Martial God Gamer

Chapter 888 888 Face to Face

Chapter 888 888 Face to Face

Chapter 888 888 Face to Face

10,000 years have passed.

Chen Ming smiled at how big his family was. It was unfortunate that he could not become a grandpa because divine beings were hard to give birth to at this point.

His son and daughter were the real deal because they were born divine. Chen Ming's heart swelled with pride as he watched his children grow into powerful divine beings.

He couldn't help but wonder what the future held for them and the world they would shape with their hands.

Chen Ming then looked at his family, whose faces were filled with love.

"How long are you going to make my boss wait?"

Brian said as he felt jealous of him. Chen Ming chuckled at Brian's comment, knowing that his boss was waiting for him. He replied.

"Don't worry, I won't keep him waiting much longer. I just can't help but feel grateful for my family and the future they hold."

With a final glance at his loved ones, Chen Ming turned to leave, ready to face whatever troubles awaited him.

"You talked like this would be the last time you would be with them. So dramatic,"

Brian sarcastically remarked, rolling his eyes.

Chen Ming chuckled again, brushing off Brian's comment.

"I just like to appreciate the little moments."

He replied with a smile before heading towards the void of nothingness. He had mastered the way of greater heaven five thousand years ago, but he couldn't help but be part of it with his children. But everything had its limit, and Brian told him that his boss couldn't wait any longer.

He really wanted to start his new life outside the greater heaven. So Chen Ming would have to become the primodial one who watched over the whole multiverse for him.

Chen Ming knew that taking on the role of the primordial one would be a tremendous responsibility, but he also saw it as an opportunity for growth and exploration.

With a resolute look in his eyes, he accepted the task, ready to embark on this new chapter of his life.


In the void of nothingness, Chen Ming stood alone, surrounded by infinite possibilities and unknown realms.

He took a deep breath, feeling a surge of power coursing through his veins. He stepped forward toward the wall that separated him from the outside realities, called the greater heaven. He then put all his strength and resolve into breaking through the barrier.

As he pushed against the wall of the greater heaven, tenacity fueled his every move, propelling him closer to his destiny.

With each forceful strike, cracks began to form, revealing glimpses of the extraordinary world that awaited him.

"You are finally here. It took you long enough."

Chen Ming then heard a voice emanating from the other side of the wall, filled with a mixture of amusement and impatience.

"Let me help you with the final push."

The voice offered, sounding eager to assist Chen Ming in breaking through the barrier.

Chen Ming accepted the help, as he knew who it was that was speaking. It was his creator, the father of all, the primodial one.

Chen Ming had been eagerly anticipating this moment—the chance to meet his creator face-to-face. The voice resonated with power and wisdom, captivating Chen Ming's attention and fueling his curiosity about the extraordinary world beyond the wall.

The greater heaven slowly but surely revealed itself to Chen Ming as his creator guided him through the intricate process of breaking through the barrier.

With each step, Chen Ming felt a surge of excitement and optimism, knowing that he was about to meet the end of the journey that he had passed through with unwavering drive.

All of the past experiences and challenges he had faced seemed to resurface in his mind, reminding him of what he had overcome to reach this point.

As he approached the end of the journey, Chen Ming couldn't help but feel a sense of accomplishment.

In front of him stand the majestic mountains, their peaks reaching towards the sky. On top of these majestic mountains was a floating island. The island seemed to defy gravity, suspended in mid-air, adding an air of mystery and wonder to the already breathtaking scenery. josei

"Come on, I will show you my place. No, it would be your place from now on."

The voice of the primodial one echoed in Chen Ming's mind as he stepped onto the invisible stair that led him toward the floating island.

The primordial one, a mythical being who had guided him throughout his journey, had chosen him as the new guardian of his first multi-reality.

Chen Ming couldn't help but feel a mix of excitement and nervousness as he realized the immense responsibility that now lay upon his shoulders.

But he also felt a sense of honor and privilege, knowing that he had been chosen for such a significant role. As he ascended the invisible stair,

Chen Ming's passion grew stronger, ready to embrace his new destiny and protect the multi-reality with all his might.

Chen Ming reached the top of the invisible stair and was greeted by a breathtaking view of the vast multi-reality that stretched out before him.

The vibrant colors and endless possibilities filled him with awe and inspiration. As he stood there, taking in the grandeur of it all, Chen Ming couldn't help but feel very happy.

He took a deep breath, then looked in a certain direction. He saw a man in glasses typing something on his laptop. He looked like a normal dude with a writing profession.

Chen Ming knew not to judge the book by its cover, So he carefully approached the man.

"Yoh, it's me your father."


"Just kidding, I am the primodial one, as you could have guessed from my majestic presence."

The man in glasses looked up from his laptop with a playful smile.

Chen Ming couldn't help but chuckle. The primodial one who created him seemed to have the same personality and sense of humor.

It was comforting to see that even a divine being could have a down-to-earth side.

Chen Ming felt a sense of connection with the man, knowing that they shared not only a creator-creation relationship but also a similar sense of humor. It made him feel more at ease in the presence of such a powerful being.

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