Martial God Gamer

595 Chapter 595

595 Chapter 595

“Hmm, this way and this way, you can't go wrong.”

Chen Ming looked at the map. His brows furrowed together. Why did he return to the same spot with Zhao Kui and Jiao Qing one more time?

Chen Ming was now thinking about where he went wrong to return to the same place.

Zhao Kui and Jiao Qing were sitting and eating with gusto. The two had never eaten food this delicious before. Plus because the body needs a lot of nutrients as well.

“Hungry, why am I so hungry? I've never been this hungry in my life.”

“Me too. From Martial Ancestor Realm and above, we probably wouldn't need food anymore. Why am I so hungry again? We are not like Inhuman or beastfolk.”

Human beings and Inhuman and beastfolk need food for different reasons. Inhuman beings need food because their techniques are heavy on the body. while the inhuman who had to eat to keep themselves remembered as human beings If not eating They may have forgotten the food that humans were supposed to eat. and began to eat humans instead.

It is very sad that such a terrible thing happened.

“It seems the labyrinth has changed direction… but why didn’t change before?”

The maze now changes direction every five minutes. He had walked for an hour earlier and still hadn't seen anything change.

“Hmph, if this is the case, then there is only one way.”

Chen Ming smiled. He looked down at the ground. Do they think he didn’t know that? Chen Ming slowly started to touch the ground. before using his finger to pierce through the ground.

Zhao Kui and Jiao Qing only looked at Chen Ming, wanting to know what he wanted to do.

“As I really thought This place was born from something that is beyond the laws and concept, it is… profound and difficult to understand.”

Even Chen Ming could understand the mechanics of the universe. Still can't understand about this place, although this place looks superficially just a labyrinth with little tricks.

“Why do I feel strangely familiar with it? It's like I am…in the arms of a mother.”

Chen Ming burst into tears, it was warm and nostalgic.

“Senior Brother-in-law! What happened?"

Jiao Qing and Zhao Kui at this moment saw that Chen Ming was in tears. The two of them hurriedly put down the food they were eating and immediately came to Chen Ming aid.

"I'm fine."

Chen Ming closed his eyes. His tears disappeared. The Dragon Tears were very precious. But if they are not harvested properly, It will disappear into the air like that.

Zhao Kui and Jiao Qing could only swallow their saliva. Both of them regretted that they didn’t collect Chen Ming's tears, but did not dare to say anything.

“I know how to get to the end of this place. You guys rest for a bit. After that, we continue our journey together.”

Zhao Kui and Jiao Qing nodded to Chen Ming. before the two continued to eat.

Chen Ming walked away a little before sitting cross-legged. He start emptying his mind

He was now trying to recall the sense he had just found a moment ago. Long Chu taught him something very important. What he was doing right now was gathering his mind.

Soon, Chen Ming would surely understand the feeling he had experienced earlier, perhaps he could even use it.


Luo Kun and Zheng Liu now gritted their teeth. The maze now changed. They could sense that something was heading towards them. Their number was huge.

“Everyone gathered here. Never leave the area marked with Dao of Sword!”

Luo Kun gave orders to his disciples. Zheng Liu also gave the same command. The current situation was that only the mark with the dao sword could protect everyone.

Liu Kun and Zheng Liu used the remains of giant beetles and scarabs to form a wall around everyone. Fortunately, the Dao was not easily lost. It will stay like that for hundreds and thousands of years.

“We would still be safe if we were inside these insect sham walls.”

Zheng Liu collapsed to the ground. It was the limit that his body could handle. Liu Kun followed closely. He and Zheng Liu were the ones who exerted the most in this place.

“Why am I so hungry?”

Luo Kun spoke in a state of exhaustion. This is because they usually don't need to eat or drink. He and most of the disciples did not bring much food with them. The only thing that was taken with him was dry food that was only used to trade with the inhuman and beastfolk.

“Are we all going to die here?!”

“No, I don't want to die. I still have many things that I want to do!”

“I will not die until I get my revenge!”

The disciples couldn't stand the pressure at this moment. Luo Kun and Zheng Liu breathed a sigh. The current situation was not very good.

“Why don't we try eating these insects?”

One disciple proposed. Eat insects? Why didn't everyone think of this?josei

“It looks… not very appetizing.”

But what choice did they have? The one who suggested it started first and it’s unbelievable.

Scarab, even though it is unappetizing , tastes incredibly delicious in contrast to its appearance.

Luo Kun now ate roasted scarab with gusto.

“This is a taste that I have never experienced before. It's both crispy and soft like this. Plus, eating it makes our bodies stronger.”

Luo Kun spoke up in surprise. He didn't think the scarabs beetle when roasted would have a deep flavor. It also added qi to his body as well.

Zheng Liu, who had already eaten the scarab, was as surprised as him. The wounds on his body slowly healed.

The two ate a few more scarabs, filling them up and ready to fight off swarms of beetle scarabs and giant beetle scarabs.

Zheng Liu looked around. The disciples were eating scarab. Even female disciples who hated insects needed to eat them. to try to keep as much energy as possible

Zheng Liu saw the situation now. He couldn't help but laugh a little. It really made him feel nostalgic.

“I never thought that we would be in such a bad condition. I don't remember When did I ate food because I was hungry. Probably two hundred to three hundred years ago.”

Zheng Liu spoke up with a nostalgic look on his face. His path didn't start very well. Everyone here has a tragic life history.

This world was a cruel world. The weak will only be taken advantage of by the strong.

“So am I. I haven't eaten food because I need it for two hundred years.”

The two get along well as if they were friends for a long time. Of course that is because they are both in the same world.

“What should we do from now on? I don't think we'll be able to reach the Tianmen Sect in time. We would certainly have broken the heavenly decree and were sentenced to death.”

Luo Kun let out a breath. He was sure that they would be able to escape from here. They will still be sentenced to death. Heaven has no mercy

Zheng Liu remained silent. He thought like Luo Kun. Even if He could get out of here, He couldn't make it in time for the assembly.

And while the two were contemplating what to do next.

One of Qilin Dao Sect disciple shouted loudly.

“Someone is coming this way. They are attacked by swarms of scarabs and giant scarab beetles!”

“That's Senior Brother Zhao Kui and Senior Sister Jiao Qingni, that's for sure. Even the two seniors can't survive the swarms of scarabs and giant scarab beetles!”

“No, it's not just Senior Zhao Kui and Senior Sister Jiao Qing. There was still someone with both of them!”

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