Master of Beasts

Chapter 1034

Chapter 1034: scapegoat?

"Several brothers, it's better, just him."

The vocal youth stared at Xiao Yang with a smile, with a smile on his face that made the latter's eyes narrowed slightly.josei

Xiao Yang saw this kind of smile a lot.

Although I don't know what the purpose of this young man is, he definitely has no good intentions.

"Alright, I scratched his face. No one should be able to recognize it. Even if things are revealed in the end, we can still find the wrong target without seeing a real person, and prevaricate the past."

"Time is running out, just do it like this."

These few people talked about **** Xiao Yang, who had already seen the young man below him as a dead thing.


The color of satisfaction appeared on their faces, and in front of several people, there was a fire sparrow flashing out. The strongest one was Tier 4, and the weakest was Tier 2 Middle Emperor Vault.

These people are extraordinary in strength.

Especially in the Black Fiend Forest, the hard-to-find area of ​​the Spirit Emperor.

But obviously, they were much older than Yun Rong and the costumes Xiao Yang had never seen before. They should belong to the small sect.

"A few, what do you mean." As soon as these people came up, they were going to kill them, and they also talked about incomprehensible conversations. In Xiao Yang's eyes, the cold light gradually condensed.

"What do you mean?"

The strongest among several people, named Duan Lie, looked at Xiao Yang and smiled lightly: "Blood Slaughter, you slaughtered the entire population of Bailuo City half a month ago. It is cruel and innocent. Disciple of Yunfu, you are ordered to take your head, do righteous things, and eliminate harm for the Northern Territory!"

"You have admitted the wrong person." Xiao Yang frowned slightly, these people were not right.

"Of course we know the wrong person." Xu Que, who was beside Duan Lie, smiled and said: "However, after we took the task, we must deliver the corpse of Blood Slaughter to Blood Luo Zong within three days. Once it expires, we won’t be able to get it. Reward, so I can only wrong you and be a substitute for the dead. After receiving the reward, a few of us will be grateful to you."

Hearing this, Xiao Yang finally understood completely.

These disciples of Ziyun Mansion did not encounter the blood butcher after receiving the task, or said that they could not kill the blood butcher at all, so they set the target on him.

These people are going to use her life to get rewards!

"Ziyun Mansion, do you know that you do this kind of thing?" Xiao Yang's eyes suddenly became cold.

Are you embarrassed to do such a despicable thing?

A group of beasts!

If these people today weren't him, then there would be an innocent person who was killed here, and then sent to the Blood Luozong. Eternal life will not be able to wash away the shame!

"As long as you kill you, who knows." Duan Lie smiled, and the voice uttered from his mouth was filled with endless irony: "To blame, blame you for being too low in strength, and you are still an ice spiritualist! "

"Firebird, Huoyunpecks!"


Amidst the mocking laughter of several people, the five blazing firebirds waved their wings, and the purple flames swept across them. They shot towards Xiao Yang's direction, and the purple light flashing on their sharp beaks was extremely sharp.

"Now, I can finally complete the task and get the Fire Cloud Crystal." With arms around his chest, Xu Que looked down at Xiao Yang below with a full smile.


A dazzling thunder light flickered beside him, and Xiao Yang muttered to himself: "I thought that the most unbearable people on the mainland were those cults. I was wrong. There are some moral beasts who are better than those wicked people who **** blood and strengthen bones. It's even unbearable."

"That...what is that!" Looking at the Lei Dishi next to Xiao Yang, the smile on Xu Que's face suddenly stiffened, and the eyes of the others trembled fiercely.

This breath...

It is stronger than the fourth-order emperor-level spirit beast!


The thunder light on his right foot condensed, and the Lei Dishi suddenly rushed forward, shaking his right leg, bringing out a thunder light in the air, which was so bright that even the light of the sun in the sky was suppressed for a while.

"Boom boom boom!"

Lei Guang swept across, the bodies of several flame sparrows burst into pieces one after another, and masses of blood mist burst open.

The huge black evil forest was deadly silent.


With blood spurting in their mouths, Xu Que and Duan Lie covered their chests with shock and fear in their eyes.

Ziyun Sect is not a small sect near the Black Fiend Forest, but several of them, especially Duan Lie, are already the strongest among the disciples of Ziyun Sect.

Moreover, he was still the core disciple of the sixth year of enrollment.

But in the face of Xiao Yang, he was so vulnerable?

"Misunderstanding, this is a misunderstanding!"

One kick exploded five blazing firebirds. On Lei Dishi’s right foot, the thunder light shook again. The raging thunder and the surrounding trees burst together. Xu Que and Duan Lie were frightened. Scream.


Xiao Yang sneered.

These people had previously engraved the name of Xuetu with a knife on his body, and received the reward of Blood Luozong. What misunderstanding can there be?


Substantial ripples waved under him, Lei Dishi's body trembled, and his raised right foot relentlessly slammed towards Duan Lie, Xu Que and the others.

"Elder, save me!"

The screams of soul flying and dispersing echoed in the forest, and the faces of several people were filled with horror and regret. They only saw Yu Bingdie, but they did not expect that Xiao Yang was not an ordinary spiritualist.

Under the right foot swept out by Lei Dishi, the four people including Duan Lie who were on the ground died on the spot.

The body fell to the ground, Duan Lie couldn't catch his eyes.

He regretted why he should follow Xu Que's statement and frame Xiao Yang.


At the moment when Xu Que was screaming, he was about to be killed, a series of purple-red puppets, madly whistling towards him, forcing Lei Dishi to retreat.


Seizing the panicked Xu Que, several old men stepped in the sky and stared at Xiao Yang coldly: "Dare to ask, our disciple of the Ziyun Sect, what's the feast with you, you are so cruel!"

"Elder, let's go!" How dare Xu Que let Xiao Yang tell the cause and effect, yelling again and again.

"Shut up!" Looking at Feng Rui in the eyes of an elder, Xu Que shuddered, not daring to speak again.

"You good disciples, you can't kill the one called Xuetu, so you want me to top the tank, take my corpse and return to Xueluozong to receive the reward, I will kill them, not too much."

Xiao Yang's indifferent voice spread, Xu Que was sweating and his pupils trembled rapidly.

To die!


Hearing Xiao Yang's words~~ several Ziyunzong elders looked at each other in disbelief. Everyone saw the stunnedness in each other's eyes. Coupled with Xu Que's performance, they knew , What Xiao Yang said is true.

"Elder, I was wrong..." Xu Quegang wanted to plead.


The headed elder grabbed Xu Que's collar and looked at Xiao Yang's eyes as cold as an eagle: "Blood massacre, you massacred the city first, and now you are killing my disciple of the Ziyun Sect. It is truly cruel. Today , The old man will walk for the sky and send you this thief on the road!"

Xu Que was stunned for a moment, and then his eyes showed ecstasy.

These elders must protect him!

Yes, this kind of scandal is the shame of Ziyun Sect. Once it is spread, the reputation of Ziyun Sect will be instantly destroyed. In order to restore the reputation of the sect, the dead will only be Xiao Yang!

(End of this chapter)

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