Martial God Gamer

Chapter 626 626 Blue Ocean City

Chapter 626 626 Blue Ocean City

Chen Ming now needed someone to guide him to Blue Ocean City. He knows which direction to go. But he didn't know if after leaving the land area he would be lost.

In the sea there are many dimensional rifts. If he's not careful, There may be an event like before. where he got lost in a dimensional rift and appeared somewhere unknown

His target now was Mu Zhang. A former member of the Low Level Merchant Guild, now had a General City Effect status of Dragon City. He was the only person who could lead him to Blue Sea City.

Mu Jang, after Hyun Guk and Dae Pyung's word that the two will be watching over and taking care of Mu Jang during his probation period. This was considered the lightest punishment. If it was another city, there would be people who thought badly. They would have been killed right there and right away.

Fortunately, Dragon City's domination system was rather poor in some respects. Make Mu Zhang free and on probation. The punishment was the same as that of a quarrel.

Mu Zhang currently lives with Hyun Gook and Da Pyeong in a condo in the south of Dragon City. This condo was designed by Chen Ming himself. But those who created it were the Highhumans along with other races like the Tundra.

with their technology They were able to build the condo that Chen Ming had designed in just a short amount of time.

Chen Ming, together with everyone at this moment, arrived in front of the condo. The four young dragons had already seen the condo until they got used to it. However, Long Zhiyun and Ye Ying'er had never seen a condo before.

“Wow, this is just like a pagoda. But it has a square shape…or is it not a pagoda but a tower?”

Chen Ming looked at Long Ziyun. He liked her curiosity and playfulness.

“This place called a condo is a place to live for a lot of people.”


Long Zhiyun still didn't understand about living together as a group without being from the same family. But she didn't think to think much about it. I think too much and my head hurts She doesn't like headaches.

Ye Ying'er didn't say anything. Just exploring around

Chen Ming walked towards Niti's room. He knocked a little on the glass before someone came to serve him.

As soon as Niti saw Chen Ming, his expression was extremely astonished. It's not often that people get to see their idols.

Chen Ming, besides being the City Lord He is also the idol of the people here. He is the person who makes the lives of the people here better.

Not only did they have a better life and didn't have to starve, they also felt very safe.

They didn't have to fear bandits or even beasts.

Chen Ming smiled at the attendant before speaking.

“I came to find a person named Mu Zhang, he must have just moved in today. I would like to know his room number, please?”

The curator who heard Chen Ming asked politely . He hurriedly searched for Mu Zhang's information as quickly as he could.

And in just a few seconds, he got Mu Zhang's information.

“Dear Lord Mayor, Mu Zhang moved into the apartment this morning in room number 704. In this room, apart from Mu Zhang, there were two other residents. They are named Hyeongkook and Daepyung."

Chen Ming nodded. before immediately heading to room 704.josei

In Room 704, Hyeong Kook and Dae Pyeong were currently lying on their backs. They forgot they were drunk. After they saved Mu Zhang They continued to get drunk. It's now asleep.

Mu Zhang now had bright eyes. He definitely wouldn't dare to drink alcohol any time soon. Because every time he drank alcohol, there was always a problem.

“Will anything happen after this? Why don't you feel good?"

And as soon as Mu Zhang thought like that He heard someone ringing the bell at the door.

"Who's knocking at the door at this time? Hyun Guk and Dae Pyung said that they don't have any acquaintances here. or to be a caregiver."

Mu Zhang shook his head before walking towards the door. no one taught him that do not open the door to strangers

Mu Zhang opened the door. There was a young man with two young women and five children standing in front of the door.

Mu Zhang wondered, why were they knocking on the door? and before he even asked a question The young man spoke to him first.

“You are Mu Zhang, right? I have something to help you. Take me to the Merchant Guild in Blue Sea City.”

Mu Zhang could only blink his eyes. But he didn't drink alcohol, why did the problem still come to him like this?

Chen Ming at this moment looked at Mu Zhang. Mu Zhang also looked at Chen Ming. The two stared at each other for a moment. Mu Zhang's expression was not very good right now.

Chen Ming wanted him to take him to Blue Sea City. That was the only place in the world that he didn't want to go the most. Mu Zhang looked at Chen Ming, wanting to know who he was and where he came from.

Mu Zhang had never seen Chen Ming before. Therefore, he didn't know that the person speaking to him right now was the Dragon City Lord.

He spoke with a serious expression. Chen Ming even saw the effect appear.

“I refuse (Daga Kotowaru!), I'm not going anywhere!”

Mu Zhang said with all his determination. He won't leave here. This was heaven and the only place he was safe.

He closed the door in Chen Ming's face. He shut the door on the most powerful people in the city. and also the strongest in this world

Chen Ming blinked his eyes before looking at his younger siblings and the two girls following him.

His younger siblings were now using their human form. The four laughed at him. The four of them didn't think that Chen Ming's door would be closed in his face like this.

“Brother Ming, by closing the door, hehe, no one has ever done this to Brother Ming before.”

“Brother Ming's expression is so funny.”

“Brother Ming, don't be sad. Here, Mei gave me snacks.”


as if being carried away by the laughter of the four Long Zhiyun and Ye Ying'er also laughed. Only Xiaoxianni didn't understand why everyone was laughing.

Chen Ming only smiled and shook his head before ringing the bell again. This time no one opened the door. Except no one opened the door. Magic camps and security runes also work. also

Chen Ming saw that Mu Zhang had even used magic formations and security runes. He couldn't do anything. To do more than that would be to break the rules he had set.

“People who set the rules It shouldn't be the ones who break the rules themselves. It's a pity, but we'll have to go on our own without someone leading the way.”

Chen Ming later led his younger siblings along with Long Ziyun and Ye Ying'er to walk away from Kondo. even if there is no guide Chen Ming thought that he would still be able to find a way to Blue Ocean City. Although it may take a little time, but

Within the room, Mu Zhang now sensed that the people outside the room had all left. He let out a sigh of relief.

“Let's go, it's really scary, they must have been sent from the Merchant Guild. If you lose your faith and go out of town…”

Mu Zhang stood behind the door for a moment. And when he was sure that Chen Ming and the others wouldn't come back. He went straight to the living room.

He was about to turn on the TV to get bored before Hyeong Kook and Dae Pyung woke up. The home phone in the room rang.

“Hmm, how do you use this?”

Mu Zhang still had to adjust a lot. He looked at the landline phone before remembering what Hyungook had taught him.

“Just pick up this thing and listen to what the caller has to say. Like this, it is like a communication stone.”

Mu Zhang answered the phone call. He could hear the voices of people he could clearly recognize. It was the sound of someone who had recently grabbed him.

“Lord Yu Jinha, what can I do for you!”

The one who called him was Yoo Jin Ha. He called Mu Zhang because he thought Chen Ming would definitely go find him. And as Mu Zhang had just been to this city for the first time. He probably didn't know Chen Ming.

“Mu Zhang, I'm calling to tell you that City Lord wants to go to Blue Sea City. He should come to you soon so that you can lead him to that city.”

Yu Jinha told Mu Zhang Chen Ming's appearance. The more Mu Zhang listened, the more His countenance grew paler and paler. His body was trembling.

“Alright, that's all I can say. Enjoy living in this Dragon City.”

After finishing speaking, Yoo Jinha hung up the phone. Yu Jinha felt attracted to Mu Zhang. So he took care of him from a distance.

“Dead for sure. We closed the door in the face of the city governor. Die! Definitely die!”

Mu Zhang with speed He rushed towards the door before releasing the formation and runes. before rushing towards Chen Ming. He couldn't sense Chen Ming. However, he could sense the people accompanying him.

He was glad that Chen Ming hadn't left the city yet. He stopped at a convenience store first. He probably wanted to buy things for his younger siblings.

Mu Zhang arrived at a convenience store. His face turned red. This convenience store was the first place he got to know about condoms.

He gulped, hoping that no one would recognize him. But his hopes were shattered. Seeing that the salesman was the one who explained to him about condoms Also, the staff gave him a smile.

“Why do we get such bad luck?”

Even if you don't want to go in but have to enter He didn't want to die yet!

Mu Zhang snorted before walking over to Chen Ming who had bought ice cream for everyone.

"City Lord"

Mu Zhang called out to Chen Ming with a dark expression. He didn't know what to say to Chen Ming.

'We closed the door in the face of the city lord. He must be very angry.'

Mu Zhang was full of worries. Chen Ming would have to drive him out of the city, no, the penalty for Mining the High was only death.

'I don't want to die yet!'

Chen Ming saw Mu Zhang's expression and immediately knew what he was thinking. Chen Ming looked at the salesperson. He looked at Mu Zhang with concern.

'Hmm, it seems that Mu Zhang is the same as what Yu Jinha said. Harmless...'

Chen Ming looked at Mu Zhang. He was now like a frightened puppy. And while Chen Ming was thinking about telling him, he wasn't angry.

His brother Long also spoke.

“Ah, this is the older brother who closed the door in your face.”

Followed by Nong Long, next to him is Nong He. These two always do what they do. always together

“Eh, that's right, this elder brother who closed the door in elder brother's face.”

"Brother Jai, this brother closed the door on Brother Jai, hehe."

Chen Jihua followed the two with a smile. Not all of her teeth had popped up yet.

Mu Zhang heard the words of the three children, his expression turned pale. Today, his expression changed so often that he didn't even know what his normal expression was.

“Yeah, well, it's…a misunderstanding.”

Mu Zhang trembled, he wanted to kneel down and apologize to Chen Ming.

“Long'er, He'er, Hua'er, don't tease him like that. Brother, he looks completely scared.”

Chen Ming came over to save Mu Zhang before he was scared to the point of losing consciousness. He still needed someone to guide him.

Chen Ming after talking to his brothers He looked at Mu Zhang before speaking.

“I understand, in fact, you don't have to force yourself to guide me. I can ask directions and go there. It might just take a little longer.”

Mu Zhang looked at Chen Ming. His fear had now subsided. However, he looked at Chen Ming with strange eyes.

'Hmm, why is the mayor looking so kind, is he really the mayor?'

Mu Zhang had never seen someone in power as kind as Chen Ming. If it was anyone else Mu Zhang would have disappeared from this world since he closed the door in his face.

Chen Ming didn't need to read his mind to read Mu Zhang's thoughts.

“You don't have to think too much. I've been mine like this ever since I hadn't yet walked into the path of cultivation. Even if I'm at a very high level My identity remains the same, unchanged.”

heard what Chen Ming said Mu Zhang's eyes shone brightly. He had a deep respect for Chen Ming.

“The wise city governor I have little reverence."

Chen Ming saw that Mu Zhang was less afraid of him. He picked up a strawberry ice cream before handing it to him.

“This is ice cream, have you tried it yet?”

Mu Zhang looked at the ice cream before looking at one of the items. It looks similar. His expression hesitated.

“Um, Lord Mayor. I also want to accept it. But I'm afraid it's going to be…”

Before Mu Zhang could say anything. The salesperson rushed over to him before immediately covering his mouth.

“City Lord Please change the flavor of the ice cream.”

The salesman looked at the box of condoms. Chen Ming's eyes blinked slightly before Oh came up.

“Like this. Then change to vanilla ice cream instead.”

Chen Ming's taste changed to a taste that was not on the condom box.

Mu Zhang let out a sigh. before willingly accepting the ice cream from Chen Ming. He had never eaten ice cream before.

The salesman saw that Mu Zhang had eaten the ice cream Chen Ming had given him, and he sighed. Chen Ming who took the ice cream and distributed it to everyone was because he had already paid. He paid enough money to buy the entire store.

He didn't know what his dragon brothers would like to eat. If their kids like to eat anything Of course, even running out of shelves probably wouldn't be enough.

“Alright, you took my ice cream. It shows that you really want to guide me.”

Mu Zhang looked at Chen Ming. He wasn't so sure what ice cream had to do with wanting to lead. But he didn't say anything. He already wanted to guide Chen Ming.

Mu Zhang nodded before telling Chen Ming the fastest route to Blue Sea City.

Chen Ming heard that the nearest route was not far from his wharf. And it takes only a few hours to sail to the city of the blue sea. He breathed a sigh of relief.

“It's good that I haven't left yet. Otherwise, I don't know how many days it will arrive."

Mu Zhang smiled at Chen Ming. This was the secret passage of the Merchant Guild. Only the high-ranking members of the Guild knew of this path. The trade routes of the Merchant Guild were no different from those of the Dragon Archipelago. Anyone who knows all the secret paths will be able to control all the waters and that person will become the true Lord of the Seas.

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