Martial Transcendence

Chapter 7 - WHO'S NEXT!

Chapter 7 - WHO'S NEXT!

Du Chan really had a breakthrough!

"Woah! Let me check out how much stronger I got"

He got up from his cultivation. After stretching his body, he gave the wall a mean-packed punch.


A big hole broke into it. The sound was loud enough that all people in the sect heard it… Some guards came into the room and they were stunned to see a fist-sized hole in the wall.

"What happened here?" the guards asked nervously.

"N-Nothing, I was just practicing my punch" Du Chan replied, equally as nervous.

Those guards were dumbstruck.

"Okay, okay, you guys can leave now" a voice echoed in the room so suddenly.

It was then that he saw an old man enter. He wore the medicinal sect's uniform which was blue and white of color. Alongside him was Gu Auntie. When she saw Du Chan, she hurriedly came to him.

"Xiao Chan you're ok?"

"I'm fine Auntie" he said with a smile.

'Huuf' he took deep breath and thought carefully. 'I will not practice inside a room ever again.'

"Sect master told me to give you a pill. So I brought it to you, but looks like you're in good condition" the old man said, his lips forming a smile too.

"No, I have some more injur—" before Du Chan finished, he could feel that his body was fully healed and was healthier than usual.

"Hahaha, come with me. Let's go and meet the sect master" the old man said and began walking out of the room.

"Okay. Auntie, I will be back soon"

"Okay" Gu Auntie said, waving him goodbye.

After walking for a while, the two of them entered a garden full of herbs. There was a pond in the middle of it too. It is filled with water….I think? Because there was a very pure, clean, and calm aura coming out of it.

And there, a table was set aside of the pond and the sect master was sitting upon a chair and drinking tea.

When he saw Du Chan coming towards him, he smiled.

"Congratulations! You're the first person in history who succeeded in achieving the body training realm at the age of 8!"

Du Chan stood idly, unsure of what to say. In the end, he smiled.

"Come here. Take a seat"

"Sure….." he went and sat on the opposite side of the sect master

"You can take your leave" the master said to the old man.

"Then please excuse me" the old man reply and left soon after his words.

"I will not ask how you did it but this is my first time seeing someone like you. I have seen many geniuses, but they only reached body training when they were 13! "

'Huh? 13? …...I'm 8... I hope the sect master doesn't have any bad intentions about me.'

"Haha, no need to be scared I don't have any bad thoughts" sect master started laughing after seeing him sweat nervously.

"When I was a kid everyone said I was a genius. But compared to you, I feel like I'm just! Even below average. I believe you could reach the Xiantian realm in this life"

Du Chan remained silent, no words coming out of his mouth. But in fact, he finally decided to ask one thing.

"Sir, what realm are you at if I may ask?"

"Early Houtian" the sect master said proudly.


Seeing the reaction, the sect master burst into laughter.

"You will surpass me with your talent"


After some time the sect master took out a crystal orb. It looked extremely good to see.

"This orb is simply used to test a person's potential. It divides talents into five grades in the form of colors.

They are brown, grey, yellow, orange, and red."

Brown. This grade is the lowest. People with this talent grade can only hope to reach higher stages of the Qi Condensation realm. They can't enter the realms after these…

Grey. These people can only hope to reach the middle stage of the Blood Condensation realm if any person with heavenly defying luck can reach the late blood condensation realm.

Yellow. This grade, the people having it can possibly reach the mid or late stage of Viscera Condensation, and even if they entered the bone forging realm they can only forge one or two bones.

And the next grades are different from all the previous grades. You could say it's like the sky and the earth.

Orange. In this grade, people can reach the Houtian realm, and if they have heavenly defying luck then they can reach the Xiantian realm.

My grade is orange. But I don't think I have any hope to reach the Xiantian realm.

Red. This is a legendary grade only seen in thousands of years. In this grade, people can reach the Xiantian realm.

That's all that is known. The world is so big that we don't know if there is any higher realm after the Xiantian realm or not.

Okay let's check your grade"

I was listening to his words and suddenly he came to me, grabbed my hand, and poked my index finger. He then squeezed a drop of blood on the orb.

And the orb glowed brightly with light.

"This orb will show personas grade by taking a single drop of blood"

The sect master's voice echoed in my mind.

And after glowing for more than 5 minutes, the orb started to dim and I saw something unbelievable.

The orb was showing black and white colors….. It like black weaves wanted to swallow the white ones and similarly, the white weaves wanted to swallow the black ones. The battle between the two colors ended in 1 minute. Both became stable and shared equal space in the orb. [☯]

..... It was like watching a movie. Everything that happened in front of Du Chan was unbelievable. Du Chan saw the sect master's mouth opened very big. He was still in shock.

"This….there is a grade like this?" After coming out of shock he could only say that.

"I-I can't believe that such a thing exists'' the sect master sat on the chair and started thinking. But he couldn't get an answer for it so he gave up!

"It's a waste of time if I think about it, my knowledge is limited"

The orb changed back to normal.

"I don't know what that was but I can guess that it is something special. Let's hope it's a good sign"


"Hoof that was really surprising. Anyway, your injuries are healed. Will you return to the orphanage?" Sect master asked.

"Yes, there are so many kids waiting for auntie back at the orphanage"

"Hmm. Okay then you can leave now"

"Okay, sir" after saying that, Du Chan stood up and bowed. He walked away but again heard the sect master's voice.

"One more thing. Don't be in a hurry when you cultivate. Because in cultivation you need to have a good foundation. That is what you should proceed with. Slowly but surely and you will reach the Blood Condensation realm when you're 14yr-old. Okay! Keeping that in mind, let's meet after 6years have passed"

"Okay, sir. I will keep that in mind and thank you for your teachings!"

After saying that, Du Chan left the garden and went to that room he was staying in. Du Chan saw that auntie was waiting for him.

"Auntie lets go back to the orphanage"josei

"Wait...we should take sect master permission," auntie said

"He already gave me permission"

"Hooo. Okay then" Auntie stood up and went outside for transport.

After finding transport, we started our journey back to the orphanage.


We crossed the town and after traveling for some time we entered the forest.

Suddenly a small bag was thrown into the cart.

After it landed, a green smoke erupted out of it. It spread on the whole cart and around it. After a minute of inhaling it, Du Chan began coughing.

He saw that auntie and the driver had fallen asleep.

"What is happening? Why are they asleep? Wait….is this because of that smoke? I think that is a sleeping gas. And why doesn't it work on me?"

Questions were popping up in his head. He suddenly heard someone's voice.

"Big bro! We got another cart today, haha"

When he saw where the direction of that voice was, a thin guy walked in our direction with a sword in his hand. There was a big guy beside him too.

"Yes and I think we are lucky. Because I can see a lady inside this cart, we can enjoy her today, hahaha"

When he heard him saying that, Du Chan's anger reached its peak.

He closed the windows and door of the cart after pulling the driver inside it. And he came in front of the cart and crouched.

Du Chan saw that more guys were coming back from those 2. There was entirety of 9 members in front of him. When they reached in front of the cart they saw him.

They were shocked that the sleeping gas did not work on him.

"Big bro. This kid didn't fall asleep"

"So what. He is just a kid. Kill him and bring me that lady" Big Bro

"Hehe, sure big bro" the thin guy said.

Before he started walking, Du Chan gave his warning loud and clear.

"If you get near to the cart then you're dead"

When they heard him, all the guys were shocked and started to laugh hard.

"Hahaha, big bro! Did you hear that kid? That kid said he will kill us if we get near to that cart, hahaha!"

"Ptttt- I can't stop laughing"

"Hahaha, kid. Do you know who we are, people call us "nine devils" and you think you can kill us. Haha, very funny"

"Ok stop laughing. Kill that kid and bring me that lady fast" Big bro said loudly.

All stopped laughing and a big and bulky guy walked in front and said.

"Big bro let me kill that kid and bring you that lady"

"Very well, third brother. You can do it" the thin guy said and big bro nodded in agreement.

"Of course I can do it! I will tear this kid apart, hehe"

"Haha, yes do it" all guys screamed cheeringly.

"Hehe. Kid, you shouldn't have provoked us. I will let you experience hell" the third brother said with a disgusting smile on his ugly face.

"Come at me you ugly chunk of meatball"

"What did you say?" the third ugly meatball said.

"Omg, that kid said it" other guys were murmuring.

"Third brother doesn't like people who call him ugly. All the people who called him ugly died miserably" another one said. The thin guy smiled and big bro did not even hear anything. He was just staring at the cart.

"I said you're an ugly chunk of meatball" Du Chan repeated again.

"Ahhhh! I will kill you" ugly meatball raised his big sword and tried to swing at him.

Du Chan closed his eyes and focused on his fist. He punched him in his stomach with great strength and as fast as he could before he swung that big sword.


A big hole appeared in his stomach. His whole body was opened and his internal organs blasted apart.


A metal sound came. It was that of the sword falling on the ground from the ugly meatball. His body fell on the ground and he was…


All those guys were shocked after seeing this.

"Ahhh! That kid killed our third brother"

"I will kill that kid"

... those guys started shooting and Du Chan took the big sword from the ground. It was as tall as him. Then he picked it up and placed it on his shoulder.

He announced,

"WHO'S NEXT!".....

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