Martial God Gamer

Chapter 638 638 Scrap Realm

Chapter 638 638 Scrap Realm

“Please accept my allegiance!”

Luo Yang almost knelt in front of Chen Ming. He now knew the height of the sky and the lowness of the ground.

Chen Ming was a God Level martial practitioner. He could sweep an entire city away with just a breath.

But he was a god of mercy. Even though he acted hostile. He still forgave. Because of this, he wanted to give Chen Ming his allegiance. He wanted to give the whole city to him!

like Su Zhang Luo Yang could feel his strength growing as he thought positively of Chen Ming. As if he was blessed by God… It's unbelievable, but everything can be proven.

Chen Ming looked at Nie Dong. He currently idolized Chen Ming in such a way that he could even become a cult leader.

If Chen Ming just ignored Luo Yang's actions, it had such an impact on him. And he directly forgave Nie Dong and Nie Li. He didn't know how much it would affect.

But by looking at the eyes, you should probably know.

Chen Ming looked at Luo Yang. He asked him the same thing he asked Su Zhang. to which he received the same answer as before He accepted Luo Zhang's allegiance. The Blue Sea City was already under his rule.

Chen Ming thought of something. Should he try it here? He decided to try what he wanted to do. Nux inside him helps him in harnessing the power. He blessed this city with his power.

A blue-green dragon appeared in the sky before it shone down. Everyone in the city right now was blessed by him. Their power has increased. Including talent

“From now on, I would like to rename this city. From now on, this city is Blue Sea Dragon City!”

Chen Ming only added the word dragon to his name. Who would have thought that just renaming the city's Feng Shui would change? The profound energy of the heavens and earth condensed into one before it accumulated in this Blue Sea Dragon City.

Luo Yang now had a destiny tied to Chen Ming. His Dao reach soared. It was a pity that the Dao of Empathy was not the Dao that Chen Ming admired very much. causing him to only rise to the intermediate level But this intermediate level, if he had to cultivate himself He must have spent hundreds of years.

Now, even though he was only at the intermediate level. But his path that used to be full of thorns It was now a flat floor covered with soft rubber flooring. making it easy to walk

Luo Yang bowed three times to Chen Ming. Chen Ming nodded at him.

After giving them the allegiance, the two had a formal conversation with Chen Ming. They didn't want to disturb Chen Ming's rest any further. They both led their men back to their own ways.

They, after gaining enormous power They needed to stabilize their power base once again. Otherwise, all the power gained will be wasted.

before going back The two forbade anyone to disturb Chen Ming again. If anyone disobeys Death penalty only The threat of Dao Origin Realm level was not something to be ignored.

Chen Ming saw that the two had left. He let out a sigh before he sat down to his seat once more. It all happened so fast. He was now the Blue Sea Dragon City Lord. and also owns the Merchant Guild that has the power to cover the various interstellar paths.

Chen Ming stopped thinking about these matters. It's all according to heaven's destiny. No matter where he went or what he did, he would always become a ruler of one thing or another. He was sure that he might soon become the ruler of this universe, or perhaps the ruler of the multiverse. Who knows?

“Are we planting our own flag?”

Chen Ming heard Nux chuckle lightly. She seemed to know something but refused to tell him. He just shook his head. Wait for him to control the chaos as he wants. He will punish Nux severely.josei

He didn't know that his punishment was something Nux really liked. She wanted him to punish the model for eternity if possible.

Chen Ming spent some time in the Pang family's house. It was time for him to return to Dragon City. However, before returning to Dragon City He wanted to take Long Zhiyun and Ye Ying'er to exchange treasure with Collector first.

“I'll take you to meet with the Collector. But where is he in this world?”

Chen Ming asked Long Zhiyun. If unable to travel by boat He might travel with Claudia. his spaceship

“Collector's residence is in the Iron Scrap Continent. At the edge of the Gods and Demons Continent To travel there, one must follow the Dimensional Rift…”

Long Zhiyun explained to Chen Ming. Chen Ming slightly scratched his chin, he felt that it was too hard.

“Traveling like this is a waste of time. I have a way to travel faster than that.”

Chen Ming wanted to travel there by flying Claudia into outer space. Then slowly flew down to the ground. The Dimensional Rift was only as high as the atmosphere. It was unable to go out of space because opening a dimensional rift in space would require a hundred times more power than opening a dimensional rift on Earth.

Chen Ming loaded the giant ship into the interdimensional space that he had built to store the large items.

After Chen Ming had taken away the giant ship, He brought Claudia out.

A fissure erupted in mid-air. A large airship slowly flew out from within.

This was the first time Long Zhiyun had And Ye Ying'er saw a spaceship like this. Both of them looked very impressed with Chen Ming's spaceship.

Chen Ming ordered Claudia to land at Nie Li's wharf, no, it was now his private wharf. There are guards on duty twenty-four hours a day. Plus the number of soldiers on guard has tripled.

Each of them was Extinction Realm… The former City Lord of Luoyang seemed to have taken great care of him.

Chen Ming could only shook his head. Like this, it's better than having him come to trouble.

Chen Ming then Leading both Long Zhiyun and Ye Ying'er with everyone onto the spaceship before flying up into space and immediately heading towards the scrap metal border.


On the spaceship, Chen Ming now seemed to have forgotten something. He seemed to have forgotten someone.

“Ah, indeed, Mu Zhang…”

Mu Zhang, who guided him, was still on the ship. He used his telepathy to see what the creature was doing. The person at this time is lying in the air-conditioned room, reading manga, eating snacks, listening to music. live life to the fullest It seemed like he wouldn't come out of the room easily.

Chen Ming shook his head. He didn't want to ruin anyone's happiness. He let Mu Zhang stay in the boat if he wanted to.

Chen Ming then pulled his spirit inside him. He turned to Long Zhiyun and Ye Ying'er who were looking at the surroundings with interest. What the two of them were focusing on was It was some kind of musical instrument that they had never seen before.

“This is your Highness, what is this? It can also emit music.”

Long Ziyun pushed a few buttons on the large instrument. She pressed for a few moments before she caught a path and began to play. Even though it still sounds distorted but getting better and better This was Long Zhiyun's talent for music. It wasn't just Long Ziyun. Ye Ying'er who came to help play as well She plays in the minor notes. She herself played well, not bad either.

Chen Ming explained. What they were playing was the piano. He said that there was still a little more time to reach the Scrap Boundary. He'll teach them how to play the piano. The first song he played for the two was Chopin - Nocturne op.9 No.2, which was his favorite score.

Both closed their eyes and listened. Enjoy Chen Ming's gentle instrumental music.

Time passed, and Dlaudia had already arrived at the Scrap Boundary. Upon arriving, Chen Ming could tell why this Boundary was called the Scrap Boundary. because here it is full of scrap metal

'Did we slip into a world of punk themes?'

Chen Ming shook his head. The world is wide There are tens of thousands of borders. It wouldn't be strange to have a strange boundary.

Chen Ming ordered Claudia to land. He, who wanted to open the ship's door, heard a notification sound.

"Detects toxic substances in the air It is poisonous to the bodies of profound practitioners below Extinction Realm.”

Chen Ming looked at everyone. Right now, it was only Long Zhiyun. Ye Ying'er, Chen Jihua, and Xiaoxianni were only below the Extinction Realm rank.

Everyone else was already at the Dao Origin Realm level.

Chen Ming thought for a moment before using runes and spell formation to help filter the air for the four of them. The four of them were able to breathe the air that had been taken out by the poisonous drum.

“As far as this is, there should be no problem.”

Long Zhiyun and Ye Ying'er thanked Chen Ming. Meanwhile, Chen Jihua hugged and kissed his cheek. Chen Ming smiled before nodding to everyone. He carried Chen Jihua with him. while the others followed him.

Long Zhiyun told Chen Ming that she would lead the way to the collector herself.


Scrap Realm iron skull city

Here is ruled by a system of big fish eating small fish. Here, strength is considered to be above all. Only the strong will survive.

Jevalyeon City is famous for its artificial machines. Here people brush their bodies with various metals. They were strong enough to fight with martial practitioners of different levels. The highest combat level here was only at the Destruction Realm level. However, due to the extremely poor geography making them raw and barbaric Even the Extinction Realm level didn't want to mess with them.

They are survivors. Do whatever it takes to get what you want.

“Hey, you brought some more liquor. If you don't want to die!"

“But that was the last bottle of wine. If you haven't paid yet, I'll gouge you in.”

"Dare to try"

Those who drank without paying were eventually gutted. but he didn't die He quickly repaired his body with the spare parts he had.

“Hey! Did you know that copper filaments are expensive! This is considered a deal.”

“Ichi* this is what you planned from the beginning.”

“Hmm, who used to make you fool yourself, haha.”

The two laughed and started to fight for guts. or machines in other parts of each other

The two fought, not seeing that there was a customer that everyone was more interested in than the two's passive fight. walking into a liquor store like this This suggests that this isn't the first time the two have had to gouge each other's entrails like this.

“This is too cruel.”

Long Zhiyun and Ye Zhiyun looked at their surroundings with terrified eyes. She didn't think that the Scrap Territory would be in such a cruel state.

where big fish eat small fish where power is everything

At this moment, Long Zhiyun and Ye Ying'er were holding Chen Ming's arms. The two did not want to stay a single step away from him.

Chen Ming said nothing and let the two embrace his arms. He knew that the two had never met anything like this before.

Chen Ming was well accustomed to this environment. He used to be a former special forces soldier. has entered the mission in the rugged border There was cruelty and death everywhere. It's no different here. It's just that people are stronger than normal.

Chen Ming looked at Long Ziyun before speaking.

“So where are we going to find collectors?”

“Collectors usually meet at a tavern called steel oil refinery

“Steel refinery, ah, it's over there.”

Chen Ming pointed to a tavern made of rusty iron all over the place. He could also hear loud clamors coming from within.

Long Zhiyun nodded. It's definitely not wrong there.

“Let's go”

Chen Ming took the two of them with him.

Inside the steel mill There were many people in tattered clothes. Their bodies were full of brushwork.

They were currently drinking alcohol made from oil. If a profound practitioner drank them, Their bodies would surely be destroyed.

Chen Ming, who had already walked into the iron oil shop, He saw something interesting. Two people are killing each other right now. if they don't die They tried to gut each other. But even after doing that, they laughed and fought happily.

It is a very rare sight of beauty.

“This city is really interesting!”

as a gamer It was this border that made him feel nostalgic for the past when he had played this genre. It was such a blissful day.

Chen Ming walked towards the bar area. The bartender stared at him from head to toe before speaking.

“Martial arts practitioners….”

The bartender was obviously dissatisfied. Hearing this, Chen Ming smiled and snapped his fingers. His clothes along with those of Long Zhiyun and Ye Ying'er had changed. Their style of dress is the same. It's just that his clothes are cleaner and look newer.

“Hmm, let's talk about this for a bit.”

The bartender didn't know what Chen Ming had done just now. Not that anyone can do it. The bartender only assumed that Chen Ming had used the martial practitioners' strange techniques.

“What can I help you with? Of course, if you ask for help, there will be a small fee. Here we don't use those dirty spirit stones. We use minerals to trade.”

The bartender immediately started his business. He didn't care that someone was breaking down the tavern right now. He didn't need to care because this wasn't his shop. And the person who was destroying the store now was also the owner of the tavern.

“Hmm, ore like that? If this is the case, how much will it cost?”

Chen Ming took out the occult metal. As soon as the bartender saw the occult metal He immediately pressed the button under his desk. A power barrier of some kind covered the counter.

“Young man, where did you get this ore!”

The bartender looked panicked. He looked around when he saw that no one was looking at him and Chen Ming. He breathed a sigh of relief.

“I got it from my journey to the world above.”

The bartender knew that Chen Ming was hiding something. But he didn't think to ask. because it is already normal

“If that's good. I have something to warn you. Don't pick up metal like this again. If they know you have it with you, you'll be hunted. Even if you're at… uh, what level, I thought. Ah yes, Extinction Realm level. Even if you are at that level You will be hunted like a dog anyway.”

Chen Ming became interested. Luckily, he wasn't at the Extinction Realm level. He nodded to the bartender before picking up another metal. He picked up copper, silver, gold, platinum, tungsten, and more. As soon as the bartender saw the minerals, he nodded in satisfaction.

“These ores can be traded here. Especially this ore, the price is very high.”

Chen Ming was surprised. The highest priced ore here was not gold, not silver, or platinum. But it's copper!

“Understood. How much copper and information? Can you give me an example?”

“A kilo of copper can exchange most of the information. And there is some information that no matter how much ore you have, you can't buy it anyway.”

“Information like that, how do you get it?”

“You must be our only member.”

Chen Ming heard that and shook his head. too cumbersome

“Then I'll try asking a question first. Then you can say it's enough? The information I need about collectors.”

"Collector? Each person has many You should tell me what kind of collector. Some people like to collect ores. Some people like to collect weapons. There are even people who like collecting human and beast hair.”

Chen Ming thought for a moment before speaking.

“Collector I need information. A collector of items from the otherworldly Realm.”

heard what Chen Ming said The bartender's expression wasn't that good. He looked left, looked right. weigh a little

“I'll tell you. But I need all these ore. The information you want is extremely dangerous. But that doesn't mean I can't sell it.”

“Hmm, just like that.”

“Good, the collector you are looking for is called Tu Fu, the most dangerous collector in the scrap Realm.”

“Then how can I find someone named Tu Fu?”

“If you want to go to him You will pass through the desert to the north. until reaching the city in the middle of the desert That's the base of that guy. I can tell you this.”

Chen Ming nodded. This information is enough. Long Zhiyun and Ye Ying'er were now gulping. Neither of them thought that collectors who wanted to trade with them would be so afraid.

Chen Ming turned to the two of them. before asking where did the two get Tu Fu's information from. The two of them hesitated a bit before telling Chen Ming.

“Chow Mingdi… your fiancée told you about Tu Fu.”

Chen Ming heard that. Memories of the novel after the news suddenly popped up.

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