Martial Research Master

Chapter 66

Chapter 66


Long Tao was now assuming the identity of a guard and communicating with the workers about the conditions. At first, none of them were willing to talk with him regarding this case, but after a day, they started reciprocating their feelings somewhat actively. Long Tao got to know about the miserable conditions within the mine and the cultivation levels of the workers. Incidentally, the workers were on the verge of starvation, but the cultivation resources were available and hence they had decent cultivation levels. The only region, they couldn’t break out was because of the devices used to suppress them. This mine was kind of a prison operation that was going on within the borders of the Chu country. All the criminals that were captured were sent to this location to mine for the royal family. Now Long Tao himself was a 2nd-grade weapon forger and was able to find decoding and disabling method for the chains. He needed to put forward his plans.

Within the mines, the workers had formed a group and their leader was known by the name of sable. Sable was one of the more powerful prisoners with a cultivation base of the mid-Qi master realm. He was held here as a prisoner was the boss of the workers stationed here. It was a general day of his work when a guard suddenly approached him and said” You must be sable right?”. “Yes, I am. How may I help my lord?”. The guard took him off to the side and said” I have an interest in the activity you people are planning.”. Sable gave an innocent expression “What operation sir.”. Long Tao smirked. If there was a gradation of acting, Sable would be one of the top listers.” I know about the rebellion you are planning. I am just to inform you that I will away be of some help in those matters. “. Sable expression suddenly changed as he threw his ax towards Long Tao. But it hit empty air. By the time he realized what was happening, he was already on the ground, contained.” Listen up, man. I can help with your venture. The main reason you are not able to continue with your plans is because of the chains that bind you. I can send you the decoder and help you free yourself. Currently, there is no QI general present in the regions. I can help the stage of the coup and free yourself. All that remains is whether you will accept it or not.” He let sable go free and watched his actions. Sable got up, looked at Long Tao for a period of time, and then said” I am listening.”. Long Tao went on with his plans about the whole procedure. In the end, he gave Sable a ring of holding and said” This is the preliminary nutrition supplement for the workers. They need to recover before the staging. Ask them to maintain their appearance and cultivate simultaneously. The coup will take place 10 days from now. I will help you with the elimination of the top brass. The rest of them are left to you. I will also suggest that you get out as fast as you can because what will come next is going to be even more dangerous. You will have 1 day to evacuate and clear the area and as a favor for letting you go, you will clear the nearby spies and more solid holdings, within the capacity of your power. To we have a deal?”. Sable thought for a moment and then nodded. This was a huge opportunity for them.

Long Tao exited the cave and proceeded towards the guard check post. The guards stationed here were mostly in the beginner level of the Qi master realm. THE practitioners of intermediate and advanced levels were also stationed but were scarce. The main reason behind this was the fact that the instruments that were used to contain the prisoners, reduced and limited their cultivation levels and hence were enabling the guards to control them easily. Long Tao was out to find the details about all the guards and then he would decide to wipe those of the intermediate and advance level Qi master out. Now, he started to slowly make way, by gaining control over the soul of the guards at the beginner Qi master level. Soon enough he was having 10 guards under his control. Now was the time to lay a trap for hunting other guards. He decided that he will slowly clear the group until it is visible enough and then he will wipe the top brass in an instant.

The process of clearing and killing started. The causalities started to occur, but the region was too busy and chaotic for somebody at the top to take notice. Long Tao took advantage of this situation to proceed in his plans. Soon enough the guard’s casualties were visible. Long Tao had already communicated with sable regarding the coup being staged today itself. He told Sable that they have to stage the coup today itself. He will send the signal when he kills the top brass and they are to hurry up and clear the whole area. The next step was the escape that they had to make, which otherwise will lead to their death.

In the commander’s office, the top officers were gathered for a meeting.” Sir, there has been a massive disappearance of guards in this region for the last few days. The numbers are already halved. Although we had some speculation about it happening, the situation now is bad.”. The commander was very angry at the current situation and the carelessness of his underlings that allowed the matter to escalate to such extent.” The blood general is coming in short notice. He will be arriving within 2 days. What am I going to give him as an answer tot eh current scenario?”. All the underlings were silent, but suddenly all of them heard footsteps approaching them. A man soon came into their sight. From what they could feel, this was 3rd level QI master.” Who allowed you to enter the meeting? Don’t you know this is a meeting of top officials about the administration, you are not to interfere. Get out, before we decide to execute you.”. The figure continued to walk up, ignoring the shout and command and proceeded towards the throne. As he stood right n in front of it, he looked up towards the commander of this area and said” You must be the in-charge of the mines. “The commander was silently observing, not replying to his question.” I take your silence to be yes. It was a great pleasure to meet the lord commander of this region. I am a nobody, who goes around the world, providing individuals with their deepest desires. I was passing by when I realized a group of people wishing to get something and am here to fulfill it.” The commander was having a serious expression on his face now. “I will be direct with you. The workers within the mines have decided to stage a coup and attack you, people. No, their request to me is to take care of those, who they are unable to match.” Looking around “That would be this group right.?”. the commander along with the group of underlings gave out short laughter.” You think you will be able to handle all of us. They will die for sure, and the first body to be falling on the ground would be yours.” Long Tao raised his hand, and indicated for silence.” Since I took the job, you all are not going to leave this tent alive. But before I kill all of you, I would like to know about the blood general. So who among you will be giving the information? I promise an easy death for him, and I will bury him too”. Long Tao stood there. The man who had shouted, rushed toward him, brandishing his sword at him, but before he could reach even 10 steps near, his whole body was burnt to a crisp by flames. The underlings were shocked, but the lord commander had a different expression on his face. As if he recognized the art used just now. Before he could remember where he had seen the at before, the underlings decided to rush towards Long Tao and capture him. But the scene that followed but bloody.

Out of nowhere, a sword appeared in the hands of Long Tao, and the ones rushing at him were killed one after the other. They were sliced like a knife went through butter and blood started spraying all around. Within moments, the whole ground was blood red, which was slowly disappearing, it was as if the sword was absorbing the blood essence out of them. The sword was none other than the one Long Tao hand forged using the weapon tempering formula. This was the first time he had used. And he got to know the benefits immediately. The absorbed blood essence, not only provided more strength to the sword, but the Qi and blood energy within them were constantly being supplied to Long Tao also, replenishing him. This power was incredible. Wouldn’t it mean that he would be undefeatable in a one vs group fight because he is never going to be exhausted or out of Qi and energy? josei

Within the mine, the holding ring that Sable was having within his pockets started to vibrate. He knew that this was the signal for starting the coup. He searched inside the ring and found there to be a book. This as the written procedure as to, how the decoding and dismantling worked. The workers were soon free of the shackles and had gained the ability to use their original Qi bases. The crowd rushed outside with a display of brute force, killing each and every guard in their way to find the exit. Sable knew that Long Tao would be fighting the top brass now and hence decided to check on him. When he reached the tent where the meeting was being held and managed to secretly peek inside, he was met with an incredibly astounding scene.


The tent’s floor was dyed blood red. There were multiple bodies lying inside with blood spraying form them. The confrontation that took place was a heinous one, and no mercy has been shown. The only people remaining were Long Tao and the lord commander of the mine region. The lord commander was the most powerful practitioner present in the area, but even he was shocked by the scene. His underlings were cut down mercilessly as If it was nothing. The whole process that just went out in front of his eyes was absolute dominance. He looked at Long Tao and asked” Who are you? What is your conflict with the Chu country? Don’t you know what sort of power you have just offended? The blood general is coming. You will cease to exist when he arrives.”. Long Tao proceeded slowly. The lord commander took out his spear and rushed towards Long Tao.

The lord commander was an adept in spear use. He had practiced the rat of spear and his intent was at a second level intermediate stage. Long Tao knew he couldn’t confront the commander with pure intent and would have to utilize all his strength. He too took out his spear and the clash began. Initial slow-paced clashed was beginning to speed up, until an extent that they were no longer visible to Sable. The lord commander realized that Long Tao was no match for him in direct intent confrontation, but the QI density and body strength shocked him. Long Tao was over-powering him slowly. He had to use his special methods, if not he will meet his end. He concentrated his qi into the spear and densified it. After that, he used his arts and attacked at Long Tao. This time Long Tao used the redirection method and as he closed to the lord commander and he used the fire manifestation art. The commander realized what the art was.” You are someone from a pill hall. Why are you interfering in the business of the Chu country? “But he was slowly being burnt black. He lost consciousness after some time. Long Tao approached the body and used the soul search method on him. He got the information about the general procedure and the situation of the army, as well as information regarding the blood general. After that he burnt the body to ash and so was done with the tent too. The Chu country’s garrison in the mines was completely wiped out by now.

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