Marvel Hogwarts Wizard

Chapter 447

Chapter 447: “The Fight”

“What’s the specific situation?” On the screen, Agent Hill asked Tony.

He shook his head, then replied, “The mission failed. Ultron took away everything, but the good news is that the wizard is back.”

“The wizard is back?” Hill’s eyes lit up.

The wizard is obviously the strongest person they have in the world, and he is also recognized as the strongest among all the Avengers at present. Although Jerry has never admitted that he is an Avenger, but in the eyes of the public, he is a member of the Avengers.

“Good afternoon, Agent Hill.” Jerry came over and said hello.

Hill is also the first agent he came into contact with. She remembered that he was a wizard hiding and was afraid that others would discover his identity.

“Welcome back. I think Nick will be delighted to hear this.”

“Unfortunately, I may have to tell him some bad news.” Jerry shrugged.

Regarding Thanos’ Infinity Stones collection, Ego will devour things in the universe, and he must tell Fury and all the Avengers.

Although they may not come in handy in the end, it can give them a sense of crisis and allow them to concentrate on improving their strength in the next few years rather than doing nothing and starting a civil war.

“Bad news?” Hill was stunned.

Jerry smiled, “Let’s talk about it when we meet.”

“Okay, Barton will take you to a safe place where Ultron can’t connect to the internet. Fury and Coulson are also there.” Hill nodded and closed the video call.

Seeing the screen darkened, Jerry asked Tony next to him, “By the way, what happened to you and Captain Rogers? Something feels off?”

“Some time ago, we had trouble because of some things.” Tony sighed and told the whole story.

The main reason for the conflict between the two was because of the Winter Soldier, who Jerry had subdued to protect Pierce in the S.H.I.E.L.D. building. After Jerry left that day, Steve discovered that the Winter Soldier was his long-dead friend Bucky.josei

Steve has been frail and weak since childhood, and his friend Bucky has always cared for him. Later, he became Captain America through a super soldier serum. They were still good friends. It can be said that Bucky is the most important friend in his life.

As for why Bucky is alive now and has become the famous Winter Soldier of Hydra, Steve finally finds the answer after a series of investigations, including helping Coulson destroy many of Hydra’s remaining bases.

It turned out that during the mission, Bucky fell off a cliff and did not fall to his death but was brought back by Dr. Zola, and brainwashed him, which turned him into a ruthless killer without any memory and only knew how to obey orders.

Likewise, other Winter Soldiers like him are being held in Siberia. With the help of Coulson’s team, Fitz and Gemma, Bucky finally regained all his memories, but there was a big problem.

It was Bucky who killed many good people for Hydra during the time he was controlled to be a hitman. Among them, there were Tony’s parents.

After learning the news, Steve was immediately put in a dilemma. Under the guidance of Coulson’s team, he took Bucky to find Tony and told Tony the whole story.

Tony was very angry because of this. He just learned the harsh truth about the very reason why his parents were dead that night. In the end, Tony didn’t kill Bucky but just kicked Steve and Bucky out of the Stark Building because he really couldn’t forgive the person who killed his parents.

Even Steve took the initiative to talk to him several times during this time, but he did not respond in a good way.

“Tell me, am I being too stingy? After all, Bucky is also a victim of this incident.” After recounting the grudge between him and Steve, Tony couldn’t help sighing.

After such a long time, he has forgiven most of Steve and Bucky’s sins in his heart, but he didn’t say it.

Jerry also sighed at this time.

According to the original plot, what Tony said happened after the Ultron incident ended, and things were different from what Tony said.

“To be honest, I think you have done a good job. If it were me, even if that Bucky did it under control, I would still kill him.” Jerry consoled.

Compared to Steve, he and Tony have known each other for a long time and have a stronger relationship. If he had to choose one side, he would definitely be on Tony’s side. He’s not as great as Tony and Steve, but he would sacrifice himself for civilians.

What he cares more about is his family and friends. If his family and friends are killed, no matter whether that person is controlled or not, he will not let it go.

“Jerry, I know you’re trying to cheer me. I sometimes think that his point of view doesn’t seem to be wrong. If it wasn’t because you arrived in time and that lady controlled Banner, it’s hard for me to think it was his fault.” Tony thought for a while.

Jerry heard the words and smiled, “If you think that way, that’s good. After all, from the standpoint of friends, I still hope that you and Steve can reconcile.”

Although if the two were going to fight, he would stand for Tony, it would be best if they could make it out peacefully.

“I didn’t say that your plane on Earth is too slow. You should have listened to me just now. Take my Milano because her speed is beyond your imagination.”

Jerry had just finished chatting with Tony when Star-Lord’s complaints came from behind.

He shook his head helplessly and asked Hawkeye, who was flying the plane in front of him, “How long will it take to reach the destination?”

“It’s a bit far away. I’m afraid it will take five or six hours. You guys can take a rest for a while.” Barton turned his head back while driving the plane.

Jerry heard and said, “Tell me about the approximate location coordinates. I will open a portal directly in front of the plane so that we don’t have to fly for so long.”

“Uh, well. The coordinates are…” Hawkeye was stunned for a moment, nodded immediately, and told the coordinates.

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