Master of Beasts

Chapter 1039

Chapter 1039: Blood Slaughter Appears

In the lonely forest, a blood-colored streamer shot quickly in the front, and behind him, Xiao Yang, flapping the wings of white fireworks, followed closely.

Stepping lightly on the tree trunk, Xiao Yang's black robe was hunting and hunting, and his movements were never rushed or slow, as if strolling in a leisurely courtyard, not half irritable.

at last.


The **** streamer stopped on a towering boulder and stopped moving.

"Why don't you run away?" Looking at the back in the blood gown, Xiao Yang twitched the corner of his mouth and smiled lightly.

"Your speed is very fast, I think, most of it depends on some kind of special secret technique." A hoarse voice came from the mouth of the blood-robed figure: "How did you discover me."

"A Tier 8 Spirit Emperor, mixed in a small Ziyun Mansion, is always a bit dazzling, not to mention, you have been following me in the Black Fiend Forest, even if you have changed your appearance several times, but your strength, But you can't do anything fake." Xiao Yang shrugged and said with a smile.

"It seems that I am smart." There was a bit of self-deprecating at the corner of the mouth, and the figure in the blood robe slowly turned around. The young face was handsome and pale: "I think you should guess who I am. "

"I have carried a black pot for you a few times. If I don't know who you are anymore, then I will be a little too dull. Am I right, Blood Slaughter?" Xiao Yang asked with a smile.

From the Black Fiend Forest, Xiao Yang noticed a breath, watching him all the time.

Except for the blood slaughter wanted by the Blood Luo Zong, Xiao Yang couldn't think of any other Tier 8 Spirit Emperor who would be mixed in a small black evil forest.

At this point, Xiao Yang shook his head mockingly.

Xu Que and the others really did not know how to live or die. As the fourth-order spirit emperor, they dared to take on the task of killing the blood massacre.

"I didn't kill the people in Huolan City." Xuetu looked at Xiao Yang, his voice slightly hoarse.

"That has nothing to do with me, I will follow you, just want to confirm the previous guess, as for your affairs, I don't care, and I don't want to care." Xiao Yang flapped the white firework wings behind him, and wanted to leave.

He doesn't like to be nosy.

Especially things that have nothing to do with yourself.

"I know the whereabouts of the ice soul stone." Xuetu suddenly said, causing Xiao Yang to stop the fire wings that had just been flapped.

"Where?" Xiao Yang narrowed his eyes slightly, his gaze rested on Xue Tu.

In the Black Fiend Forest, Blood Slaughter saw him hunting down the Ice Storm Profound Frost Ape. With the Royal Ice Butterfly in his body, he was in desperate need of the Ice Soul Stone, so it was not difficult to guess.

"I need your help. After the matter is over, I will tell you the location of the Ice Soul Stone, and I will never break my promise." Xue Tu slowly said, "Of course, I am not a threat. Even if you don't help me, I will. I tell you, because, no matter what, what we are about to do is the same."

Looking at Xuetu deeply, Xiao Yang pondered a little, and a gentle smile filled his face.

"Then wish us a happy cooperation in advance."

Following the two figures, they quickly soared into the sky. After shaking gently for a few times, the sturdy branches gradually stood still, and the lonely forest returned to tranquility again.

In front of Ziyun Mansion.

Several disciples who had just completed the task quickly flew back with their faces full of exhaustion.

Among these people, the strongest one is the first-order spirit emperor, and the weakest one is only the eighth-order spirit emperor. Compared with Xu Que of the fourth-order spirit emperor, there is a huge gap.

And this is also one of the great characteristics of sects such as Ziyun Mansion.

"It's so bloody." His brows suddenly wrinkled, and the first-order spirit emperor, ignoring the surprised eyes of the few people behind him, quickly shot to the sky above Ziyun Mansion, with a strong touch of horror and fear on his face. Rapidly spread.

On the square, thin blood lingers.

And below that, countless white bones and drained corpses piled together like a hill.

"How could this happen..." The disciple knelt on the square with a snap, looking at the tragic death of the former brother and brother, his face turned pale.

Ziyun Mansion, destroy the door!

"This is not true!" The other disciples of Ziyun Mansion collapsed directly on the ground, unable to believe what they saw.

"Brother, look there!" A disciple pointed angrily at a corner.

A sharp blood gun of spiritual power was inserted obliquely on Xu Qian's chest.

"It's a blood butcher!"

"I am at odds with him!"

The heart-piercing roar sounded from Ziyun Mansion, shaking the branches and leaves within a radius of ten miles, trembling.

"You said, everything was done by Xue Luozong?"

Flying across the sky, Xiao Yang looked at the blood slaughter beside him with a look of surprise.

"Yes." Xuetu nodded slowly: "My name is Yang Feng. I am a big disciple of Xueluo Zong. No, it should be said that it is the predecessor. The name of Xuetu is just Blood Luozong. I betrayed the sect. Behind the door, it was forcibly placed on my head. I have never done anything with this name."

"Then what's their purpose in killing the city?" Xiao Yang asked again, and he automatically ignored the identity of the former disciple of Yang Feng's blood and Luo Zong.

Of course, his heart is still on guard.

Regardless of Yang Feng or everything around him.

He is not a rookie who has just stepped out of the family, and it is difficult to be completely at ease and trust a person who has just met.

"Have you ever heard of Xue Luoxin?" Yang Feng glanced at Xiao Yang.

Bloody heart?josei

Xiao Yang's eyes were slightly solemn.

The blood heart, the blood-attribute spirit animal blood king Kun, is just a dead thing before it is activated by abundant blood, but when it absorbs a thousand drops of blood, it will become a heart-like The object is called the blood heart.

Legend has it that after the ninth-order spirit emperor refines the blood and heart, he can successfully break through to the spirit king.

"Stupid." Xiao Yang snorted coldly.

Some people dare to get involved with that kind of brutal thing?

That evil spirit is not blood energy, but pure blood evil spirit. Even the Spirit King may not be able to hold it. After the 9th-order Spirit Emperor is refined, it can certainly break through, but from then on, his temperament will change drastically, and his mood will change drastically. In the end, it became a complete killing machine.

All their lives can only survive by swallowing blood.

Sooner or later, they will go crazy because of the evil spirit.

"In order to catalyze Blood Luoxin~~ Blood Luozong has massacred dozens of towns, and there are special blood formation guards. When they massacred the city, the outside world knew nothing about it, and I strongly opposed it. Therefore, they put all the crimes on my head." Yang Feng's tone was a little tired.

Because of the identity of the blood slaughter, he suffered several assaults and killings.

If the Blood Luozong is not resolved, there may be more such attacks in the future.

"Their next goal is Golden Tiger City."

In Yang Feng's hoarse voice, the speed of the two suddenly skyrocketed, and they rushed to the direction of Golden Tiger City. There, an invisible formation flickered and flickered. Under the shining of the sun, the surrounding environment was perfect. Fusion together, ordinary people can't detect it at all.


The invisible ripples spread around.

Xiao Yang and Yang Feng got into the formation directly, and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

(End of this chapter)

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