Martial Peak

Chapter 1700 - Sea Clan

Chapter 1700 - Sea Clan

Chapter 1700, Sea Clan

These invisible shackles were the World Principles of Shadowed Star, an ethereal and unpredictable force that even an Origin King could not grasp or comprehend fully. Although Yang Kai had now become a Star Master, he still had no way to affect these World Principles.

Yang Kai attempted to break these shackles or disperse them, but ultimately failed.

With a long sigh, Yang Kai took back his Divine Sense, no longer wasting his time. Although this barrier prevented anyone from reaching the Origin King Realm, it was not actually harmful, so he did not need to pay too much attention to it.

Another day passed yet there was still no news from Sea Temple!

Yang Kai finally began to feel a little impatient, but just as he was considering whether he should go to the Sea Temple’s headquarters himself, his brow suddenly furrowed, and he expanded his Divine Sense.

A few thousand kilometres away from Sunrise Island, there was a huge wave almost a thousand metres high, which was quickly closing in. This wave gave off a terrible roar and was being ridden by a large number of figures, at least a hundred in total.

Among these hundred or so people, there were both males and females. The men were quite burly and had clearly non-human features. Each one was several metres tall and had terrifying forms that could cause anyone who saw them to shudder. On the other hand, the women were all great beauties with flawless skin and features. Some appeared pure, others charming, still other seductive, arousing endless reverie.

What concerned Yang Kai though was that this group of individuals were all Origin Realm masters!

Yang Kai initially thought these people were masters from Sea Temple, but after taking a closer look, he found that this was not the case.

These people were not human!

Thinking carefully, Yang Kai suddenly recalled some information.

In the Limitless Ocean of ​​Shadowed Star, not only did the Human Race thrive, but there was also a race called the Sea Clan!

‘Sea Clan’ was a general term that encompassed many different oceanic races. They were born with great affinity to Water Attribute Secret Arts and Martial Skill and lived below the seas, many of them not even having human-like forms.

However, the Sea Clan seldomly interacted with the Human Race, so cultivators from the inland of Shadowed Star would not necessarily see someone from the Sea Clan even once throughout their lifetime. Even human cultivators living on the Limitless Ocean would rarely interact with these people. josei

Yang Kai observed for a while and found that this Sea Clan group was comprised of about four or five different races. Some were covered with scales while others had long barb-like tails behind them. Still others had pincer-like hands and crab-like legs, making them appear quite strange.

This was also Yang Kai’s first time seeing members of the Sea Clan, so he couldn’t help feeling somewhat interested. He also did not know why they were so aggressively rushing towards Sunrise Island. After observing them for so long though, a burly Sea Clan male who was riding the very front of the giant wave noticed something and turned his eyes towards the sky, sweeping his gaze around as if trying to find whoever was hiding nearby spying on them.

Yang Kai smiled slightly when he saw this and withdrew his gaze.

For him, no one on Shadowed Star was worthy of his concern. These hundred Sea Clan Origin Returning Realm masters may be an extremely powerful combat force for Sea Temple, but they were nothing to the current Yang Kai.

Above the huge wave, the burly Sea Clan leader frowned as he continued to scan the skies with suspicion on his face.

“Shang Ao, did you discover something?” A woman with an astounding figure and very revealing clothes also glanced upwards and frowned.

Shang Ao shook his head slowly, “It felt like someone was watching us, but I can’t sense any nearby presences. Maybe it was just my imagination.”

The woman was stunned. She understood how strong Shang Ao was. As one of the leaders of the Sea Clan’s Sea God Palace, Shang Ao was one of the strongest masters on all of Shadowed Star, so it was quite odd for his senses to be wrong.

However, since Shang Ao had said so himself, the woman did not bother digging into it, simply frowning slightly as she quietly spoke, “This matter will likely be quite difficult to handle. The princess disappeared near Sunrise Island, and although it is highly likely that she was abducted by those humans. If they re

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