped in the pale golden glow, Du Shaofu boldly stride pass all ‘obstacles’ as the demonic beasts quickly retreats away from him, finally with a leap up and he reaches the spot where the Blood-Infant Ganoderma grows.

A sharp fluctuation came from the ganoderma filling Du Shaofu with delight; this elixir is truly extraordinary and will greatly supplement him in strengthening his physique.


Exactly at this moment, in mid-air the fogs separated and violent gusts of wind spreads revealing an enormous flying tiger. Its entire body covered with majestic runic scales, a pair of great huge wings at its back, while its mouth issues a terrifying roar. Its wings spread wide reaches sixty meters long, and at the moment it is eyeing Du Shaofu malignantly, very obvious that it fancies the Blood-Infant Ganoderma.

“Heavens, that’s a Demonic Scale Tiger; its strength is comparable to the existence of a Demonic Beast’s King.”

“This Demonic Scale Tiger’s atmosphere is so strong; possibly even Maidong level warriors are unable to subdue it.”

The surrounding crowd aghast with the sudden appearance of the Demonic Scale Tiger; when it flaps its wings the people below finds it hard to breath and the force of the winds sends them trembling in fright.

Du Shaofu lifts up his head and looks at the Demonic Scale Tiger in mid-air; without warning Du Shaofu entire body burst out in a dazzling pale golden light as he condenses handseals, golden runes swirls around his body. A domineering edgy burst forth from his body like a flash flood, and golden light shines brightly piercing through the sky; vaguely within the golden as if a Golden-winged Garuda is spreading its wings wanting to soar to the heavens.

At the same time, Du Shaofu scolds loudly: “Evil beast, leave now!"


林- Forest 伯 –Count (it also means Uncle) 光 – Bright /Ray

Pun-伯光, read with a slightly different tone means ‘stripped naked’ which brings us to his ahem, lecherous personality.

‘Please behave’ actually is ‘Please watch your conduct’ but the former is preffered.

Head Captain/Second Captain is referred as Big Chief/Second Chief in previous chapters. The Author used ‘tangjia’ in previous chapters and ‘tuan zhang’ in this one, the differentiation is in how the subordinates/beast hunters and outsiders call them.

血婴灵芝 (Xue Ying Lingzhi) – lit. Blood-Infant Ganoderma; even though it may sound unappetizing...

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