Martial Research Master

Chapter 74

Chapter 74


Long Tao was residing within his quarters and continuing his training. The month-long training schedule that he planned was a very simple one. He did the same with all his avatars. They were all going to secular training or for a mission for the whole 1 month. The objective that Long Tao wanted to achieve was to level up his cultivation to the 6th stage of the Qi master realm. The other objective was to open up another 5 of the tertiary meridians. He was currently standing at 20 tertiary meridians. His objective was to open up all the tertiary meridians before entering the Qi general realm. At the Qi general realm, he was going to concentrate on the opening of the Acupoints. He had to start training in the method of dragons before entering the Qi king realm. He wanted to achieve the feat which the voice wasn’t able to achieve. The assuring factor was Avatar art.

Soon enough a guard reported himself at the door of Long Tao. HE informed that Long Tao has been summoned to the inner hall. He was asked to follow him. Long Tao did as he was asked to do. He was already a 3rd level Qi master and has recently managed to horde quite a large amount of training materials. He was eager to take in a tutor who belonged to the top academy of the region. Star Emperor academy, as some might say, was the oldest and currently most powerful academy of the region. Long Tao asked the guard to make him acquainted with the region. The guard happily accepted for a generous price that Long Tao offered. Most of the things were already known by Long Tao, but some special information about the terrain, the various fractions, and the inner power scenario was given by the guard. Long Tao thanked him upon reaching their destination.

Entering the meeting hall, Long Tao saw a group of people. All of them were wearing the robes, similar to the one worn by the keeper of the Incubation hall. These were the elders of the Star emperor academy. Long Tao came forward and bowed.” Junior pays his respects to the seniors. May I know what is the purpose of you calling me in here?”. One of the elders came forward and said” The vice-master has asked for your presence within the inner hall. You are to proceed and behave while you are in front of the vice-master.” Long Tao followed the instructions and entered the hall, where he could see three figures residing in a round table manner. The elder who brought Long Tao in said” These three are the three vice-masters of the Star Emperor Academy.”. Long Tao bowed again and paid his respects. The vice-masters asked the elder to return and they were left alone with Long Tao.

One of the vice masters indicated Long Tao to come forward and asked” You must have broken through the Qi master level by now right.”. Long Tao nodded and released his aura, the three vice-heads were shocked. Level 3 Qi master. What sort of speed was this? It had just been little more than 2 months and the boy had already broken through the QI master realm. Their junior brother was a monster for sure. The three of them laughed together and said” Congratulations on breaking through the Qi master realm. We are to inform you that our master the dean is looking toward you as a prospective candidate for his future disciple.”. Long Tao was surprised.

Within the Crimson Lord World, Long Tao was with the keeper. “These three people re quite talented too. The one on your right is at the 6th level of Qi general, the one on the left is at the 7th level, and the one at the center is at Qi general peak. Their master is a Qi King of the same realm as the first elder at least. You just got lucky brat. A Qi King is willing to take you as their student. You should coax these fellows in case they would be happy to pass down some resources to you.” Long Tao understood the meaning of the words. He gathered his fists and bowed to the three of them “Junior greets senior brothers.” The three of them fell silent and had an amusing look on their face. “This boy is quite cunning. Master hasn’t accepted you as his disciple. The minimum requirement is getting into the Qi general realm before 20 years of age. What is your age as of now?”. “I am nearly 18 years of age.”. These three were surprised again.

The condition they just said was something their master wanted them to say. They weren’t even at late QI master when they were 20. Their master wanted a junior brother to break through QI General within the age of 20. “Would you be able to achieve it, junior brother?”. Long Tao wanted to laugh. 2 years in the real world just to enter Qi general. He would be at mid-Qi general by the time he was 20. He wanted a year to get there. “I would like senior brothers to inform the master that I would be meeting him within one year.” The vice-heads didn’t react for some time but were about to say something when a message came forward. “The master would like to meet with you.”

Long Tao was grabbed hold by some sort of energy as he was transitioned through space to a different place. This was a separate Hill, with only an old hut standing in the middle. Long Tao proceeded towards the place and he was surprised. The Qi density here is many times higher than the Crimson Lord world. This was the power of a Qi King. Long Tao reached the entrance and was met with a voice “Enter”. The voice commanded. Long Tao opened the door but it didn’t budge. He started applying more force and QI, but all his Qi was absorbed by the door. The only way to open it was from pure physical strength. Long Tao started applying the power of his primary meridians. The Door budged a little but was shut down again. He then applied the power of all his secondary meridians and some of his acupoints. Finally, he was able to open the door just to see a middle-aged man sitting there.

When Long Tao finally entered the hut, the door closed behind him and the old man opened his eyes. “So, you are a body cultivator too, and you seem to have opened your secondary meridians. That is quite an achievement when still at the Qi master realm.” Long Tao was surprised about the comment. The old man was a body cultivator too. He tried to communicate with the keeper but was met with silence. It was like the keeper has gone into hiding. Long Tao looked up and bowed” junior greets senior. May I know if senior is the Dean of the Star emperor academy.” “Tell me about your current stage in body cultivation.” Long Tao’s question was ignored. Long Tao looked at the guy and knew that his cultivation is unfathomable as of now. He decided to tell the truth. ” I have successfully opened all my secondary meridians and am at the 20th tertiary meridian of my body.”

The person’s eye shone with a bright light. 2oth tertiary meridian, no doubt the speed of Qi cultivation is so fast. This boy might be the right choice for that competition. “I heard that you predict yourself to have broken through the QI general realm within the next year, am I correct. “. Long Tao nodded. He was confident in his talent. “If you are so confident, want to make a bet with me. Even if you managed to open the tertiary meridians, your speed wouldn’t be enough to break-through Qi general. If you are able to break through it one year later, I will personally give you a Qi King rank weapon, along with all my attack arts of the Qi general realm. I would also fulfill 3 of your requests for resources, no matter what they would be. But if you are unable to do it, you will have to follow my plan for your future, forget about your independence, until you become as strong as me. Do you dare?’. “I accept.”.

..... josei

“Good boy. You are quite the daring one. I will accept you as my disciple as of now.”. Long Tao knelt in respect.” Disciple greets his master.”. The dean asked Long Tao to raise his head up. “Since you are proficient in three elements. I will give you a meeting gift.”. The Dean passed Long Tao three vials.” One of them is the Beast flame ranked last, Burning salamander flame. The other is rose thunder, a thunder type essence. The last one is called heavy water, a water type natu8ral oddity. You are to inculcate these three by the next time I see. How you do it is upon you. These will help in improving your elemental abilities as well as your attack power and utilisation capability.”. This was the first time Long Tao was getting his hands on a natural oddity, and three at once. He thanked his master dearly.


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