Martial Research Master

Chapter 79

Chapter 79

79 RANK Bu Puti was laughing within his pavilion at the moment. He was quite elated with the battle proficiency of his disciple. He knew that his disciple was just using the four-thunder element attack skill that he learnt while in closed door cultivation. He didn’t know how to ask him to stop. “The brat really overdid it this time. He needs to stop. I won’t be able to stop him with just my words, as he wouldn’t care for them if he is too much into practicing the techniques he wanted to perfect. I was the one who asked for it in the first place. I suppose we need to let him step in.” Bu Puti took out his token and said” First elder are you in.”. “I am brother Puti. What I the matter?”. “I am sure you have heard about the ruckus my disciple has created in the academy. I need the help of that brat under you to stop him.”.

“Brother Puti, I am not being humble but I suppose we both know that your disciple is a monster, and he hasn’t even used anything other than the 4 techniques. I suppose brother realize he isn’t even using his full power. That brat might be able to push him to his limits, but defeating him is unlikely. Even I don’t know the limit of my disciple, but even he couldn’t stay standing after fighting 310 Qi master practitioners, who are the same level as him, nonetheless fighting 1 vs 8 at the same time.”. “Brother doesn’t need to worry. I suppose, your disciple is also in search of a worthy opponent. This would eb the perfect chance for us masters to get to know the real limits of our disciples. What do you say?”.

The arena-

Li Meng was standing there bored by now.” Looks like the top rankers of thunder god hall are just cowards. Bad for me. Is there anyone unsatisfied with my stature at the moment? If there is please stand up to the stage. Better yet, I will allow all of you to come at me the same time. The number doesn’t matter, just defeat me once.” Most of the audience were sitting with their heads down with shame. They didn’t know what to make of the situation in front of them. The top rankers were crushed like bugs, not bale to even retaliate properly. He is even allowing any number of people to gang up at him at the same time. A group of shameless individuals did stand out. “I know its not my place to speak against the eligibility of senior, but if you think that you are unsurmountable, then you are wrong. Let us teach you.” 50 peoples, attacked Li Meng at the same time. But the results were even more scary than before.

50 unmoving bodies were lying on the floor after an incense stick of time. Li Meng didn’t want to use compassion against anyone, whom he didn’t think to be eligible. The 50 peoples were just victims of his rage. The crowd was devastated after looking at he strength of Li Meng. They didn’t even have the guts to vice their opinions. Li Meng got down the stage and walked toward the door. On the way he got to see the guy who stopped him initially asking what his stature and strength as in front of their princess. Li Meng pointed at him and called him to the grounds. That guy came down nervously, his legs shaking violently from the fear he was currently feeling.” I suppose I satisfied your craving for looking at my strength mister. Anything you might want to say at the moment.” The guy fainted out of fear, wetting his pants in the process.

“I wouldn’t leave if I were you. Didn’t you want to fight the rank 1? Here I am accepting your proposal.”. A tiny figure appeared before Li Meng. This guy was the number 1 of the thunder-god hall, someone who was deemed to be at the same level as Ming Ruo. Li Meng didn’t notice anything special about the guy except for his short height and smug face, which started to irritate even him. Li Meng walked back to the stage with a smile on his face and said” Should we start then?”. This boy bowed and paid respect to Li Meng as well. After all Li Meng’s identity as the disciple of the vice-master made his status to be at the same height as of elders. “Futu Xuan pays his respect to elder brother Li. I would like to ask for your teaching. Hope you won’t go easy on me.” And so the fight between the two people started.

Li Meng began using the same set of technique. He was nearing the perfection stage with very passing second. But what shocked him was the fat that Futu Xuan was also using the same technique to confront him. The brawl continued as the two-adversary fought with each other. The power output of both were same and Li Meng felt himself to be pitted against the perfect person to practice the skill. They fought and li Meng didn’t put any excessive power in his attack. He used the same amount of power as Futu Xuan to counter the skills and learn from the bout. The elders watching were also learning new things about the skills being used and the way of execution.

Futu Xuan was shocked after each confrontation. When he heard his master saying Li Meng’s act until now and came to watch, he already had him in high regards as someone who was better than him in fighting, but when he confronted, he came to find that Li Meng wasn’t even exhausted. Just what kind of monster was this guy. He fought 300 fights and is still not even breathless. Also, with every passing strike he came to understand that Li Meng was using him as a test subject to perfect his skill. He isn’t even using a single ounce more of power than require to perfectly counter the skill of his. He was getting more and more excited about the fight. He wanted to fight Li Meng seriously now.

Just then Li Meng stopped and got down from the stage” You are a worthy opponent. Thank you for helping me to perfect the skill I have been practicing since the last month. I believe this would be enough to thank you.” Li Meng threw a ring towards him. When Futu Xuan looked inside, he was shocked. 2000 intermediate grade spirit stones. This was a huge amount of cultivation resources and Li Meng just give it to him for free. ” I suppose brother li is exhausted of all the fights he underwent today.”. Li Meng who was about to leave turned and clenched his fist. A crushing sound was heard throughout the hall. His QI began to regulate and then he executed Thunder punch on the ground. Then he turned around and left. Futu Xuan gulped a huge mouthful of saliva and was sweating profusely. The audience began to mock Li Meng’s show, but just as he disappeared, another set of cracking sound began to a appear.


The ground where the attack landed, began to crack, and it spread until it reached to every corner of the field. The crowd was slapped into silence. Futu Xuan looked at the departing figure and murmured to himself” So this is the answer to my question.” He was scared for the first time while confronting Li Meng. His suspicions were proven to be absolutely right. Li Meng didn’t even use his real power into those attacks. He was just practicing the attack skills trying to perfect them. The laughing figure who just departed had just created a history within the Thunder God academy. He was a matter of reverence within the academy now.

At the mansion of the first elder, three figures were seated. Futu Xuan entered the pavilion and was surprised to see the two figures beside his master. “I pay my respect to sect leader and senior sister. “Futu Xuan bowed. The two figures were Ming Ruo and her master. “you must be exhausted from the fight. Do sit down and recover. We would like to ask you about your fight? How was your new senior brother in terms of strength?”. The first elder spoke, but just then the sect master interrupted. “Let him rest for a bit and clear his mind. Use this for getting back to your top stage.” A panacea was handed to Futu Xuan who gladly accepted and drank it. His Qi was instantly replenished.

“I thank the master for her kindness to me.”. “Just tell me your unbiased opinion.”. “My new brother is a bit mysterious and a loner for sure. As per his strength, I don’t have word to describe.” Then he looked at Ming Ruo and said in a serious tone.” He would crush both of us at the same even in his sleep. That guy can be described with only a single term, Monster.”. “Why do you say that?”. The first elder asked in a hurry. Even Ming Ruo was a bit shaken. “The reason is simple. That guy didn’t even tried to fight me. He was using purely a singular skill in confrontation with the exact amount of power as I put in those skills. He didn’t try to overpower me, neither let me overpower him. Basically, he was toying with me.”

“I found my Qi reserves to be decreasing at a rapid rate after each fight, and his reserves were not even manipulated. It was as if he didn’t even put pressure eon his QI reserves during the whole fight. I hope you can estimate the strength of such a person. You should forget about getting the rank 1 position in the Thunder-god hall. Most probably you will be struck at 3″. He looked at the sect master and said” I suppose you remember our deal. I was to take the second position given there were only two contenders, but the 1st rank is already taken by that bastard. SO, your disciple will not be attending the selection this time around. “.

Ming Ruo looked at Futu Xuan and said “you shouldn’t be so sure. I will easily beat you.”. Futu Xuan laughed” With what, your level 9 cultivation.” He released his aura. The three people were shocked again. Futu Xuan was also a Qi master pinnacle stage practitioner. But he was still crushed by Li Meng’s abilities. Just where did this brat come from. Ming Ruo laughed too and released something else. Futu Xuan was the one surprised this time.” SO, you managed to awaken your bloodline. Maybe you will eb able to beat me after all. But better watch out for him”. Ming Ruo said” OH! That I will.”


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