Martial Peak

Chapter 5534

Chapter 5534: One Warship Moves Forward

Chapter 5534: One Warship Moves Forward

[If that is true, I’m quite the scourge as well, so I shouldn’t die easily.]

Blood Crow thought about nonsense, while Yang Kai stopped caring about him. Cultivators had to walk their own Martial Dao, and the best Yang Kai could do was remind Blood Crow to be careful. Whether Blood Crow would take his words into account wasn’t something Yang Kai could control.

He wasn’t Blood Crow’s elder or ancestor, so he had no right to interfere.

“Xiao Cai has advanced to the Seventh-Order Open Heaven Realm?” Yang Kai looked at a cute young woman in surprise and couldn’t help nodding, “Not bad. Not bad at all.”

During these years, numerous disciples had left the Void Dao Temple in his Small Universe. Back on the Black Ink Battlefield, several disciples broke through to the Open Heaven Realm. Then, after Yang Kai returned to Void Land, he released some 5,000 more who all broke through to the Sixth Order and Seventh Order, shocking Mo Mei and the others at the time.

Among all those disciples from the Void Dao Temple, the one Yang Kai was most familiar with was definitely Miao Fei Ping.

Miao Fei Ping was the first to ascend from the Void Dao Temple and break through to the Open Heaven Realm, making him the Eldest Senior Brother of all the cultivators from the Void Dao Temple. In fact, there was still a statue of him in the Dao Temple to motivate the younger generation.

Besides him, Yang Kai was most familiar with this young woman called Xiao Cai.

Back at Great Evolution Pass, Xiao Cai regularly visited Dawn’s stationed area and helped out; however, anyone could see that helping out was just an excuse, and her real intention was to visit Miao Fei Ping.

It seemed like there was some kind of story between Xiao Cai and Miao Fei Ping…

In terms of respect, there was only one figure in this young lady’s heart, and not even Yang Kai, the Dao Lord, could compare.

At this moment, Xiao Cai and Miao Fei Ping were standing side by side and looking at each other affectionately, indicating that they had obviously gotten together.

When they saw Yang Kai, Miao Feng Ping and Xiao Cai were also very excited. Ordinary people would find it hard to understand why the cultivators from Void Dao Temple respected Yang Kai so much, but for those who came from the Void Continent, it was different.

“Dao Lord…” Xiao Cai elegantly bowed.

Yang Kai nodded lightly. Xiao Cai’s aptitude wasn’t bad and could even be said to be extremely high. In fact, all those who could leave the Void Dao Temple and break through to the Open Heaven Realm had outstanding aptitudes. Back then, Xiao Cai was able to break through to the Sixth-Order Open Heaven Realm directly, and now she had advanced to the Seventh-Order Open Heaven Realm after a mere 700 years or so.

She must have encountered some kind of opportunity, or else it would be impossible for her to grow so quickly.

However, Yang Kai didn’t ask about it because the opportunities one obtained were considered private matters.

The disappointment in his heart disappeared as he thought that at least Dawn still had over a dozen surviving veteran members.

Yang Kai’s expression then became serious as he announced, “This time, you will be following me on a mission.”

Feng Ying asked, “Squad Leader, what’s our mission?”

Yang Kai replied, “We will be heading to Acacia Territory. There are a few cultivators trapped there, and our mission is to rescue them.”

Frowning, Feng Ying asked again, “There are still cultivators trapped in Acacia Territory?” She didn’t know about this because the Supreme Headquarters had only recently received the news. Though Feng Ying was also a Division Commander now, she was still new and couldn’t get her hands on such news.

Yang Kai nodded, “This mission will be quite dangerous, so if any of you don’t want to take part, I won’t force you to go. If that is your decision, you may leave now.”

Turning around and looking at everyone, Yang Kai saw that the veteran members of Dawn all looked unperturbed and didn’t show any signs of retreating; however, a newly joined Seventh-Order Open Heaven Realm Master spoke up, “Sir, how many troops will be deployed for this mission to Acacia Territory?”

While looking at him, Yang Kai replied, “Dawn Squad plus me!”

The Seventh-Order Open Heaven Realm Master was dumbfounded. How could Yang Kai think to save the Humans trapped in Acacia Territory with just one Squad? Although Dawn was a Special Operations Squad with 50 members, that was still far too few people!

Since the Black Ink Clan could surround the cultivators in Acacia Territory, it meant there would be quite a lot of them, and there might also be Territory Lords guarding that place.

Looking around, the Seventh-Order Open Heaven Realm Master saw Shen Ao and the others showed no signs of surprise or disapproval; instead, they all looked eager to head out.

After a short pause, the Seventh-Order Open Heaven Realm Master spoke up again, “Sir, there have been rumours about you killing three Territory Lords on your own during the last battle, are they true?”

“They are!”

Despite knowing that it was unlikely that such news was fake, the Seventh-Order Open Heaven Realm Master was still shocked when he heard Yang Kai personally admitting it.

When had there been an Eighth-Order Master strong enough to kill three Territory Lords in a row? The Seventh-Order Open Heaven Realm Master had previously seen battles between Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Masters and Innate Territory Lords, but the powerful Eighth-Order Masters never got the upper hand, which showed how strong Innate Territory Lords were.

Yet now, three such powerful Innate Territory Lords died in one battle, and they were all killed by the same man.

Shen Ao laughed while patting that Seventh-Order Open Heaven Realm Master’s shoulder, “Old Hou, back when our Squad Leader was in the Seventh-Order Open Heaven Realm, he had teamed up with Junior Sister Bai Yi and killed a Territory Lord. Now that he’s an Eighth-Order Master, so there’s nothing unusual about him killing a few Territory Lords.”

Meanwhile, Bai Yi didn’t say anything as she silently noted, [That Territory Lord was already half-crippled, which is why Yang Kai and I were able to kill him. If it had been a Territory Lord in his prime, Yang Kai and I might not have returned alive that day.]

The Seventh-Order Open Heaven Realm Master surnamed Hou chuckled wryly as this wasn’t the first time he heard Shen Ao mention this matter. A Seventh-Order Open Heaven Realm Master killing a Territory Lord was indeed an impressive feat, but the Territory Lords from the Black Ink Battlefield were entirely different from the Innate Territory Lords of today.

The current Innate Territory Lords possessed extremely high strength because they had sacrificed all their future potential for immediate power.

Despite there being many Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Masters in the Human Race Army, less than 10 of them could kill an Innate Territory Lord in a one-on-one fight.

Old Hou had previously heard a lot about Yang Kai, and after he joined Dawn, Shen Ao and the others had regaled him with many heroic stories of the past.

Those veteran Dawn members respected Yang Kai to the extreme.

Now that he also had the chance to fight alongside the original Squad Leader of Dawn, the Seventh-Order Master suddenly began looking forward to this mission.

He thus cupped his fist and quickly said, “I am willing to follow you and obey your commands, Sir.”

“We are willing to follow you and obey your commands, Sir!” The crowd vowed in unison.

Yang Kai looked around and nodded in satisfaction, “Good, let’s go!”

The crowd dispersed and took their stations. Soon, Dawning Light turned into a ray of light and shot towards the depths of the void.

At the Black Ink Clan’s base camp, large numbers of Black Ink Clan soldiers were frantically moving about, forming a line of defence. The Human Race Army suddenly moving against them had caught them off guard.

What further confused the Territory Lords though was that the Humans didn’t take advantage of this opening to start a battle and instead just stayed outside while acting like they would strike at any moment.

Such a situation, where the enemy didn’t attack or retreat, made the Territory Lords feel very uncomfortable.

If they weren’t wary of that particular Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master, they wouldn’t need to suffer such humiliation.

However, that Eighth-Order Human still hadn’t shown up, and no one knew where he was. The Territory Lords were constantly sweeping the surroundings with their Divine Senses, trying to seek out his whereabouts.

While the Territory Lords were in doubt though, it seemed like someone with high authority had arrived. The Human Army separated to the left and right, and a Warship larger than an ordinary Squad-Class Warship suddenly appeared before the Territory Lords’ eyes.

That Warship was charging straight at the Black Ink Clan’s base camp without any intention of turning around or stopping. What was even more shocking to the Territory Lords was that they saw a familiar figure standing on the deck of the incoming Warship.

It was that Eighth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master, the one who killed three Territory Lords in the last battle!

They thought he had been hiding in the dark, but they never expected that he wasn’t even here in the first place. At this moment, he was standing aboard a Warship, looking down on them with insufferable arrogance!

The Territory Lords were furious as they suddenly had a feeling of being humiliated and felt vexed.

Somewhere among the huge Human fleet, atop a Warship transformed from Bi Xi’s Soul Clone, Yue He’s sharp eyes spotted something and she pointed in that direction while yelling in shock, “Madams, Young Master is over there!”

All the women aboard the ship looked over and saw the scene of Yang Kai coming over aboard Dawning Light.

Yu Ru Meng frowned, “What’s he doing?”

The two armies were in a situation where they might start a war at any moment, so how could his Warship charge straight for the Black Ink Clan’s base camp all on its own?

Thinking back to the message Yang Kai had sent her just before, Yu Ru Meng felt confused.

As Dawning Light continued forward, Yu Ru Meng and the others felt their hearts tighten.

Dawning Light had completely separated from the Human Race Army at this point and continued sailing ahead alone. At this rate, it wouldn’t be long before they met the Black Ink Clan Army.

If the Black Ink Clan Army attacked them at that point, would their Husband still be alive? N♡vεlB¡n: Unleashing Imagination, One Read at a Time.

“That bastard!” Yu Ru Meng was furious, [That smelly man never considers us when doing things!]

“Kill! Kill! Kill!”

“War! War! War!”

The Human Race Army hadn’t stopped chanting even now, their voices shaking the surroundings. Added to the full might of the Human Race Army assembled here, the Black Ink Clan couldn’t help shivering slightly.

At that moment, if any of the Eighth-Order Masters ordered an attack, the Human Race Army would bravely charge forward.

The war was about to begin!

Dawning Light continued to move forward, confusing not only Yu Ru Meng and Yang Kai’s other Wives, but also the rest of the Humans and the Black Ink Clan.

The two clans had been battling each other for so long, but this was the first time a situation like this had appeared, so the Territory Lords also couldn’t figure out what was going on. However, they had to admit that Yang Kai’s appearance had attracted every Black Ink Clansman’s attention. The invisible pressure formed from all the gazes focused on Yang Kai was so strong that it almost warped the void. josei

Atop Dawning Light, one of the Fifth-Order Open Heaven Realm Masters felt his legs trembling as he looked at the Sixth-Order Master beside him with a bitter expression, “Senior Brother, I’m almost at my limit.”

With so many Territory Lords releasing their invisible pressure towards them, the force wasn’t something a Fifth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master like him could resist, even if it were still a large distance away.

That Sixth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master also looked pale, but he still encouraged the Junior Brother, “Junior Brother, you have to believe in yourself. You can do it. Just hold on as long as you can. The two armies are now facing each other, so if we fall here, we will be embarrassing the entire Human Race while giving the Black Ink Clan something to laugh about.”

When the Fifth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master heard that, he instantly gritted his teeth and said, “I understand, Senior Brother. We may shed blood and die in battle, but we will never surrender!”

Following his low shout, he slowly straightened his legs, but he was still trembling while sweating profusely.

The Sixth-Order Open Heaven Realm Master noticed that and gritted his teeth as well, trying to hold on as long as he could while feeling confused. Yang Kai said they were heading to Acacia Territory to save the Humans trapped there, so why did he bring Dawn to the frontlines of an impending battle?

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